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Considering how the political economy of the City of Women, a contemporary art festival, has been marked by the economic subordination of women on the one hand and by unpaid labor in the arts on the other, this essay examines the... more
İş ve aile yaşamını uzlaştırma politikaları, kadın istihdamını artırmak, toplumsal refah düzeyini yükseltmek, çocuk yoksulluğunu düşürmek, ev içi iş yükü ile çalışma yaşamındaki sorumlulukları dengelemek amacıyla geliştirilen... more
Since former Japanese Prime Minister Abe Shinzo announced his “Womenomics” initiative to increase the number of Japanese women in the workplace, the number of married working women aged 25-54 has risen from 58% in 2000 to 71% in 2016.... more
Pushing against imperial cultural glorification of the empowerment of Indian ayahs (nursemaids) sailing to Britain, this article uses official and vernacular archives to chart a social history of the precarious predicament of ayahs denied... more
Triangular arrow points (Madison points) vastly outnumber endscrapers on Iroquoian village sites; a fact that has not been satisfactorily explained. Endscrapers are assumed to have been used for scraping deerskins. However, the number of... more
Some recent scholarship has proposed analysing housework within ‘time’ and ‘space’ to better understand the persistent gender gap in the division of household labour. This article presents the findings of an exploratory study of housework... more
This article focuses on the lives of workers in small commerce and in domestic service in nineteenth-century Rio de Janeiro. It seeks to understand both what united and what differentiated maids (criadas) and clerks (caixeiros), two types... more
In the Global Gender Gap 2020 Report, which tracks gender parity in education, health, politics, and economic participation, Japanese women were ranked 121st out of 153 (World Economic Forum, 2019), lagging far behind other Asian... more
This study analyzes the process of the embodiment of reproductive labor by Muslim immigrant women and argues that it is not only the commodification of reproductive labor that alienates reproductive workers, but also the cultural... more