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Velvets are one of the most luxurious textile materials and were frequently used in furnishings and costumes in the Middle East, Europe and Asia in the fifteenth to sixteenth centuries. Owing to many valuable studies on Ottoman and... more
The Mongol Zoominar presents: Daily Life in the Mongol Empire with Susanne Reichert (University of Michigan) "A Day at Karakorum: The City and Its People" Alicia Ventresca Miller (University of Michigan) "Life in the Northern... more
Brockhaus Enzyklopädie: Jahrbuch 2017, Gütersloh/ München 2018, S. 272 – 275.
After the end of World War II, millions of people were uprooted all over Europe. After realizing that many of those people did not want to return to their former places of origin, the United Nations founded the International Refugee... more
In diesem Artikel wird der Wanderhandel als Ausdruck gesellschaftlicher Konflikte des 19. Jahrhunderts am Beispiel des oberlausitzer Grenzraums beleuchtet. Die Modernisierungsprozesse des 19. Jahrhunderts hielten auch und gerade für die... more
Between 1946 and 1951, roughly one million European refugees and Displaced Persons (DPs) – mainly survivors of the National Socialist (NS) terror and Eastern Europeans who feared persecution in or by the Soviet Union – were resettled all... more
El objetivo principal de este trabajo de investigación, becado por el Instituto de Estudios Zamoranos "Florián de Ocampo" (Diputación de Zamora), se sintetiza en el análisis diacrónico y comparativo de los diferentes discursos... more
Eric J. Schmaltz. "Carrots, Sticks...and Demonstrations: Yuri Andropov's Failed Autonomy Plan for Soviet Kazakhstan's Germans, 1976-1980." Journal of the American Historical Society of Germans from Russia (Lincoln, Nebraska), Vol. 39,... more
We found totally 1020 word with common meaning and pronouncing in Bulgarian and Hindi; ancient Bulgarian ethnonims in India; and names of Vedic gods in Bulgarian language and family names. We found 328 word with both similar meaning and... more
Este estudio archivístico se enfoca en las actividades filantrópicas y misioneras relativas a los negros libertos que se establecieron en Haití. Entre 1824 y 1826 unos seis mil negros libertos partieron desde Estados Unidos a... more
IT IS NOW widely accepted that the Anglo-Saxons were not just transplanted Germanic invaders and settlers from the Continent, but the outcome of insular interactions and changes. But we are still lacking explicit models that suggest how... more
A study of the legendary migration of five Brahmins, accompanied by five Kayasthas, from Kannauj in North India to Bengal to form an elite subgroup in the caste hierarchy of Bengal, combines genetic analysis with a reappraisal of... more
It is an essay reflectinhg on how Indians in Guyana, even being a majority are silenced both by their own government and larger society
Le réunionnais, langue créole de l'océan indien, aurait-il pu contribuer au développement du tayo, langue créole parlée par les Kanak de Saint-Louis ? Afin de répondre à cette question, Karin Speedy expose un épisode de l'histoire... more
След рекапитулация на съществуващите тези за произхода на българите напоследък бе показано, че те са древни индоевропейци (Добрев, 1994, Шопов и др, 2002), а не славяни с незначителен примес от прабългари (които били тюрки). Това се... more
This paper presents a brief overview of the Black Death's advancement towards and throughout Europe, and its effects on European economic, demographic, and cultural fabric. It also gives a short survey of the plague's emergence on the... more
"Компютърен анализ на фамилните имена в телефонния указател на София за издирване на редки и остарели думи от прабългарски произход. Я.Й.Шопов, Л.Т.Цанков, Т. Ялъмов, С. Шопова, Л. Ненчев, Г. Канканосян Институт по интердисциплинарни... more
Este libro cuenta historias pequeñas con desenlaces desventurados, que revelan cómo la migración transfiguraba la anatomía de los vínculos matrimoniales. Incapaz de resistir los embates de la distancia y el tiempo y de solventar la... more
As disciplines, psychology and history share a primary concern with the human condition. Yet historically, the relationship between the two fields has been uneasy, marked by a long-standing climate of mutual suspicion. This book engages... more
Scholars posit contrasting models of the ethnic identity and language / population movements of prehistoric peoples in the southwestern Great Basin and far southern Sierra Nevada. These models favor either in situ cultural development or... more
Rodoslovlje je trag jednog roda u povijesti jednog naroda i kraja. Ovdje je izneseno rodoslovlje roda Katavić s kratkim pregledom povijesti kako samog roda, tako i navedenog njihovog zavičaja. Došavši iz Bosne i Hercegovine u novi kraj... more
A presente tese de doutoramento tem como objeto de pesquisa os imigrantes de origem russa no Brasil, principalmente na cidade de São Paulo, na primeira metade do século XX. A Revolução Russa de 1917 e a formação do Estado Soviético... more
Expellere Sarracenos. Expulsions, resettlements and emigration of Muslims from the kingdom of Valencia after the Christian conquest (1233-1348)
Societies sometimes expand through population growth, military conquests and migrations. Why does this happen and in what way are expanding societies different from others? Examples of such episodes are many in European history and... more
¿Cómo imaginó el cine español a los emigrantes que se desplazaban hacia Europa? ¿Coincide con la imagen proyectada por las cinematografías de los países de destino? La figura del emigrante español aparece en muchas películas, pero… ¿de... more
Tentare di ricostruire la storia delle colonie valdesi in Calabria tra basso Medioevo e prima età moderna si presenta come un compito assai arduo a una disamina delle fonti attualmente disponibili; la maggior parte di quelle... more
This volume is a result of the Third Triennial of scholarly conference on the Towns and Cities of the Croatian Middle Ages, a traditional convention of scholars involved in research on medieval urban history held at the Croatian Institute... more
This paper is a contribution to deepening our understanding of the relations between sedentary and nomadic peoples in medieval Europe. It interprets the images of nomads found in the European cultural imagination, particularly in medieval... more
Издирени са 781 етнонима (имена на градове и местности (топоними) и водни басейни (хидроними) образувани с основа родовите имена на древните българи (кутигури, утигури, Дуло и т.н.)). Изследвана е морфологията на тези древно- български... more
Treading Trackways: An examination of prehistoric trackways, including the wider social implications of mobility in NorthWest Europe.
The article gives the history of the noble Croatian family of Perušić, following the life and career of its main male representatives across three generations, from its emergence in sources in the mid-15th century up until its extinction... more
Историјски приступ социолошком феномену миграција има за задатак указати на просторни и хронолошки контекст уз посебно тумачење узрока и последица ове појаве. Овај рад у право има то за циљ, да прикаже кроз историјски осврт сеобу... more
This chapter explores the question what the first generation of French settlers of the Louisiana Gulf Coast and New Orleans knew about hurricanes, and how they and later generations of creoles and newcomers adapted to the recurring... more
The origins of surname Vekich.
Порекло презимена Векић.
Poreklo prezimena Vekić.
Between the opening and the localism. The social networks navarran’s in the first globalization (1512-1833) In contrast to the localism of the traditional society, the text gives emphasis to the social networks navarran’s who... more
""The aim of this project of the Division for Byzantine Research of the Institute for Medieval Research of the Austrian Academy of Sciences is the integration, adaptation and further development of concepts and tools of network theory and... more