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The essay provides a brief analysis of correspondence between two scholars whose heritage forms the basis of contemporary Tartu semiotics — Jakob von Uexküll (1864–1944) and Juri Lotman (1922–1993). A comparison between Uexküll’s and... more
The chapter provides a brief introductory overview of biosemiotics — the study of meaning-making mechanisms in the living world. Biosemiotics is a study of those types of sign processes that are not based on human language. We describe... more
""ITA: Quando nasce la semiotica come disciplina? Su quali fondamenti? Secondo quale percorso si è sviluppata? Più che fornire una definizione univoca di un campo di studi tanto ampio e variegato, che investe molteplici aree disciplinari... more
The paper organizes the topic of signs in Lev Vygotsky's various writings into a coherent whole in order to study signs' role in child development. Vygotsky related conventional signs that have their origin in interpersonal communication,... more
Three previously unpublished letters from Italo Calvino to Paolo Fabbri (Introduction and comment by Paolo Zublena)
Монография А. В. Карабыкова посвящена характеристи- ке воззрений на сущность языка и способы его использова- ния, свойственных культуре христианского Средневековья. На основе изучения широкого круга источников, включа- ющего в себя... more
Umberto Eco (1975; 1985) has invariantly maintained that specular images have no semiosic status, basically because they stand in front rather than instead of an object. In his Kant and the Platypus (1997), Eco returns offering reasons to... more
Esta es una lección publicada originalmente en el portal del INCOM de las UAB en 2006, y corresponde a un texto didáctico (Lección) para introducir al lector a los objetos y problemas de la semiótica de la imagen (SI). Entendemos por SI... more
The bibliography provides a list of all known English-language publications by Juri M. Lotman (including in co-authorship and reprints), in chronological order, described de visu. The first English translation of J. Lotman’s work appeared... more
Introduzione:  Prodi, Giorgio, Le basi materiali della significazione.
C.K. Ogden (1889–1957) and I.A. Richards’ (1893–1979) The Meaning of Meaning is widely recognised as a classic text of early twentieth-century linguistic semantics and semiotics, but less well known are its links to the ‘logical atomism’... more
È estatico ogni discorso che, costruendosi nel linguaggio e col linguaggio, rappresenta nondimeno una fuoriuscita da esso, un bloccarsi della semiosi, un venir meno delle distinzioni che fondano il senso. Trattasi dunque di un’impostura?... more
Medical semiotics in the 18th century was more than a premodern form of diagnosis. Its structure allowed for the combination of empirically proven rules of instruction with the theoretical knowledge of the new sciences, employing the... more
L’Italia è stato uno dei Paesi ad accogliere con più anticipo e attenzione l’eredità della Scuola semiotica di Mosca-Tartu e, in particolare, del suo padre fondatore Jurij M. Lotman. L’impostazione lotmaniana si profila oggi un campo di... more
129 THE WORK OF ART IN THE AGE OF MECHANICAL REPRODUCTION Walter Benjamin Source: H. Arendt (ed.), Illuminations, H. Zohn (trans.). London: NLB, 1973 [1936], pp. 217-242. Our fine arts were developed, their types and uses were estab-... more
Signatim è termine raro. Compare in un passo attribuito all’autore Caio, all’interno dei cosiddetti Gromatici veteres, una raccolta di testi di agrimensura compilata nel V secolo d.C. “Gromatico” è infatti tutto ciò che si riferisce alla... more
Through a diachronic reading of the writings of Benveniste contained both in the two volumes of the Problèmes de linguistique générale, and in the handwritten notes of the « Fond Benveniste », the paper proposes the hypothesis that in the... more
Hereby we provide a list of all semiotic journals currently published in the world, which includes 53 titles. From among these, 42 are printed on paper (among them six international journals on general semiotics, 16 journals special-... more
Tracing the emergence of biosemiotics, attention can be drawn to the very early usage of the term ‘biosemiotics’ (Biosemiotik) in the writings of Austrian chemist Vincenz Kletzinsky (1826–1882) that dates back to the 1850s. In the same... more
