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Tsallis statistics (or q-statistics) in nonextensive statistical mechanics is a one-parameter description of correlated states. In this paper we use a translated entropic index: $1 - q \to q$ . The essence of this translation is to... more
Powders and granulated solids are widely used in industrial bulk solids storage, handling, and transportation systems. Such bulk materials handling operations frequently involve a falling stream of material. During such a process, the... more
We discuss types of clustering problems where error information associated with the data to be clustered is readily available and where error-based clustering is likely to be superior to clustering methods that ignore error. We focus on... more
Distribusi Multivariate Normal (Gaussian) adalah salah satu distribusi yang sering digunakan, mengingat hampir semua kejadian bisa didekati dengan distribusi tersebut. Dalam mengenali suatu objek dalam bentuk image, fitur objek tersebut... more
Content-Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) systems are required to effectively harness infor- mation from ubiquitous image collections. Despite intense research efforts by the multidis- ciplinary CBIR community since early 1990s, apparently... more
Subspace selection approaches are powerful tools in pattern classification and data visualization. One of the most important subspace approaches is the linear dimensionality reduction step in the... more