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L’article considère l’épisode du mariage pour tous comme un observatoire privilégié des transformations à l’œuvre dans le catholicisme français depuis une trentaine d’années. Parmi les opposants au projet de loi, les catholiques sont... more
From a roundtable on Joy Ladin's The Soul of the Stranger: Reading God and Torah from a Transgender Perspective (HBI Series on Jewish Women, Waltham, MA: Brandeis University Press, 2019) that consists of this excerpt, followed by... more
Numerous studies on death in African societies with no doubt have been successfully conducted though their preoccupation has been with the religious and spirituality perspectives. There has been a great deal of theologizing about the... more
This article analyses the debates about mixed marriages held within the Roman Curia (and especially the Roman Inquisition) between the sixteenth and the eighteenth centuries, integrating these debates with the normative and prescriptive... more
Eugenics frequently bridged religious and scientific aspirations for social betterment, while eugenic ideas and practices were promoted by a number of American ethnic and racial groups who belonged to different and even competing... more
Author: Craig S. Keener
Publisher: CBE International

The New Testament household codes reveal that early Christians were on the progressive edge of gender relationships in their world.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is known for its doctrine of exaltation: the belief that human beings can become gods who create and reign over their own worlds, even as God the Father has done with this world. The Church... more
This is a collection of essays in Malayalam. The book was published in 2018, by Open Read. This set of essays tries to engage with feminism relating it to larger debates on minority, nation state and citizenship
Nos estudos que venho desenvolvendo dentro do Projeto Trilhas do Empoderamento de Mulheres (Projeto Tempo) tem sido importante interrogar em que circunstâncias as religiões têm operado como forças para o empoderamento de mulheres na... more
The nature and field of comparative theology is mapped with particular attention to the tradition associated with Francis Clooney but noting the global and wider context of theology in a comparative mode. There are four main parts.... more
Islam wie Christentum definieren Geschlechterrollen und Geschlechterbeziehungen, ›Männlichkeit‹ und ›Weiblichkeit‹ sowie bestimmte Auffassungen von ›Körper und Sexualität‹. Inwiefern haben sie in ihrer Geschichte und mittels ihrer... more
This article explores women-oriented Iyengar yoga practices through a historical, textual and ethnographical analysis. These practices were inaugurated by the teachings of B.K.S Iyengar and Geeta Iyengar and globally expanded by Iyengar... more
Women's activism in Kuwait has historically intersected with nation building and regime perpetuation projects. The government has attempted to combine instances of modernity with growing political demands from the tribal and Islamist... more
Author: Chris Loewen
Publisher: CBE International

The application is very basic, and its message is so practical. When we look at the marriage between Christ and the church, the secret ingredient is selflessness—it is selfless love.
8-й номер журналу Релігієзнавчі нариси "Секулярність як контекст".
Queer Filipinos continue to experience different modes of discrimination, abuse, and coercion, mainly because of conservative religious worldviews. They encounter these experiences in their households, schools, workplaces, and churches,... more
Author: Anna Beresford Publisher: CBE International In his response to a question posed by the Sadducees, Jesus said that those in the resurrection "neither marry nor are given in marriage." The reason women will not be "given in... more
The paper focuses on the history of the first three Bible women, Mary Wesley, Martha Reuben, and Bathsheba, who came from marginalised communities in Rayalaseema, and emerged as new leaders of social change in the context of colonial... more
The concept of witchcraft has been defined by many scholars from the fields of anthropology, religion, sociology and cultural studies. Many times, there have been generalized arguments that witchcraft presents itself in the same way in... more
Author: Dennis J. Preato Publisher: CBE International Romans 16:7 presents two interpretive issues. First, was the person named Iounian, the form of the name in Rom 16:7, a man or a woman? Second, what is the meaning of episēmoi en tois... more
In the final saying of the Gospel of Thomas (logion 114), Jesus speaks of needing to make Mary male so that she can enter the kingdom. Similarly, the male/female dyad is interpreted spiritually as a positive/negative opposition by many of... more
O Vodu haitiano é um sistema de crenças surgido do encontro e hibridismo, realizado em condições de forças muito assimétricas, entre o catolicismo e as crenças dos africanos transportados à força para o trabalho escravo na parte francesa... more
Cet article est consacré au rôle du secret dans les systèmes initiatiques du Gabon, et notamment dans le Bwete (ou Bwiti). L’auteur s’intéresse autant au secret initiatique en lui-même qu’aux problèmes éthiques et méthodologiques que son... more
The Orthodox Christian tradition has all too often been sidelined in conversations around contemporary religion. Despite being distinct from Protestantism and Catholicism in both theology and practice, it remains an underused setting for... more
Theosophist Frances Swiney (1847–1922) was a writer and women’s rights activist. She was mainly concerned with eugenics, sexuality, and feminism. Swiney’s writings and founding the League of Isis in 1907, directly reflects her interest in... more
This article explores the organisation and whereabouts of the neo-Legionary movement as it was (re)established in Romania in the 1990s. These groups and individuals defined themselves as Legionary, thus entering into the tradition of the... more
Islam and Gender: Major Issues and Debates draws attention to the debates on gender in Islam, emphasizing on lived experiences of Muslim women and men. It focuses on the evolving cultural interplay between women studies, critical feminist... more
La scène se passe au cœur d’une nuit gabonaise. Au corps de garde, un homme est assis devant un miroir qu’il scrute, les yeux fixes. Il prend la parole et raconte des scènes étranges, apparitions fantastiques ou sombres histoires de... more
Exploring the diverse myriad of female religious identities that exist within the various branches of the Moroccan Sufi Order, Qadiriyya Budshishiyya, today, this book evidences a wide array of religious identities, from those more... more
This article highlights the patriarchal nature of the Indian state and discusses this in relation to the state’s response to several rape and molestation cases. It emphasises a number of responses made by political, community and... more
The present article focuses on contemporary fundamentalist norms that pertain to the body, carnality, and related transgressions. While most scholars work under the assumption that fundamentalist movements are adept at preserving their... more
Although in the late 1980s, transgender sex-reassignment surgery was legalized (made halāl) in sharīʿa and/or in state law by the Fatwās of Āyatullāh Khomeini in Iran and Shaykh al-Ṭanṭāwī in Egypt, the issue of whether Islamic theology... more
Adis Duderija has comprehensively captured some of the most recent debates in modern Islamic thought on how foundational religious texts are interpreted. In doing so, he has not only rendered a major service to scholarship but he has also... more