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The objective of this “Master’s thesis” is to study a painting by Alessandro Bonvicino, better known as Moretto da Brescia (c. 1498-1554): Portrait of Fortunato Martinengo Cesaresco, c. 1542, also known as “NG 299” - according to its... more
La recente, importante edizione della stele di Cornelio Gallo a Philae, oltre a raggiungere conclusioni pressoché definitive su questioni specifiche suscitate dal prezioso monumento, sgombrando il campo da radicati pregiudizi, rinnova il... more
The Beersheba church is remarkable in many respects. Its exceptional internal full cross-shaped plan introduced a new type of church into the repertoire of ecclesiastical architecture of Byzantine Palaestina. The inscriptions contain a... more
The early Roman cemetery of Mazarakia, Thesprotia, Greece, is represented the through the graves and burial monuments architecture aw well as burial offerings. Korhonen reconstructs and analyses two epitaphs where latin inscriptions... more
“INRI” is an abbreviation for the Latin IESUS NAZARENUS REX IUDAEORUM “Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews.” These four letters were sometimes referred to as the sacred monogram, perhaps they originated as a kind of vague parallel to the... more
L. Robert suggested that the cycle of epigrams from Book VIII (176–256) of the Palatine An-thology was a lamentation on the destruction of the hierothesion of Nemrud Dağ. The execration epigrams of AP 8, 176–254 are not by Gregory of... more
A Latin votive stele from Moesia dedicated to six deities · This paper presents a new Latin inscription from the Antiquities market. The iconographical and textual study gives some clues to investigate its provenance. Due to the evidence,... more
Revised and extended version of the paper "The Kind Look of the Muses, The Evil Eye of Ares. Encomiastic strategies in Callimachus and in Hellenistic inscriptional epitaphs." delivered at the International conference "Casting Off Shadows:... more