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The goal of this book is to discuss the theoretical challenges posed by the study of social and political inequality of local societies in Western Europe during the Early Middle Ages. Traditional approaches have defined rural communities... more
In August 2003, during the survey of the site of Carsulae (Terni, Italy) remains of a fortification were identified along the western boundary of the archaeological park. These can be interpreted as the remains of a defensive 'agger'... more
Lo scopo di quest’articolo è realizzare una sintesi introduttiva sullo stato della ricerca per ciò che riguarda il genere. Comincerò rivedendo tutto ciò che riguarda l’origine degli studi di genere per poi soffermarmi su una delle aree in... more
An account of the excavations at Villa Magna, near Anagni, which revealed an imperial villa, built by Hadrian, with a magnificent winery, and its successive transformations: a late Roman and early medieval estate, a medieval village,... more
Il presente lavoro di tesi, dal titolo Fornaci romane per la produzione ceramica: tipologia e funzionamento, si articola in sette capitoli, di cui i primi sei relativi alla lavorazione dell’argilla e alla produzione della ceramica e il... more
The Later European Prehistory Group of Cambridge is excited to invite you to submit an abstract to our conference “A Blessing and a Curse: Mediterranean mountains between idyll and violence in later Prehistory” Mountains are indeed double... more
Cos Prototyped Dressel 2-4 Amphorae from Elaiussa Sebaste Abstract Elaiussa Sebaste, laying in Cilicia Tracheia, in current borders of Mersin (Turkey), had played a signifi cant role in commerces in the Mediterranean since Hellenistic... more
The people known to us as the Veneti, who occupied an area of north-east Italy roughly corresponding to the modern Veneto, are perhaps one of the lesser-known peoples of ancient Italy, but they had a rich, diverse, and fascinating... more
This study concerns five iron age cemeteries, chronologically dated at the end of 7th-early 6th century BC and geographically located in western Emilia-Romagna (northern Italy), and aims to point out the ritual behaviors of these... more
I studied archeology in Italy (like in part IV), France, Hungary and met and discussed with DAI leader in Rome and senior leader archeologist in Hungary. I went to ex-Roman borders and strategic places and so. Studied military sciences... more
"Mycenaean Greece and Bronze Age Italy: cooperation, trade or war? The interactions between Italy and Greece from the late 14th to the 11th century BC are the subject of this paper. During that particular period, new bronze types such as... more
The post-Roman pottery excavated at the abbey between 1908 and 1979 amounts to about 10,247 sherds. The collection is of great interest, since it demonstrates occupation on the site in the fifth or sixth century, includes the largest... more
This paper discusses several aspects of Roman Metallurgy in the large area between Oriental Alps and Pannonian Plain, metal workshops, the identification of workshop production, specialization, mass production, and the evolution of copper... more
This work studies the fortifications of the ancient Basta or Bausta, a pre-Roman Messapian site corresponding to the modern village of Vaste, close to the town of Poggiardo, in Lecce Province. Vaste is in the south-eastern part of the... more
La tomba a camera tardoromana di San Salvo The traditional research about the relationships among the two banks of the Adriatic sea, based mainly on the documentary sources, in the recent years has become wealthy of important data... more
Witcher, R.E. (2006). Broken Pots and Meaningless Dots? Surveying the Rural Landscapes of Roman Italy. Papers of the British School at Rome 74: 39-72. This article questions why the popularity of field survey as a method for the study of... more
Full .pdf available from Archaeopress: Etruscan architecture underwent various changes between the later Iron Age and the Archaic... more
The Lucio Mariani Photographic Collection, housed in the Gabinetto Fotografico Nazionale of the ICCD (Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo e la Documentazione), has recently been studied, complete with digitization and catalogue. Lucio... more
Edited Volume of Papers. Editor, A.J. Nijboer. I made this volume available on this page in February 2016 after receiving requests for copies. Peeters publishers in Leuven should have back copies of Caecvlvs but since I can... more
Camardo, D. (2006) Gli scavi ed i restauri di Amedeo Maiuri. Ercolano e l’esperimento di una città museo. Ocnus: Quaderni della Scuola di Specializzazione in Archeologia 14: 69-81.
Il sito eneolitico di Pantano Borghese è caratterizzato da una complessa seriazione stratigrafica. Sono state individuate più fasi di frequentazione, impostate su distinti livelli di colluvio e contraddistinte da strutture abitative, aree... more
Author: Marta Luciani. Marta Luciani 2007: 'Archaeological Field Training for a Variety of Different Types of Sites: From the Near Eastern Tell to the Prehistoric Settlement Camp,' in From Concepts of the Past to Practical Strategies: The... more
Il sito archeologico di Sepino sorge sulla piana di Bojano, un’area di importanza economica strategica essendo al centro di uno snodo stradale che collegava, tra il IV e il III sec. a. C., il Sannio Pentro con la Valle Peligna (Abruzzo) e... more
This is my review of the interesting and important work by Caroline Goodson, Cultivating the City in Early Medieval Italy. Not only will readers discover that this is a rich and multi-faceted work but also one that brings into the field... more