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A discussion of the evidence for the rival variants in Mark 1:2 (primarily "in the prophets" versus "in Isaiah the prophet"), and a review of the scribal tendency toward specificity and its relevance to this variant-unit. (With many... more
The opening of Mark’s Gospel has received substantial scholarly attention over the past century. While initial debates largely centered on nailing down its precise ending, narrative criticism and increased attention to intertextuality... more
Who is Jesus? This is the central question in the Gospel of Mark. At various points in the narrative, Jesus is identified as the Son of God, the Son of Man, and the Messiah. Yet the disciples-and Mark's readers-have much to learn about... more
This is a proof which contains some mistakes.Full titel: Jan Dochhorn: Man and the Son of Man in Mk 2:27-28. An Exegesis of Mk 2:23-28 focussing on the Christological Discourse in Mk 2:27-28 with an Epilogue concerning Pauline Parallels,... more
Este estudio se basa en una investigación previa sobre el relato premarquiano de la pasión. El análisis redaccional muestra que el autor del Evangelio de Marcos ha reelaborado este relato tradicional para unirlo al resto de su narración.... more
An introduction to conflations in the texts of New Testament documents - focusing upon, and challenging, Hort's proposals that conflations in Byzantine MSS' texts imply that the Byzantine Text is derivative of the Alexandrian and Western... more
Convocation Address at Bethel University, August 29, 2016 about recent troubles in Minnesota, particularly the shooting of Philando Castille, and our responsibility as followers of the Gospel. There is an audio link also available. After... more
The Bible contains a motif often overlooked, but which is highly significant. That is the Absent Master motif. This is just one short article examining the significance of this motif for understanding Biblical Eschatology. I have also... more
This article is an exegetical study of the new teaching of Jesus based on the Gospel according to Mark 1:21-28. The Historical-Comparative Method will be employed to proceed heuristically in this article, following the steps of this... more
This new volume of essays joins Reading Romans in Context (Zondervan, 2015), also edited by Blackwell, Goodrich and Matson. The book works its way through the Gospel of Mark by comparing a section of the gospel to a particular text from... more
This paper reclaims the agency of the 'woman who bled' in Mark from ableist codifications by adopting a disability and literary hermeneutic to explore salient features of this pericope.
This commentary demonstrates that the Gospel of Mark is a result of a consistent, strictly sequential, hypertextual reworking of the contents of three of Paul’s letters: Galatians, First Corinthians and Philippians. Consequently, it shows... more
This outline builds on the foundation laid in The Christology of the Fourth Gospel, contributing also to my Bi-Optic Hypothesis, an overall theory of Johannine composition and the history of the Johannine situation, and the relation... more
The article first provides a brief hermeneutic on how to read narratives. Then using that hermeneutic, shows how the serving response of Simon’s Mother-In-Law to her healing by Jesus is not only the proper response to Jesus’ work in her... more
This article seeks to disrupt the deadly deployment of boundaries that mark particular people as normative or queer, socially living or dead. Conversing with the Decapolis of Mark 5:1-20 and Washington D.C.'s prostitution free zones... more
[Proofs; please cite published version.] While it is often assumed that fictions must be informative or morally improving in order to be of any real benefit to us, certain texts defy this assumption by functioning as training grounds for... more
This is the syllabus for a Gospel of Mark course taught at the University of Dubuque Theological Seminary during the Fall 2019 semester. The course itself was subdivided between four sections: Greek Exegesis Online, Greek Exegesis... more
In theological research of The Christian Community and in anthroposophical circles, there is a tendency to follow the chronology of John rather than the synoptics. Questioning this tendency initially, this paper follows research by Andrew... more
Both Jews and the Christ group faced many sudden changes in the first century. The situation became acute in the 60s and 70s of the Common Era. Earthquakes, famines, plagues and sudden changes in social order were not uncommon in the... more
Review of Pakaluk's 2019 translation and commentary on the Gospel of Mark
The Interpretation of the Text "It is not right to take the children's bread and throw it to the dogs (Mk 7:27b) from the Perspective of the Syropoenician Woman; Collectanea Theologica LXXXV (2015) nr 3, pp. 33-48 The article presents... more
This article juxtaposes Jesus of Nazareth’s ‘provocative one-man street theatre’ in the Jerusalem temple reported in the biblical Gospels (Mark 11:15-19 and parallels) with actress Rachel Griffiths’ ‘art installation, one-woman protest’... more
L'évangile de Marc est le témoignage religieux de la messianité et de la divinité de Jésus de Nazareth.
ENGLISH: The article shows how the characters of the Gospels are a key for communication. They are used as mechanisms that question the reader or the hearer and present them as models or anti-models of values, attitudes and reactions with... more
Ab Urbe Condita remains a riddle as the history of Rome both in its content and its presentation despite the many interpretations. Livy, as its author, has also been enigmatic to his readers over centuries. This paper argues that the... more
In Mark chapter 5 we read the unusual story of an exorcism by Jesus. In every exorcism Jesus had done he had simply exorcised the demons out of someone. There was never a case of the demon being exorcised out of someone and into something... more