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Alla metà del Cinquecento, Federico Grisone, gentiluomo napoletano dava per la prima volta alle stampe un libro sull’arte di ammaestrare il cavallo «per l’uso della guerra» e sui segreti per «emendarne i vitii». L’opera ebbe subito un... more
In the eighteenth century a growing interest in the British institutions and culture spread throughout Europe. This trend also involved the equestrian field. “English equitation” became fashionable and the interest in horse racing and... more
New interesting and unknown details of Cesare Fiaschi’s biography emerge from the study of some ancient sources, which illu-minate, with a new light, one of the most in-teresting figures of the Renaissance eques-trian culture and disprove... more
""En Filipo II y el Arte de la Guerra tendremos la oportunidad de conocer en profundidad a uno de los más grandes reyes de la antigua Macedonia. Gracias a su habilidad como estratega, diplomático, político y soldado, heredó un reino... more
I wrote this article for the 2012 Oxford Companion to Archaeology, updating very considerably my contribution to the 1996 edition. Substantial changes were needed in order to take into consideration research carried out in the intervening... more
"Ces Actes des Journées d’étude internationales (Strasbourg, 6-7 novembre 2009) sont l’aboutissement d’un programme de recherche (2007-2009), mené au sein de l’UMR 7044 (Étude des civilisations de l’Antiquité : de la Préhistoire à... more
Love as a feeling of total gift of yourself to the other and of the other to yourself, with the tremendous responsibility that goes along with it. And death then becomes an unacceptable step away from this reality. Death comes and love... more
Documento guía de las pláticas que he ofrecido en el Seminario Infancias (Facultad de Historia) y a integrantes del Consejo Ciudadano de Morelia en junio de 2016. Planteo en siete páginas con vínculos a documentos qué ha sido del jaripeo... more
The contexts surrounding the Bhimbetka Rock Art depictions of horse are certainly from Early Holocene Mesolithic period of Central India.
Mycenae culture became due to its own merits, the most important one in continental Greece for more than four centuries all along the II Millennium B.C. Its commercial importance due to the fact they took advantage of the minoans exchange... more
This book surveys the practice of horse racing from antiquity to the modern period, and in this way offers a selective global history. Unlike previous histories of horse racing, which generally make claims about the exclusiveness of... more
The Fund Osuna of the Biblioteca Nacional de España in Madrid holds the manuscript of an unpublished and hitherto unknown work by Federico Grisone, the famous author of the "Ordini di cavalcare" (Orders of Riding, 1550), the first... more
Nous tenterons dans cette étude de montrer dans quelles conditions, par quels moyens les japonais ont développé lʼéquipement du cheval utilisé pour la monte, voir dans quelle mesure cet équipement du cheval est différent ou... more
A survey of the main technical features of Renaissance horsemanship analyzed through the texts of the first equestrian treatises, published in Italy during the Sixteenth century.
Ludovico Ariosto è, l’autore che meglio di chiunque altro prima e dopo di lui, è riuscito a sintetizzare in un’opera letteraria l’ideale cavalleresco che permeava la sua epoca. Un ideale che ha profondamente influenzato tutta la società... more
At, Türk yaşam tarzının önemli bir ögesi olmuştur. En eski Türk yazıtlarından günümüze kadar at etrafında geniş bir söz varlığı meydana geldiği görülmektedir. 6000 yıl öncesinde evcilleştirildiği düşünülen at, hem sütünden hem de etinden... more
The story of a great equestrian feast held in Rome during the Carnival of 1634, offers us an opportunity to discover the original rules (currently unrecognized) of the Saracen Joust and to reconstruct the interesting dramaturgy of this... more
Lisans öğrenciliği yıllarımda yazdığım bu makaleyi; şu anda değerlendirdiğimde birçok hatalı bilgi ve görüşüm olduğunu görmekteyim. Makaleme ulaşan değerli öğrenci ve araştırmacıların da; bu görüşümü göz önünde bulundurarak kendisini bir... more
The horse has a twofold nature, docile and at the same time wild, which has always attracted but also frightened man. Not surprisingly, a large part of one of the first treatises dedicated to horseback riding, the Livro da Ensinança de... more
L’Athénien Xénophon (environ 428 – environ 355 avant Jésus-Christ) est l’auteur d’une œuvre considérable. Outre les Helléniques, qui raconte l’histoire du monde grec dans la première moitié du IVe siècle, ou bien les Mémorables, qui... more
Referential communication occurs when a sender elaborates its gestures to direct the attention of a recipient to its role in pursuit of the desired goal, e.g. by pointing or showing an object, thereby informing the recipient what it... more
Peculiar burials of the medieval period were investigated during the archaeological excavations of barrow 2 from Sovruno-1 barrow burial mound in the territory of the Ipatovsky District of Stavropol Krai. A total of two burials encircled... more
Along the history of Sassanid’s Empire many landmarks marked its turns. But the most important internal issues the kings Shapur I and Khosrau II had to go through were the political, military, social and administrative reforms that they... more
This is a MA term paper, written for a Graduate level cultural anthropology course. None of this research was applicable to my thesis at the time but I thought the topic important enough to share on Academia.
The statues of Mastino II and Cangrande della Scala, in the Civi Museum of Castlevecchio in Verona, allow us to observe in detail the seat and the equipment of a medieval knight. We thus find explicitly displayed the two different styles... more
Le statue di Mastino II e Cangrande della Scala, provenienti dalle cosiddette Arche Scaligere e conservate nel Museo Civico di Castelvecchio a Verona, ci permettono di osservare nei dettagli l’assetto e l’equipaggiamento di un cavaliere... more
Tras la caída del Imperio parto a manos de Ardešīr, el nacimiento de la nueva Persia sasánida llevo aparejada la aparición de un nuevo poder en Oriente Próximo que sustentaría su cohesión y expansión en la fuerza militar. A lo largo de su... more
It is not very well known that Vittorio Alfieri (1749-1803), one of the greatest Italian poets of the eighteenth century, had a deep love for horses and horseback riding. His autobiography reveals him as a very ironic and adventurous... more
Das Dissertationsprojekt widmet sich vordergründig der Untersuchung des Verkehrsträgers „Pferd“ und seiner Einbindung in das Gefüge spätmittelalterlicher zwischenstädtischer Kommunikationsformen im Westen des Heiligen Römischen Reiches.... more
ISBN 978-84-941099-7-3 Desde tiempos inmemoriales Asia ha sido la cuna de numerosos imperios pero, de entre todos ellos, llegando a abarcar desde el Pacífico hasta el Mediterráneo y desde Siberia hasta el Índico, los mongoles crearon el... more
About a new spectacle named "toros matacaballos" (horse killers bulls) trying to reach a UNESCO's Intangible Heritage Status and so get "protected" from criticism.
"Una constante, cuando nos referimos a la mitología griega, consiste en que, a menudo, parece que traspasa la realidad, de manera que ambos mundos, el real y el imaginado, se mezclan. En lo que respecta a las amazonas, existían diversos... more