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Synthesizes previous work by Rabbis Saul Berman, Avraham Shamma, and David Bigman on the subject of kol ishah, and adds a few additional sources as well, to conclude that kol ishah can be permitted whenever and wherever contemporary... more
What is the basic structure of African Indigenous Religions (AIR/s)? How is it gendered? How did colonialism affect AIR/s? Is the academic study of AIR/s among Africanists and feminists decolonized? Using the context of Southern... more
Author: William B. Bowes Publisher: CBE International Amid the patriarchy of the ancient world, early Christianity had a particularly liberating and redemptive place for women, one significant enough to be mentioned by Christianity’s... more
In order to broaden the search for liberating African masculinities, I engage with key and recent works on African masculinities. I explore some of the reasons why scholarship on masculinity in Africa – especially scholarship within that... more
I wrote this essay in my 3rd Year of studying Theology at Christ Chuch University Canterbury.
Augustine of Hippo's views on sexuality go right to the heart of what it means to follow God, and we can learn much from his views today.
During the onslaught of the Islamic caliphate on Kobanî, Syria, media outlets across the globe broadcast pictures of brave and often unveiled Kurdish women fighting the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS), a quintessentially male... more
One of the contemporary approaches to history, namely that it should be reread, deconstructed and basically rewritten in order to fully present previously silenced or censored perspectives, has allowed modern historians, without falling... more
A fin de arrojar luz sobre las manifestaciones femeninas de la reforma franciscana, estas páginas analizan las fundaciones reformistas de la Orden de Santa Clara en el obispado de Córdoba entre las primeras noticias conocidas, datadas en... more
Este artículo busca describir la participación de las mujeres que ayudaron a desarrollar y a consolidar la presencia de la Iglesia Adventista del Séptimo Día como una iglesia cristiana dentro del protestantismo, en Argentina, y por... more
The tale of the generous prince in the versions written, painted, read, told, heard, and viewed among the Newars of the Kathmandu Valley is a complicated one, marked both by unique narrative developments and an unexpected convergence... more
Author: Christy Hemphill Publisher: CBE International The primary task when considering Paul's assertion, “the husband is the head of the wife,” should be discovering the meaning of this head-and-body metaphor, not arguing for an... more
Religion in 20 th century China was reorganized according to new, modern, and scientific paradigms; in this novel definition, which excluded many communal experiences deemed superstitious, religion came to be identified more with personal... more
This book examines the nature and significance of religious enthusiasm in early Enlightenment England. In the early modern period, the term ‘enthusiasm’ was a smear word used to discredit the dissenters of the radical Reformation as... more
Author: Timothy Paul Erdel Publisher: CBE International Erdel proposes a dramatically different way of understanding the typological divine-human relationship in Song of Songs: The female beloved is a type of God, and the male lover is... more
The field of gender and development has been marked in recent years by extensive debates about the shortfalls of gender mainstreaming and the depoliticisation of gender and other concepts in development praxis. In these discussions... more
Gender, which is a fundamental aspect of identity, in biblical Israel, is an expression of power in a hierarchical relationship. It signifies the power differential that results from the different roles that men and women have in... more
This article describes the beliefs and some of the ritual practices of a group of female pilgrims visiting places in France and Catalonia that they associate with the figure of Mary Magdalene. It pays particular attention to the pilgrim’s... more
The workshop serves as a forum for discussion of female religious and ritual leadership The workshop serves as a forum for discussion of female religious and ritual leadership in South Asian religious traditions. in South Asian religious... more
Este artículo presenta un análisis sobre los elementos que componen la identidad femenina y masculina, trasladados del mundo secular al mundo sagrado-religioso para configurar una referencia de identidades genéricas a través de la... more
Despite the growing literature focusing on the ways gender ideology influences heterosexual relationship outcomes, few of these studies have considered the moderating role of religion. Drawing on a national random sample of American... more
Author: Evelyn Sweerts-Vermeulen
Publisher: CBE International

The church cannot be trusted by those who are suffering to listen well until it has shown that it can speak well, addressing the issues in preaching and in the community.
This article explores the fact that Đạo Mẫu gay mediums open up spaces to destabilize gender and sexuality norms in Vietnam by accepting that male bodies can perform feminine bodily gestures and permit a tacit understanding that... more
הרצאה באוניברסיטה העברית בירושלים במסגרת החוג ללימודים רומאיים ולטינו-אמריקניים והיספניה יודאיקה. ערב עיון לרגל הופעת התרגום העברי לספר הנודע הטירה הפנימית, במלואן 500 שנה להולדתה של המיסטיקאית הספרדייה תרזה מאווילה Lecture delivered at... more
Author: Theresa Garbe
Publisher: CBE International

Like Mary the Mother of Jesus, Christian men and women are called to bring Christ to the world.
This paper is a rebuttal and analysis of some common claims about Deut. 24:1-4, specifically the claims reiterated by Todd Scacewater in his paper "Divorce and Remarriage in Deuteronomy 24:1-4". In this paper I highlight and deconstruct... more
Deer, antelope, gazelles, and other wild animals are central to early Tibetan dice divination. They appear in response after oracular response in approximately two dozen 9th- and 10th-century excavated dice divination manuscripts... more
Isabel de Villena, author of Humanism, offers a female paradigm of government in her Vita Christi: the Virgin Mary as queen and as pope. Through queenship, she formulates a new political ethic that she presents as a model to power male... more
L’articolo intende offrire l’anteprima di un lavoro in corso sulle fonti manoscritte di santa Maria Maddalena de’ Pazzi che rivela il Carmelo fiorentino di Santa Maria degli Angeli ben inserito nei circoli savonaroliani. L’analisi dei... more
Author: Katrina Armas Publisher: CBE International Abuelita theology recognizes the imago Dei in poor and marginalized women such as widows and grandmothers, understanding that when the image of God is degraded in one, it is degraded in... more
This chapter mainly summarizes arguments from the book To Be Cared For, but the conclusion contains totally new material. Publication info: Roberts, Nathaniel. 2017. Transformation and the Suffering Subject: Caste-Class and Gender in... more
Nei primi decenni del ’900, la Congregazione del Sant’Ufficio discusse al suo interno progetti di riforma volti a riaffermare la propria autorità messa in discussione dai processi di secolarizzazione. Sullo sfondo di questo quadro... more
Le Vatican a publié lundi 10 juin un texte à l’intention des communautés éducatives des écoles catholiques consacré à ce qu’il appelle « l’idéologie du genre ». Intitulé « Il les créa homme et femme » et rédigé par la Congrégation pour... more
The experience of gender transition can be a deeply troublesome and religiously fraught experience. Often, the individual who discloses gender diversity becomes ostracized from religious elements in their families. Both Christianity and... more
Author: Julie Walsh Publisher: CBE International Catherine Kroeger, the founding president of CBE, stated, “although women had made forays into the field of biblical interpretation, it was to be Katharine Bushnell who would bring out the... more
Cet ouvrage est un essai d’histoire du catholicisme mais aussi d’histoire sociale et culturelle des savoirs, et de ce savoir spécifique qu’est la théologie, inscrit dans une réalité ecclésiale, mais dont les modalités de construction, de... more
From the early 1970s until 2011, the Syrian shrine town of Sayyida Zaynab flourished as a minor centre of Shiʿi learning. It predominantly served Iraqi Shiʿi refugees, but also temporary visitors from Iran and the Gulf countries. The... more