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This volume contains the following articles, research reports, and obituaries: "Betty Jane Meggers (December 5, 1921-July 2, 2012)" by Monica Barnes; "Reminiscences of a Stalwart Adversary" by Robert L. Carneiro; Betty Meggers: Her later... more
This volume contains the following articles, research reports, and obituaries: "Earl Henry Lubensky (March 31, 1921 - May 1, 2009)" by Deborah M. Pearsall; "Juan (Hans) Santiago Rene Schobinger (February 18, 1928 - July 11, 2009)" by... more
La presente tesis comprende el estudio de las representaciones rupestres presentes en el centro poblado de Macashca, cuyas representaciones se pueden adscribir al Periodo Formativo (1700-200 a.c.). Se analizan los motivos de este periodo... more
RESUMEN El valle de Casma presenta una mayor concentración de sitios monumentales del Periodo Inicial. En contraste existe un vacío arqueológico en cuanto al estudio de los asentamientos domésticos del Periodo Inicial en este valle,... more
En este documento presentamos los resultados preliminares de las últimas investigaciones del Proyecto de investigación arqueológica del distrito de Cáceres, Ancash (PIADCA). Estos resultados están enfocados en el estudio del montículo... more
Apart from the materials and archaeological contexts excavated at Hacha in the Acarí Valley, until now evidence for the Initial Period along the southern coast of Perú were limited to some isolated findings that lacked well-defined... more
Objective This study was undertaken to identify pathological conditions within the population living at Atalla (1000-500 BCE), an important early village site and ritual center located in Huancavelica, Peru. Materials Articulated burials... more
The archaeology of the Late Preceramic (3500–1800 b.c.) and Initial Periods (1800–800 b.c.) on the north coast of Peru is focused on monumental ceremonial buildings and little attention has been paid to small residential settlements.... more
This archaeozoological study refers to the use of faunal resources and their management by humans during two very specific periods: the Mid-Archaic (3600–3000 BC) and the Initial Period (1500–800 BC), both documented at Pernil Alto, a... more
Information drawn principally from Lima's El Comercio regarding Julio C Tello's 1933 excavations at Cerro Blanco and Punkuri in the Nepena Valley, Peru.
In 2019, while conducting a survey of the Carabamba River valley (ca. 150–3,325 m asl) in northern Peru, we identified and surveyed a group of five unreported geoglyphs. Their location and iconography suggest that they date from the... more
In 2019, while conducting a survey of the Carabamba River valley (ca. 150–3,325 m asl) in northern Peru, we identified and surveyed a group of five unreported geoglyphs. Their location and iconography suggest that they date from the... more