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O texto pretende lançar algumas hipóteses sobre a presença da literatura japonesa no polissistema literário do Brasil. Podemos identificar quatro vertentes tradutórias, com normas e lógicas distintas, a partir de critérios como: traduções... more
The translation and reception of Japanese literature in Romania has followed the vicissitudes of the country's coming into modernity in the 19th century and slide into fascism and communism throughout the 20th century, as well as the... more
O presente ensaio pretende recuperar a presença da cultura japonesa na história da literatura, tradução e atividade editorial brasileira. No início do século XX, a poesia japonesa foi algumas vezes lembrada pelos movimentos literários... more
Il volume presenta la prima traduzione mondiale del romanzo "Inazuma" (Lampi) di Hayashi Fumiko (1903-1951), preceduta da un'ampia introduzione. Hayashi arriva a Tokyo dalla provincia all’inizio degli anni Venti, giovane, determinata,... more
Abstract: During the conduction of research on Turkologist Kōji Ōkubo, Özrenk Aydın discovered a Japanese poem translated into Turkish published in Ōkubo’s article that dates back to 1938. On the basis of previous studies, this... more
George T. Sipos is one of the Romanian translators who work with languages many of us would be happy to know a few words in – in his case, Japanese. For more than 25 years now, he has translated from Japanese... more
Современная Япония постепенно теряет черты традиционного общества - ни в образе жизни, ни в рационе питания, ни в семейном укладе уже не существует общепринятых стандартов, на их место пришло многообразие социальных норм и форм. То же... more
Takiji Kobayashi LE 15 MARS 1928 Le 15 mars 1928 évoque une journée de répression. Ce jour-là, 1 600 militants communistes et socialistes, accusés de vouloir renverser le cabinet conservateur de Giichi Tanaka, sont arrêtés par la police... more
"Япония: мир в капле дождя, японский номер "Иностранной литературы"

"The contents of the special Japanese issue”
Sekai wa bungaku de dekiteiru: teaching Japanese literature as world literature In his seminal study Sekai wa bungaku de dekiteiru 「世界は文学でできている」 (The world is made of literature), Numano Mitsuyoshi 沼野充義 reconsiders the grounds for... more
Translations and Reception of Mishima Yukio in Romania.
In Teresa Ciapparoni La Roca (ed.), Mishima monogatari: Un samurai delle arti, Turin: Edizioni Lindau, 2020. 205-214.
ISBN: 978-88-3353-466-4
Romanian Language Database of Japanese Studies is a digital open source reference tool for the ever-growing field of Japanese studies in Romanian.
Contributions of new records are always welcome.