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Mirektiya Melkisiyan li derudora Carsancaqa Dersime ku ji Cemisgezek, Mazgirt, Pertek u Saxmane pek dihat desthilatdari kiriye. Desthilatdariya wan di sedsala XIV’an de dest bi kiriye u heta bi serdema Osmaniyan dewam kiriye. Mire pesi ye... more
Behice Boran DTCF’nin kuruluş misyonuna ve dönemin bilim anlayışına uygun olarak 1939’da başlamış olan DTCF Sosyoloji programının kurucusudur. O yaptığı çalışmalar ile o dönemde Türkiye’de mevcut olan sosyoloji ve sosyal bilimler... more
Türkiye’de genelde sosyal bilimler özelde sosyoloji için “DTCF Bilim Çevresi” ya da “DTCF Çevresi” olarak adlandırılan 1940’lı yılların Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi özel ve önemli bir yere sahiptir. Bu özgünlük, DTCF’nin ön cephesinde... more
Ev berhem encama deh salên xwendin û lêkolînan e ku me di qalibê mirovnasiyê (antropoljiyê) de ro kiriye; bêguman berî me jî hinek hewldanên antropolojiyê yên destpêkî hatine amadekirin. Hêjayî diyarkirinê ye ku “Adat û Rusûmatnameyê... more
review by Jürgen Osterhammel of George Steinmetz, The Colonial Origins of Modern Social Thought. French Sociology and the Overseas Empire, Princeton (Princeton University Press) 2023, 576 p., 47 b/w fig. (Princeton Modern Knowledge), ISBN... more
Pablo Kreimer, referente del campo de los estudios sociales de la ciencia, tecnología y sociedad (CTS), relata su trayectoria académica desde las inquietudes que se le presentaron en distintos momentos de su vida respecto a la ciencia y... more
Uncovering the driving forces, strategic landscapes, and evolutionary mechanisms of China’s research systems is attracting rising interest around the globe. One topic of interest is to understand the problem-solving patterns in China’s... more
The South Korean government passed the Bioethics and Biosafety Act, known henceforth as the Bioethics Act,in 2003 and it took effect in 2005. South Korea’s Ministry of Health and Welfare proposed the law to the South Korean National... more
E-pirtûka Ezîz ê Cewo: “Abdullah Ocalan. Ramana azadîyê, gelê kurd û cîhan” –Berevoka gotar, bîranîn, name, hevpeyvîn û nirxandinên bijarte. Ev berevoka berhemên pênûsa xudanê pirtûkê yên dem û demajoyên cuda da ye, lê ya ku di nava... more
La política de desarrollo autónomo desplegada por la Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica al cabo de sus primeras tres décadas de vida, condujo a la expansión y enraizamiento del sector nuclear argentino en diversas areas. Con respecto al... more
Reliability, transparency, and ethical crises pushed many social science disciplines toward dramatic changes, in particular psychology and more recently political science. This paper discusses why sociology should also change. It reviews... more
Si dans le contexte environnemental actuel il devient difficile d’identifier une nature autonome et indépendante de l’Homme et de la société, quel est alors l’objet des sciences de la nature ? Nous proposons d’apporter ici une réponse à... more
A recenzió azt vizsgálja, hogy Szalai Erzsébet új könyvének tükrében hogyan alakul a mai magyar fiatalok habitusa, identitása és személyisége, megjelennek-e körükben a nagy generációs élmények, illetve van-e esély arra, hogy e nemzedék... more
Professional sociology in Ecuador started with the first chair in sociology in 1915. This led to a series of foundational texts during the 1920s and 30s that sought to define what sociology is while applying it to core aspects of... more
Mientras algunos enfoques CTS como la teoría del actor-red han sido criticados por su incapacidad para producir mecanismos explicativos de las transiciones sociotécnicas (Geels, 2007), el artículo muestra que dicha teoría permite dar... more