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A reconstruction of Henry of Huntingdon's "Anglicanus ortus" from the surviving, fragmentary manuscripts, along with an edition of Henry's verse lapidary "De gemmis preciosis".
History of Lapidaries / Gem Cutters. Histoire des Lapidaires, tailleurs-polisseurs de gemmes. Résumé 1ère partie : Orfèvres Joailliers, Lapidaires et Diamantaires ont été opposés dans de profondes rivalités afin d’établir en France les... more
Sono complessivamente 256, suddivise in 48 sezioni, le lapidi storiche di Savigliano censite e documentate dall'aprile 1983 all'aprile 1987 sul mensile «Natura Nostra» in un lavoro sistematico curato da Vico Ferrero e realizzato insieme a... more
In academic fields in Italy, there are many cases of collaboration between universities and various institutions protecting Cultural Heritage. This is possible due to the large number of archaeological heritage sites and artifacts... more
Bu çalışmada, Çubuk (Ankara) ilçesinde bulunan andezitik ve riyolitik birimlerde köşe ve kanal dolgusu olarak gelişen ve bunun dışında içinde kendine özgü çubuksu kristalleri bulunan Çubuk agatlarının karakterizasyonu ve süstaşı olarak... more
The unique document «Fabergé's general ledger, 1909–1916», which was found out in the State Archive of the Russian Federation, give us a possibility to find a new features of Fabergé firm producing and trade. This theme is a rather actual... more
The information contained in "Bookkeeping book of Fabergé of the period 1909-1916" found in the State Archive of the Russian Federation is being introduced into scientific use. The document contains information about purchases of the most... more
At the surrounding structures of the Great Temple of Tenochtitlan, near a thousand lapidary objects were recovered. They were made of various raw materials foreign to the Basin of Mexico. These objects came from 12 offerings in six... more
ÖZET Batı Anadolu'nun verimli topraklarında hüküm süren Lidya Krallığı, başkentleri olan ve bugün Manisa sınırlarında bulunan Sardes'te, başta sanat ve bilim olmak üzere, birçok alanda faaliyet göstermiştir. Uygarlık tarihinde önemli bir... more
Thanks to a passage of Coryat’s Crudities (1611), where the English traveller describes his visit to Brescia (August 1608), now is possible to reconstruct a lost commemorative plaque, once placed upon the internal wall of the local... more
Characterization of the Agates Collected from Çubuk Region of Turkey and Processability of these Agates as Ornamental Stone ÖZET Bu çalışmada, Çubuk (Ankara) ilçesinde bulunan andezitik ve riyolitik birimlerde köşe ve kanal dolgusu olarak... more
В статье приводится историографический обзор научных работ, посвященных кам¬нерезному искусству Среднего Урала. Анализируются важнейшие публикации с сере¬дины XX столетия до настоящего времени, рассматриваются проблемы, затронутые... more
ÖZET Batı Anadolu'nun verimli topraklarında hüküm süren Lidya Krallığı, başkentleri olan ve bugün Manisa sınırlarında bulunan Sardes'te, başta sanat ve bilim olmak üzere, birçok alanda faaliyet göstermiştir. Uygarlık tarihinde önemli bir... more
Nigerians and a few foreigners involved in the Nigerian gems trade mainly around central Nigeria (Jos city to be precise) gradually developed the capacity to locally pre-form, cut cabochons and facet gems to certain levels of excellence.... more
Giakoumis K. – Lockwood C. (2015), “Pilgrimage Centered at Text and Memory: The Lapidar in Qukës–Pishkash”, in Oei van Gervain V. [ed.] (2015), Lapidari, Brooklyn NY: Punctum Books, v. 1, pp. 89-96 (Albanian translation on pp. 97-104).
In an effort to understand the conceptual unity of the Cotton Nero A.x. (art. 3) poems, I argue that a survey of the kinds of stones in the texts and their biblical meanings can provide a heuristic for understanding the intertextual... more
... books on the basis of the constantly increasing new discoveries of the time, and by Otho Brunfels (1530–36), Adam Lonicerus (Lonitzer, 1551), Conradus Gesnerus (Konrad Gesner, 1551–58 ... The same fate happened to Duarte... more
In Italy, in the academic field, there are many cases of collaboration between the University and the various institutions protecting Cultural Heritage. It is made possible because of the large section of archaeological heritage requiring... more
Der Text umfasst die Beschreibung, die Analyse und die Interpretierung von Elementen des Lapidariums in Stare Łysogórki (Alt Lietzegöricke), die nach der offiziellen Enthüllung am 23. April 2016 erschienen. Das erste Element ist eine... more
In his Serpentum et draconum historiae (1640), a first edition of which is held in the Library of the Palace of Mafra, Ulisse Aldrovandi (1522-1605) selectively recounted ancient and contemporary beliefs concerning the dragonstone–a... more