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In short, this essay does for the concept of the assemblage what Deleuze and Giorgio Agamben did for Foucault in their essays on the dispositif: it extracts from a large body of work the core formal features of its operative methodology... more
Ovaj esej osvetljava dva čuvena soneta koji se na specifičan način bave pitanjem čulnosti, odnosno zasnivanjem veze pesničkog jezika i čulnih fenomena. I jedan i drugi zauzimaju povlašćeno interpretativno mesto kada je poezija navedenih... more
Corporeity can be shown as an important study element of the relations between individuals, indicating a singular modus for the development of cognitive-affective processes. The aim of this study was to develop a reflection, starting from... more
This thesis attempts to relate anthropological debates about indigenous urbanization in Amazonia and the boundary-making approach from sociology with each other and with the politics of aesthetics in the specific context of Roraima, the... more
This paper examines the way in which regimes of the sensible participate in the forming of the discourse of love poetry in Flowers of Evil by Charles Baudelaire, and in particular to the cycle of poems dedicated to Geanne Duvall. It... more
Paper published in the Avello Publishing Journal, v.1, n.1 (2011) with accompanying 2 1/2 minute film.
Plutôt qu’un nouveau paradigme scientifique ou une n-ième révolution industrielle, les nanotechnologies ne pourraient-elles pas être considérées comme un phénomène esthétique ? Si cette hypothèse mérite d’être prise au sérieux, c'est à... more
U ovom se eseju analizira način na koji se simbolički poredak upisuje u polje čulnosti u drami Maska Miloša Crnjanskog. Pristup je interdiscipinaran i zasniva se na koncepcijama istorije čulnosti i psihoanalitičkoj teoriji Žaka Lakana.... more
El presente trabajo intentará dar cuenta de cómo se entrelazan mutuamente la filosofía y la cuestión política en Gilles Deleuze. Para llevar a cabo nuestro trabajo primero trataremos algunas formas de abordar la relación de la obra de... more
이재원, 「미학은 어떻게 정치와 조우하는가?」, 『대학원신문』(제247호), 2008년 3월 5일자; 자크 랑시에르, 오윤성 옮김, 『감성의 분할: 미학과 정치』(도서출판b, 2008)에 관한 서평. “구양봉의 橫書竪說”이라는 연재기사의 첫 번째 글. [참조링크]
Resumen: El presente ensayo cuestiona el lugar del sujeto dentro del Capi-talismo Mundial Integrado. Dado que el sujeto es comprendido como una producción propia del capitalismo, la cual es agenciada de manera preverbal Revista Colombiana... more
The article takes Cornelius Castoriadis’ concept of the ‘political imaginary’ as an invitation to reflect on the role of pictures in politics and in facilitating alternative policies. For this purpose, pictures are not understood as... more