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Mon mémoire a pour objectif d’étudier le comportement de l’algorithme du filtrage particulaire pour des espaces d’état de grandes dimension. Cette méthode est utilisée dans de nombreux domaines, et particulièrement dans les statistiques... more
Probabilistic inference is the problem of estimating the hidden states of a system in an optimal and consistent fashion given a set of noisy or in- complete observations. The optimal solution to this problem is given by the recursive... more
Historical Linguistics studies language change over time. If a group of languages derives from changes to a common ancestor language (proto-language) then they are said to be related. Whenever there exists a lack of written records for an... more
In this paper we propose a sequential Monte Carlo algorithm to estimate a stochastic volatility model with leverage eect, non constant conditional mean and jumps. Our idea relies on the auxiliary particle lter algorithm together with the... more
With the advent of Big Data, inference in very large datasets is becoming increasingly common. Furthermore, business models and operational strategies demand ever more often an online, user real-time feedback solution in contrast with... more
In this paper we present an online approach for joint detection and tracking for multiple targets using variable rate particle filters (VRPFs). Unlike conventional models and particle filters, the proposed method utilises the applied... more
— Random finite sets are natural representations of multi-target states and observations that allow multi-sensor multi-target filtering to fit in the unifying random set framework for Data Fusion. Although the foundation has been... more
Localization schemes for wireless sensor networks can be classified as range-based or range-free. They differ in the information used for localization. Range-based methods use range measurements, while range-free techniques only use the... more
The Effective Sample Size (ESS) is an important measure of efficiency of Monte Carlo methods such as Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) and Importance Sampling (IS) techniques. In the IS context, an approximation  ESS of the theoretical ESS... more
The hydration of the hydroxyl OH radical has been investigated by microsolvation modeling and statistical mechanics Monte Carlo simulations. The microsolvation approach was based on density functional theory (DFT) calculations for... more
Hidden process models are a conceptually useful and practical way to si- multaneously account for process variation in animal population dynamics and measurement errors in observations and estimates made on the population. Process... more
Bayesian methods have become very popular in signal processing lately, even though performing exact Bayesian inference is often unfeasible due to the lack of analytical expressions for optimal Bayesian estimators. In order to overcome... more
The reliability performance of transmission system substations is critical for overall system reliability. Failure events at main grid substations can lead to multiple outages with possible cascading consequences and widespread loss of... more
The electronic polarization of acetone in liquid water is obtained using an iterative procedure in the sequential Monte Carlo/quantum mechanics methodology. MP2/aug-cc-pVDZ calculations of the dipole moment of acetone in water are... more
In this work, we analyze alternative effective sample size (ESS) measures for importance sampling algorithms. More specifically, we study a family of ESS approximations introduced in [13]. We show that all the ESS functions included in... more
Given the actual context of increased dispersed generation and highly loaded lines, probabilistic methods are more and more required to take into account the stochastic behavior of electrical network components (possible spate of outages... more
This paper shows how one can use Sequential Monte Carlo methods to perform what is typically done using Markov chain Monte Carlo methods. This leads to a general class of principled integration and genetic type optimization methods based... more