The goal of this article is twofold. First, it revises the historiographic partition proposed by John Deely in Four Ages of Understanding (2001) by arguing that the moment marking the beginning of philosophical Modernity has been vividly... more
Without biosemiosis, there could be no human language. The volume presents international perspectives that have been inspired by this simple idea. The contributors open up new methods, directions and perspectives on both language in... more
The article gives an account of life and work of Jakob von Uexküll (1864–1944), together with a description of his impact to theoretical biology, behavioural studies, and semiotics. It includes the complete bibliography of Uexküll's... more
It is often thought that consciousness has a qualitative dimension that cannot be tracked by science. Recently, however, some philosophers have argued that this worry stems not from an elusive feature of the mind, but from the special... more
In order to estimate the current situation of teaching materials available in the field of semiotics, we are providing a comparative overview and a worldwide bibliography of introductions and textbooks on general semiotics published... more
This study provides an account of Juri Lotman's (1922–1993) work on semiotics in its relationships and impact to biology and ecology – particularly through biosemiotics and ecosemiotics.
Di tutte le annunciazioni che popolano la storia umana e le sue svariate tradizioni, al semiologo non interessa la fonte in sé, il numinoso che all’umano si rivolge per significargli di volta in volta la propria presenza, intenzione,... more
Festschrift to Donald Favareau. Includes essays by 18 semioticians and his annotated bibliography .
Hereby we provide a list of all semiotic journals currently published in the world, which includes 53 titles. From among these, 42 are printed on paper (among them six international journals on general semiotics, 16 journals specializing... more
This chapter provides a brief review on how the processes of life have been seen from the semiotic point of view in general biology thus far, and indicates the ways in which the application of a more explicitly semiotic understanding of... more
Semiotics (sometimes spelled “semeiotic”) is the name first given by John Locke, and later reprised by Charles S. Peirce, for the “doctrine of signs,” or the study of how some things can stand for other things to still other things. This... more
We briefly sketch some characteristics of Thomas A. Sebeok's program to develop semiotics and relate them to the approaches in the Tartu circle. It is not a historical, but effectively a paradigmatic insight into research in contemporary... more
The evolution of comparative literature has been revealing, for more than a century, a sinuous process of self-definition: as of the beginning of the 20 th century, it has been emerging like a diverse set of research, with studies... more
This dissertation is a historical study of influential currents in the philosophy of language and linguistics of the first half of the twentieth century, explored from the perspective of the English scholar C. K. Ogden (1889–1957).... more
The present article is framed within the biosemiotic glossary project as a way to address common terminology within biosemiotic research. The glossary integrates the view of the members of the biosemiotic community through a standard... more
Here we publish two brief interviews with Jesper Hoffmeyer, conducted in 2012 and 2014.
A detailed review of the work of Thomas A. Sebeok (1920-2001) in the field of biosemiotics. This includes Sebeok’s relationships to biology and his work on building biosemiotics, or semiotic biology, including both his work as a... more
L’oggetto tradizionale della semiotica, il segno, deriva da una selezione. Il lato significante del segno non riproduce mai semplicemente quello significato, ma piuttosto ne individua un aspetto. “Aspetto” (dal latino “aspicere”,... more
The essay describes the meetings of two semioticians, Umberto Eco (1932–2016) and John Deely (1942–2017), and makes observations of about the shared aspects of their life, work and views.
The article provides a commentary on Umberto Eco's text " Giorgio Prodi and the lower threshold of semiotics ". An annotated list of Prodi's English-language publications on semiotics is included.
2015 “La semiotica”, in Eco-Fedriga (a cura di), La filosofia e le sue storie: l’età contemporanea, Roma-Bari, Laterza (ISBN: 9788858117415), pp. 457-463