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Het ontwerp en daarmee ontwerpproces dat in deze bundel onderzocht wordt heeft een filosofische insteek, namelijk het centraal stellen van de spelende mens, de Homo Ludens. Deze Homo Ludens is bijna honderd jaar geleden geïntroduceerd... more
This paper investigates the evolution of larp safety in the NordicAmerican larp community in the last decade, tracing the correlation between safety rhetorics (opinions, arguments, and policies) and mechanics (explicit rules regulating... more
У раду се анализира такозвани свет одраслих сагледан очима детета и модуси његовог утицаја на идентитет и интегритет детета које о истом приповеда. Одабиром романа Живот је пред тобом (La vie devant soi, 1975) француског писца Ромена... more
Anagram Word Games: Creative classroom strategies for children and English language learners. " Our point of departure must be the conception of an almost childlike play-sense expressing itself in various play-forms, some serious, some... more
Relacje orientalistyczne (zwane relacjami niedbałymi) dotyczące Japonii i różnych przejawów kultury japońskiej zdają się stanowić nieunikniony składnik komunikacji społecznej w dobie powszechności i cykliczności przekazu masowego. Warto... more
“Güncel Sanatta Oyun Kuramı ve Oyun Olgusu” başlıklı tez çalışmasında oyun olgusunu anlaşılır hale getirmek amacıyla, öncelikle oyun kavramı üzerine çalışmış düşünürlere yer verilmiştir. Oyun kavramı tarihsel, toplumsal, mitolojik,... more
El presente ensayo plantea el fundamento lúdico en el dadaísmo. Se utilizarán el concepto de juego como un fenómeno cultural, tal como es definido por el Huizinga. A su vez, se analizará el juego en Dadá de forma transversal a sus... more
Perché il fenomeno ludico può essere un vero e proprio "trattato" di teologia? Cosa ha a che fare il gioco con la teologia? Apparentemente sembra esserci una distanza, se non addirittura, date certe idee, un abisso tra gioco e teologia.... more
Play cannot any longer be understood as bordered by rituals, it has to be understood by its own special complexity of time. Along Gregory Bateson, Donald W. Winnicott, Daniel Sterne, Peter Fonagy, Jacques Derrida und Gilles Deleuze play... more
The author discusses Johan Huizinga’s Homo Ludens and the animating mood that it calls the “play spirit.” He argues that these styles of playfulness represent a major practical and theoretical contribution Huizinga offers contemporary... more
El trabajo de tesis se interesa por comprender la importancia antropológica de la máscara a través de la práctica del Cosplay, actividad que consiste en disfrazarse y actuar como algún personaje de ciencia ficción, vídeo juegos, cómics,... more
„Welche Sühnefeiern, welche heiligen Spiele werden wir erfinden müssen?“1 lässt Nietzsche den tollen Menschen fragen, der auf dem Marktplatz den Tod Gottes verkündet. Ihm ist klar, dass dieses Ereignis nicht ohne Kompensation ertragen... more
The theologian Hugo Rahner argued that the homo ludens is a man of ‘Ernstheiterkeit’ (seriouscheerfulness), a person who can smile under tears but also recognizes the gravity in all earthly cheerfulness. !e primary aim of this study was... more
[de/en] Spiel und Arbeit gelten oft als Gegensätze: Das Spiel als freie Betätigung menschlicher Vermögen, die Arbeit als deren Subordination unter einen äußeren Zweck. Die Festlegung des Spiels auf konsequenzlose Wiederholbarkeit hat ihm... more
MOST OF THE IDEAS IN THIS PAPER HAVE BEEN DEVELOPED IN: ANDREW MURRAY, The Tragedy, Pathosformeln and Politics of Huizinga's Autumntide of the Middle Ages, published open access and available here: more
The ancient Greeks had a name for the joy as well as the sorrow of an occasion that suddenly presents itself, but disappears just as swiftly: kairos, or in Latin occasio. Using the Mantua grisaille as starting point and leading motif,... more
Sažetak: Premda je u Crkvi igra kao fenomen bila prisutna na različite načine, gledano u cjelini, igra u sustavnoj teološkoj misli nije imala velik značaj. Osim otkrivanja korisnosti igre na pastoralnom i katehetskom planu, u novije se... more
Abstract: What happens when you invite Johan Huizinga, Howard Gardner, Zygmunt Bauman and Paul Feyerabend to dance with teachers Jomar Mesquita, Ricardo Garcia and Ed Charlles? The Rueda de Casino is a Cuban dance in which several pairs... more
ABSTRACT The theologian Hugo Rahner argued that the homo ludens is a man of ‘Ernstheiterkeit’ (seriouscheerfulness), a person who can smile under tears but also recognizes the gravity in all earthly cheerfulness. The primary aim of this... more
The following paper seeks to address the idea of a player community’s life cycle in a holistic way by shedding light on key issues related to the creation of wargaming groups, sustaining these groups and their mechanisms of decay. It... more
