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Quaternary continental formations identified at about twenty km southwest of Tiddas (Province of Khemisset, central Morocco) on the left bank of Bou Regreg River, consist of the Hançala, the Zwirga, the Bir Dallah and the Bir Oughioul... more
Simple Summary: The following study examined the behaviors and water vs. land use of an outdoor exhibit by three zoo hippos. Behavioral observations were correlated with water temperatures at the exhibit, and compared to the number of... more
Among the objects from Mughal India (1526-1858), a small group of luxury priming flasks stand out. Some of them can be traced to the seventeenth century in inventories of European royal collections. Some 85 such flasks have been... more
There are thought to be at least 60 Middle Kingdom faience hippopotamus figurines from ancient Egypt.  The bodies are decorated with lotus flowers and leaves and sometimes with frogs, birds and butterflies.
This article presents a Predynastic C-ware beaker currently in the Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto (inv. 900.2.13). The exte- rior is decorated with two mirrored scenes containing an exceptional series of bound captives under the domination... more
Hippopotamus hunting as an iconographical motif is widely attested during most of Egyptian history. Both private and royal Egyptian tombs spanning from early Old Kingdom to Roman times show these images in their walls. The motif was often... more
The ivory wands of the Middle Kingdom display various creatures to be annihilated by protective deities, especially snakes and human foes. It seems that the snakes pictured on the ivory wands represent chaotic numina of primeval times... more
Altamura F., Gaudzinski-Windheuser S., Melis R.T., Mussi M., 2019. Reassessing an early Middle Pleistocene Hippo Butchery Site: Gombore II-2 (Melka Kunture, Upper Awash valley, Ethiopia), in Journal of Paleolithic Archaeology, 32 pp. DOI:... more
From my correspondence with an African American who intends to study Egyptology and learn Egyptian Hieroglyphics in order to explore issues related to African Originality, Identity, Integrity and Spirituality. Although I am Muslim, I am... more
“Idescribed things that caught my eye…” Prince Nicholas Radziwiłł the Orphan’s account of peculiar animals in his Pilgrimage to the Holy Land The paper analyzes descriptions of three exotic beasts (hippopotamus, crocodile and cha¬meleon)... more
F. Altamura, M. Mussi, R.T. Melis, A Middle Pleistocene hippo tracksite at Gombore II-2 (Melka Kunture, Upper Awash, Ethiopia). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 470, 122-131. Abstract: In this paper we describe... more
Hasil kuliah lapangan mata kuliah Prasejarah, mengangkat kerangka kuda nil purba pada Museum Sangiran klaster Krikilan.
Several Pleistocene hippopotamid remains have been collected from the Italian Peninsula, but some of them lack any stratigraphic data or details about the fossil localities. The Hippopotamus was present in Italy and Western Europe from... more
H. incognitus is recorded for the first time in Portugal on the basis of some bones from Mealhada. A synthesis of the status of knowledge about vertebrate fauna and paleobotany is given. The revision of associated stone artifacts shows... more
Due to the paucity of suitable habitat, hippos are very rare in the Congo Bassin. Compared to East-African populations, Central African populations of hippos have been less studied. Information found in the literature regarding the... more
Alien species are the second largest cause of biological diversity loss. Since 1981 in Colombia, Puerto Triunfo municipality, there has been a wild hippo (Hippopotamus amphibius) population. This population is composed of at least 28... more
Images of hippos in a rock art site in Western Sahara. The animal could have lived in lakes or rivers in an actual desert zone
Several large mammal assemblages have been collected in the Roman basin since the XIX century, but they usually lack any stratigraphic datum or details about the fossiliferous localities. In this work, the stratigraphic provenance of... more
Amenemhat était « intendant du vizir », et « scribe-comptable du grain dans le grenier de l'offrande divine d'Amon » à Thèbes, sous le règne de Thoutmosis III. Il nous apparaît d'abord comme un personnage subalterne, le serviteur d'un... more
The discovery of new hippopotamid material from the late Miocene Baynunah Formation (Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates) has prompted the revision of the existing material of this as yet unnamed fossil taxon. The Baynunah hippopotamid... more
Acerca del ritual de la cacería del hipopótamo sobreviven hasta nuestros días contadas representaciones. Aún así, probablemente haya sido cazado simbólicamente, en el registro pictórico y escultórico (muchas estatuillas contienen... more
Premiere description du regime alimentaire de Hippopotamus amphibius L. au Parc National de Loango (Gabon). L'Afrique Centrale, avec ses faibles densites en milieux ouverts, compte peu de populations d'hippopotames. En comparaison... more
Resumen. En el presente trabajo se ha estudiado la totalidad (31) de los objetos en marfil recuperados en el Cerro de la Virgen (Orce, Gramada) durante las intervenciones arqueológicas realizadas entre 1963 y 1970. Se ha llevado a cabo el... more
A new locality tracked down in the Eurotas Valley (Laconia, Greece) yielded mammalian dental remains of a young individual referred to as Hippopotamus antiquus. The findings are of very large size compared to already known specimens from... more
This paper explores whether the animals represented as zoomorphic figurines in Predynastic burial contexts dating to Naqada IA–IID (ca. 3,800–3,325 BCE) may be evidence for a novel Predynastic folk taxonomy, either relating to food and... more
Quaternary continental formations identified at about twenty km southwest of Tiddas (Province of Khemisset, central Morocco) on the left bank of Bou Regreg River, consist of the Hançala, the Zwirga, the Bir Dallah and the Bir Oughioul... more
Presentation of hippopotamus figurines made of clay found at Gebel Asyut al-gharbi. Different interpretations of such figurines are discussed and a function as pictorial representations for Neheh “eternity” is suggested.
F. Altamura, M.R. Bennett, K. D’Août, S. Gaudzinski-Windheuser, R.T. Melis, S.C. Reynolds, M. Mussi, 2018. Fossil footprints in the Gombore Gully (Melka Kunture, Upper Awash, Ethiopia): A rare snapshot of Pleistocene life and... more
Altamura F., Gaudzinski-Windheuser S., Melis R.T., Mussi M., 2019. Reassessing an early Middle Pleistocene Hippo Butchery Site: Gombore II-2 (Melka Kunture, Upper Awash valley, Ethiopia), in Journal of Paleolithic Archaeology, 32 pp. DOI:... more
An article (in Czech) about an almost unknown Gnostic sect ...
Můj dávný článek o jedné téměř neznámé gnostické sektě ...
(pro tu legraci, až mne bude Academia zahrnovat maily, jak je článek hojně citován ...)
During the last excavation campaigns of the Tunisian-spanish team in Utica (Tunisia) an ancient Phoenician architectonic complex, associated to a partially excavated Phoenician building, was discovered. South of that building an almost... more