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Overview on food and nutrition in Mycenaean Greece. Published version of my Ph. D. thesis from 2002.
Sanctuaries in Minoan Crete and Mycenaean Greece appear to have property which they manage. This means that they are not merely ideological institutions, but also command financial power and resources, an important conclusion for the... more
The recent surge in ancient scripts has resulted in huge image libraries of ancient texts. Data mining of the collected images enables the study of the evolution of these ancient scripts. In particular, the origin of the Indus Valley... more
Les archives du roi Nestor offers scholars the long-awaited full scholarly edition of the Linear B documents found at Pylos from 1939 to date. For the first time—along with transliterations, information about size and number of fragments,... more
The assignment – selection problem used to find one-to- one match of given “Users” to “Laptops”, the main objective is to minimize the cost as per user requirement. This paper presents satisfactory solution for real assignment – Laptop... more
A look at the puzzling lack of *dativus possessivus* forms in our corpus of Mycenaean Greek, with a possible pragmatic explanation for this phenomenon. Presented at the Greek and Latin Linguistics panel of the 2016 SCS meeting in San... more
This paper sets out to explore an idiosyncratic linguistic feature only attested on a number of Linear B documents from Pylos, namely the occurrence of sequences of particles in clause-initial, and sometimes also tablet-initial, position.... more
The region of Triphylia in the western Peloponnese has only recently attracted new research in its history and archaeological remains. This coastal strip between the historical regions of Elis and Messenia was defined by the river... more
The assignment – selection problem used to find one-to-one match of given " Users " to " Laptops " , the main objective is to minimize the cost as per user requirement. This paper presents satisfactory solution for real assignment –... more
ABSTRACT: This documentary response sheet contains a series of sequential questions drawn from the video, Acorn: The Minotaur's Island (shown in-class; also available online via [95 minutes]).... more
Σκοπός του άρθρου αυτού είναι να εξεταστούν συγκριτικά οι πληροφορίες για τον κορυφαίο αξιωματούχο και επικεφαλής της διοικητικής οργάνωσης κάθε μυκηναϊκού βασιλείου, τον wa-na-ka, ἄνακτα. Παρουσιάζονται οι καταγραφές του τίτλου,... more
The book collects John Killen’s articles on the Mycenaean palace economy. The collection includes 73 items from a total of 120 published from 1962 to 2012 plus 2 unpublished articles and is divided into three volumes (I: 1962-1985, II:... more
This paper describes new approaches to the documentation and publication of texts in the Greek Bronze Age through discussion of the authors’ ongoing project to study and publish the Linear B documents from the ‘Palace of Nestor’ at Pylos... more
Lin. A e-si-ja : Ἑστία / Ἱστία : Hatt. Estan > Hitt. Istanus ‘sun goddess’ and others
The Greek peoples were not indigenous, but the Greek language arose through the mixture of a group of IE speakers with an earlier population. The theory by P. Kretschmer of their arrival in three successive waves has been rejected. Thus,... more
SUMMARY: Lecture 15 provides coverage on the art, architecture, state, administration, and economy of the Late Bronze Age Mycenaeans, and a discussion of the presumed Mycenaean takeover or domination of Crete (Minoans); the Minoan... more
The book analyzes a passage from Sophocles ("Trachiniae", vv. 153-160) and another from Plutarch ("De genio Socratis", 5, 577 F) in which two tablets inscribed in "mysteric" characters are cited, in all probability documents, instead,... more
Despite its ubiquity in historical and mythological narratives, the ancient region of southern Phokis in central Greece has been approached primarily as a backdrop for more prominent neighbors (e.g. Delphi, Boiotia), whose roles have been... more
The subject of what has come to be described as "Minoan Goddess" is tackled by a number of scholars from several fields of study (Archaeology, Anthropology, Sociology, History of Religion, Political activism to name a few). Proposed... more
In 1956, Ventris and Chadwick proposed that coriander may be derived from ko-ri-ja¬-do-no (koria(n)dnon), thought to be employed in the production of unguents. Due to this poor phonetic approximation, a fresh proposal is overdue. I... more
The focus of this paper is the relationship between the two most important places mentioned in the Linear B tablets from Pylos: pu-ro (alphabetical Greek Πύλος) and pa-ki-ja-na/-ne (possibly *Σφαγιᾶνα/ες). The first is identified as the... more
Ever since humankind first settled down in permanent settlements as the direct consequence of farming of grains and other crops and the raising of livestock in the Late Neolithic era, the territorial imperative has consistently dictated... more
As opposed to the established tradition according to which Okeanos and Tethys were the parents of all rivers known to the Greeks and of all unknown mythical rivers to the end of the world and in the underworld, Homer refers to Oceanus and... more
The Linear B records at Pylos point to large, multifaceted industries in both textile and perfumed oil production, with a large degree of specialization and a complex administrative system. It seems as though both value-added goods -... more
The Late Minoan (LM) II period at Knossos, c. 1470-1420 BC, represented a pivotal point in the history of the Aegean Bronze Age, but the full extent to which it shaped the following centuries has yet to be fully appreciated or studied.... more