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Forced migration is a global issue. About 34 million of the world's inhabitants were identified in 2010 by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees as either refugees, internally displaced persons, asylum seekers or stateless... more
The process of accession of the immigrant population has passed of form parallel to the creation of his own associations. This fact can be considered in a beginning one more step in the configuration of a multicultural model, but also he... more
This paper explores the socio-psychological aspects of British national identification among British South Asians, which constitutes the largest ethnic minority group in Britain. Identity Process Theory can elucidate the social and... more
Politicians have long engaged in marketing themselves by employing distinct speaking styles to signal social standing, competence, or a shared background with their audience. What effect does this use of different language appeals have on... more
Zur Situation der Regional- und Minderheitensprachen in der EU, publiziert 2002 in "Die Union - Vierteljahreszeitschrift für
Integrationsfragen", herausgegeben von der Vertretung der Europäische Kommission in Österreich.
One of the dangers that we should be aware of when we study issues of language policy and planning is the fragmentary perspective by which they can be approached. Reality, by contrast, is interrelated and overlapping. This is why a... more
A study of the limits of multilingual literary expression in print culture. Beginning with the insight that multilingual literature defies simple translation, Brian Lennon examines the resistance multilingual literature offers to book... more
Moving beyond the existing scholarship on language politics in north India which mainly focuses on Hindi–Urdu debates, Language Politics and Public Sphere in North India examines the formation of Maithili movement in the context of... more
Provincializing Bollywood argues that Bhojpuri cinema exemplifies the overflow of a provincial derivative form that defies its place in the given scheme of things. Situating it at the intersection of vernacular media production and the... more
The aim of this article is to interpret the changes in the instrumentalisation and institutionalisation of Brazilian Portuguese brought about by international cooperation treaties  specially those relative to Mercosul  ,... more
The parliament elections are now finished, and the problem of setting the new constitution is now rising especially because the islamists have gained the majority of the parliament. It has been along debate between the Liberal and the... more
There are a few media statements/articles/news would probably suite your interest on the issue of refugees in Mas. I put the title of the press coverage along with the link that u can click n reach the full article.
‘L’avenir de l’enseignement des langues locales : les obstacles juridiques et idéologiques dans un monde globalisant’, in L’enseignement des langues locales, institutions, méthodes idéologies : Actes des Quatrièmes journées des droits... more
A transcript and video of a TV interview with Sir Eric Pickles MP on 20 March 2017, in which he agrees that the first large-scale central government funding for promoting the Cornish language, delivered from 2010 to 2016, was a political... more
Presented 8 April 2016 at Undergraduate Linguistics Association of Britain conference at the University of Aberdeen: Coined by Ernst Håkon Jahr as a sociolinguistic ’experiment’, Norwegian Nynorsk - the constructed written language based... more
Border anxieties pervade discussions of refugees, asylum seekers and the defence of white privilege. Many scholars (see for example Burke 2002; Mares 2002; Tascon 2002; Macken-Horarik 2003; Green 2004; Hodge and O.Carroll 2006; Rajaram... more
This is Chapter 1 of "Choosing a Mother Tongue: The Politics of Language and Identity in Ukraine." This book presents a sociocultural linguistic analysis of discourses of conflict, as well as an examination of how linguistic identity is... more
Though generally associated with the Italian Marxist Antonio Gramsci, the idea of hegemony had a crucial history in revolutionary Russia where it was used to conceptualize the dynamics of political and cultural leadership. Drawing on... more
Невдовзі після початку окупації Криму московська влада подала ук раїн- сько-російську двомовність в Україні як мовний конфлікт, у якому росій- ська або російськомовна частина населення зазнає утисків, якщо взагалі не переслідується діями... more
This article presents a brief survey and analysis of the most intimate coupling of culture and national projects that occurred in Central Europe following the success of the Italian and German nation-states established in this manner... more
There are currently twenty-four official languages of the European Union (EU), all of which have official status in at least one of the twenty-eight Members States. The equal status of these official languages results in multilingualism... more
Μελέτη βασισμένη στα μεταγλωσσικά σχόλια του ποιητή όπως παρουσιάζονται στις Δοκιμές.
This chapter challenges simplistic representations of the intercommunal violence that took place during the 1946 oil strike in Abadan, in the Iranian province of Khuzestan, as rooted either in primordial ethnic hatred or in an imperialist... more
In recent decades, the criminalization of immigration and the use of private prisons have increased in popularity. The criminalization of immigration and the privatization of prisons work hand in hand in shaping the American criminal... more