As Miguel A. Gomes Gargamala says in the introduction to the special issue, “A Pandemonium of Borges”: “Further references to Góngora are found in Philip Lavender's ‘Ludic skalds, Odinic visitors and the Origins of Jorge Luis Borges'... more
Artykuł przedstawia analizę ogólnodostępnych raportów podejmujących zagadnienia gier wideo i towarzyszących im zjawisk, przy czym autorzy skupiają się na wątkach rodzinnych i rodzicielskich. Punkt wyjścia stanowią potrzeby i oczekiwania... more
Kojima Productions’ Death Stranding (2019) imagines a post-apocalyptic future in which the United States has been broken apart into isolated, individualist communities. Players assume the role of Sam Bridges, a courier for the seemingly... more
This essay provides a textual analysis of what Scrooge's gift, of the prize turkey, means as a social performance. It is argued that this gift represents the transformation from a puritan ethic based on capital accumulation to a more... more
In this article I analyze the interface of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt with regard to its transparency as well as its influence on the player’s  immersion. Furthermore, I scrutinize all measures used by the interface to decrease the effect... more
Bu çalışma, gerçek ile kurgu arasındaki ilişkiyi Oğuz Atay’ın “Tehlikeli Oyunlar” adlı metnine atıfta bulunarak eleştirel bir bakış açısı ile ele almaktadır. Makale, yaşam gerçekliğini bir metnin kurgusundan kesin olarak... more
for a presentation to be given at the TRASH Symposium, University of Vienna, January 28-29, 2016. Trash femininities in celebrity culture are performed as ludic identities, exhibiting the mechanics, dynamics, and aesthetics of a game. As... more
Games gain popularity as teaching tools. Escape rooms, however, are a novelty, with most authors focusing on their description rather than the analysis of effects of their utilisation. The objective of this paper is to analyse experiences... more
Desde el homo ludens de Huizinga, la cultura humana viene a definirse sub specie ludi. Al supeditar conceptos anteriores, como homo sapiens de Carl von Linné y homo faber de Henri Bergson, Huizinga da por cierto que el juego y el animal... more
The article explores play that draws inspiration from an arena previously widely understudied: playful craft making using food as a medium for human-material interaction. Through using the theoretical and analytical framework of Johan... more
Linguistics deals with communication and its pragmatic effects in terms of dynamic changes in human relationships fostered by the information circulated between the interacting parties. Such relationships may be especially complex in the... more
Gry planszowe poza funkcjami rozrywkowymi mogą pełnić istotne funkcje edukacyjne. Istnieje wiele gier zdolnych nie tylko do kształtowania kompetencji społecznych czy logicznego myślenia, wnioskowania i planowania, ale też do przekazywania... more
La teoría de juegos de Johan Huizinga se contextualiza históricamente alrededor de los juegos tradicionales. En respuesta a Henri Bergson, que señala que el Homo Sapiens es la consecuencia del Homo Faber (el ser humano que fabrica),... more
Motivated as much by a deep concern with the rapidly evolving human condition as by intellectual curiosity, this article reveals the problem-driven and futurological nature of Flusserian interology. The insinuation is that compared to... more
This article focuses on Dutch older adults' use of digital devices in general, and digital games in particular, from an intergenerational perspective. We first present some facts related to provide insight into how Dutch older adults use... more
Title: “Rule no.3: Never raid with pants on.”–An Anthropological Study of Communication, Co-Operation and Friendship in the ’Virtual’World of Warcraft Author: I. Haraldsson, 2017 Uppsala University The Department for Cultural... more
The article explores play that draws inspiration from an arena previously widely understudied: playful craft making using food as a medium for human-material interaction. Through using the theoretical and analytical framework of Johan... more
Resumen A partir de la lectura de algunos libros de Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Albert Camus y Teresa de la Parra, se observa cómo el juego en la infancia, aun con su ámbito limitado, ofrece posibilidades infinitas de imaginar y... more
In The Spirit of Liturgy, Romano Guardini argued that liturgy is a playful activity. But one may ask, can liturgy really be analysed in light of the experience of play? This question opens up different theoretical problems, which range... more