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Forrásközlése Lévay Sándor 1850 nyarán a száműzetésbe kényszerült Lonovics Józsefhez küldött bizalmas leveléről, amelyben beszámol a magyarországi egyházi és politikai állapotokról.
Es handelt sich um die Übersetzung des Tagebuchs von Petar Čarnojević aus der Zeit seiner politischen Tätigkeit in der Eigenschaft eines königlichen Kommissars (vom 27. April—28. Juli 1848), als man ihn beauftragt hatte, den Unruhen im... more
The Flag of of the 86th Honvéd Battalion from the Collectionof the Székely National Museum (Abstract) The flags of the 1848–1849 Hungarian Revolution and War of Independence were treated with a special kind of respect and after... more
This study aims to introduce some of the most outstanding Hungarian American military heroes, leaders, who joined and actively contributed to the foundation and development of the United States of America since the War of Independence... more
Szakdolgozatom középpontjában az 1848-as önvédelmi háború és szabadságharc idején a hazai nemzetiségi vélt vagy valós szerepvállalások állnak. Ezt a témát három részben fogom feldolgozni. Ahhoz, hogy ezt megfelelő kontextusban tudjuk... more
The subject of this analysis are the issues related to the revolutionary events which took place in Europe between 1848 and 1849, and which have been referred to in history as the "Spring of Nations". Although these events, which had... more
Béres Norbert, „Kilétemet fel nem fedhetem”: Szacsvay Imre: Álarcz és nefelejts, Irodalomismeret, 2021/3, 32–57.
In diploma work we dealt with the issue of civil war in Hungary in the years 1848 – 1849, the war and the political aspects. We summarize the most important events of the revolutionary years of the whole Hungary. In conclusion, we look at... more
The life of Archduke Stephen, his appointment to Palatine of Hungary, and his exile are described in surprising detail in András Gergely's book entitled Áruló vagy áldozat? (Traitor or Victim?). Despite the thoroughness of the volume,... more
The life of Ján Andráscsik is a perfect illustration of the difficulties one encounters when trying to grasp Hungarian-Slovakian relations in the first half of the nineteenth century by projecting a modern notional framework on it. By... more
Jókai Mór: Egy az Isten "A szokott, triviális történet. Az ideál, a szép hölgy nagy veszélybe keveredik, ....
In Gödöllő on 7 April 1849, after the battle of Isaszeg, which closed the first stage of the Spring Campaign, the Hungarian military and political leaders decided on a somewhat hazardous operational plan, which, however, bade fair to... more
The "Diary of my Military Life" is the reminiscences of a hitherto unknown Honvéd hunting master on the last phase of the 1848–1849 Hungarian War of Independence. The diary was written by a simple soldier who saw the events “from... more
The diary published in the present research paper contains the memoires of a first lieutenant of the Hungarian Home Defence Forces who was conscripted into the Austrian imperial army after the downfall of the Hungarian war for... more
In the spring of 1848, already after the ides of March, on 6 April, before the passing of the April Laws that established the constitutional monarchy, the enthusiastic newspaper reader could raise an eyebrow when picking up the newest... more
Tóth Tamás tanulmánykötete a tizenöt éves háború idejétől egészen napjainkig kronologikus elrendezésben, több aspektusból tárja fel azt a kapcsolatot, amely összeköti az Örök Várost a történelmi Magyarországgal. A szerző közel két... more
"Bir Macarı Elli Bin Osmanlı Kanı Döker Yine Muhafaza Ederim" Sultan Abdülmecid

"If it is necessary I secrify 50000 Ottoman soldier rather to give a single Hungarian Refugee" Sultan Abdülmecid 1849
During the last months of the 1848–1849 Hungarian War of Independence, Polish immigrants in Constantinople elaborated a large-scale cooperation plan against Russia. According to two letters found in the archives of the Topkapi Palace in... more
text in english here (pp. 45-58): The author analyzes the program documents of the Slovak national movement as historiographical sources. He focuses on historical thinking of Slovak patriots in the year of revolution 1848 and then in the... more
The first part of the research article introduces on which occasions the civil guard, then the newly formed National Guard units in Pest-Buda used their orchestras after the Hungarian Revolution of 15th March 1848 in order to perform... more
The Church, mainly the local clergy, played an important, galvanizing role in Hungary in 1848. In the spring of 1848 the possibility of a democratic transformation in the Catholic Church seemed to be a crucial point. The liberal priests... more
A tanulmányban azt vizsgálom, mikor és milyen jelentéssel bukkant fel a kifejezés,kik használták, milyen ellenfogalmai voltak és hogyan viszonyul például a forradalom fogalmához.
This paper is intended to provide a catalogue of existing images that portray or may portray General György Kmety of the Honvéd (Hungarian) Army, who was born 200 years ago. In order to compile an official iconography, all the necessary... more
Löw Lipót és Einhorn Ignác 1848/49-es tevékenységét foglalja össze a tanulmány,, mindketten tábori lelkészi szolgálatot vállaltak az 1848/49-es szabadságharcban.
A könyv a magyar hadsereg tábori lelkészeinek feladatait és szolgálati viszonyait elemzi 1848/49-ben.
Zipser Kanoniker und in den Jahren 1847 – 1851 auch Kapitelvikar Dominik Biacovský (in verschiedenen Dokumenten und literarischen Quellen tritt er unter den Namen Biatzovszky, Biaczovszky, Biaczovsky auf) verwaltete die Zipser Diözese... more
A political and intellectual history of Romanian Forty-Eighters' exile in France after the Romanian revolution in Walachia Principality in summer 1848. The study aims to look at the exile as an intellectual experience and a moment of... more