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The design argument, also known as the teleological argument, is one of the most commonly used evidences of the existence of a Creator God. Over the centuries, the argument has taken many forms, from the pre-Socratics to Jewish rabbis to... more
It is hard to think of an area of Christian theology that provides more scope for interdisciplinary conversation than the doctrine of creation. This doctrine not only invites reflection on an intellectual concept: it calls for... more
When popular physicist Stephen Hawking dreams at the end of his best-selling Brief History of Time of a Great Unifying Theory (GUT) which would be able to merge the major physical theories describing the laws of nature, he goes on to say:... more
In order to map out the extent to which the interplay between professional creationist and anti-creationist organizations in the United States determines the state of the creation/evolution debates, I shall proceed in three steps. First,... more
Jessica Kingsley Publishers, due 2016 Explores the relationship and dialogue between religion and atheism, focusing upon Christian, Islamic, Buddhist and other, e.g. Pagan, traditions in their encounter with secularism and atheism. It... more
W literaturze podkreśla się fakt, że Darwin sprzeciwiał się poglądom głoszącym nagłe stworzenie niezmiennych gatunków przez Boga. Wykazuję, że tworząc swoją teorię, odrzucał nie tylko koncepcję bezpośredniej Boskiej ingerencji, ale także... more
Visuelle Strategien zur Konturierung eines jesuitischen Wissensreiches, in: Oy-Marra, Elisabeth/Remmert, Volker R. (eds.): „Le monde est une peinture“. Jesuitische Identität und die Rolle der Bilder, Berlin 2011 [Beiträge zu den... more
Carlos Zimmermann SJ was an important pedagogue and one of the most influential naturalists working in Portugal at the beginning of the twentieth century. He was an active promoter of an experimental approach to the teaching of the... more
PREVIEW ONLY: FOR FULL ARTICLE, VISIT: Once esteemed as the highest form of knowledge, the legitimacy of metaphysics as a rational discipline has been severely challenged since the rise of... more
The modernist critique of religion is often presented in banal and prosaic terms by enthusiasts of contemporary techno-culture as war (mostly won) between science and religion with just a small group of conservative, if not militant... more Historians have long since rejected the dubious assertions of the conflict model, with its narratives of perennial religion versus science combat. Nonetheless, this theory... more
""She is best known for her curve, the witch of Agnesi, which appears in almost all high school and undergraduate math books. She was a child prodigy who frequented the salon circuit, discussing mathematics, philosophy, history, and music... more
Review of Simon Southerton. Losing a Lost Tribe: Native Americans, DNA, and the Mormon Church. Salt Lake City: Signature Books, 2004. 270 pp. Appendices, glossary, index. Paper $24.95. ISB 1-56085-181-3. While Southerton's honesty... more
Is the relationship between science and religion characterized by conflict or harmony? There are innumerable models for this relationship, but they basically fall into two camps. They either assert that science and religion are in... more
Some pretty important people believe we will soon upload our minds into robots or virtual reality and then live forever. This is a book about that idea and, more importantly, about how it operates in our scientific, religious, and media... more
Francesco Toppi, Pastor, historian, General Superintendent of Assemblies of God in Italy, (1928-2014)
In the field of Science of Religion and associated fields of the Human Sciences revisions about the limits of reality have begun, in response both to intercultural encounters as well as to a rising awareness of research on the complexity... more
We present a critical review of scientific claims made in historian Andrea Nicolotti's book The Shroud of Turin: the history and legends of the world's most famous relic (Baylor University Press, 2020).
Just a few decades ago, intuition was a dirty word in objective reductionist science every bit as much as mind and consciousness were absent from psychological studies. However, a crack began to appear in the stone façade of the... more
Author version. Please cite final published version available here: As Alister McGrath has argued across a lifetime of work, we need to approach the binaries that have been... more
For nearly 10 years Russian Society for Experimental Psychology (1891-1900) conducted research of practices associated with the modern spiritualist movement. It's research program was deeply affected by a prominent russian spiritualist... more
Quand des anthropologues, des historiennes et des psychologues investissent le thème des transgressions corporelles et symboliques cadrées par des rituels avec un nouveau regard, le résultat peut surprendre. C’est ce que fait ce livre qui... more
Technical images like charts, maps, and diagrams that saturated early modern visual culture provided fertile opportunities for cross-cultural communication. The Double Hemisphere Star Atlas 赤道南北両總星図 that Jesuit and Late Ming astronomers... more
A cosmologia é a ciência que investiga a origem, a estrutura e a dinâmica do universo. A cosmologia moderna surgiu como área da física no início do século XX. Em 1915, Einstein publicou sua Teoria da Relatividade Geral (TRG), de acordo... more
From ""Whoever needs an act of faith to elucidate an event that can be explained by reason is a fool, and unworthy of reasonable thought." This line, spoken by the notorious 18th-century libertine Giacomo Casanova,... more
Magic has been an important term in Western history and continues to be an essential topic in the modern academic study of religion, anthropology, sociology, and cultural history. 'Defining Magic' is the first volume to assemble key texts... more
This thesis explores the discourses on the evolution of species in the first three decades of Francoism (1939-1967). Starting from the study of these discourses in the public sphere, it reaches the debates on this subject in elitist... more
In this article, see pages 164, 166-168 for Stuart's discussion of the Grolier Codex. It is highly significant that the Mexican State of Chiapas and the Universidad Autonoma de Chiapas chose to include the Grolier Codex as an authentic... more
Ali Sedâd Bey Kavâʿidu’t-Tahavvülât fî Harekâti’z-Zerrât (Parçacıkların Hareketlerindeki Dönüşümün İlkeleri) adlı eseriyle 19. yüzyıl Avrupa’sındaki atomculuğu, ilk defa olarak da termodinamiği ve Darwin’in doğal seçilim kuramını Türkçe... more
O presente estudo se baseia na análise das perspectivas dos professores de ciências da rede adventista sobre o ensino da teoria evolucionista. Tendo em vista que essas escolas têm uma filosofia baseada nos princípios bíblico-cristãos, é... more
While a generation of theorists assumed that secularization was a necessary outcome of modernization, a newer group of scholars have argued that Western Christendom constructed a normative binary opposition between the " religious " and... more