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Patrones de asentamiento. (Jairo Campos Ferrer)
Tipología y tecnología. (Álvaro López de los Mozos)
Simbología. (Sergio Carrillo Gámez)
Bu makalenin konusu, Epipaleolitik ve Neolitik dönemde, Asya’dan Avrupa’ya olan insan hareketlerinin ve göçün, Anadolu’da yapılan klimatik, faunal ve floral araştırmalar ışığında aydınlatılmasına dayanmaktadır. Anadolu ve yakın... more
The transition from Epi-paleolithic to Neolithic is one of the most enigmatic social transformations in human history. Archaeologists have been tracing this radical transformation for over a century. New opinions come up with the fact... more
While flint perforators are common in the Neolithic, closely associated with drilling technology and beads-craft, high frequencies of perforators appear already at the end of the Natufian culture. The current study examines a large... more
Newly initiated research at Direkli cave is helping to define an initial understanding of Epipaleolithic hunter-gatherer traditions in the central Taurus region of southern Turkey. Detailed analysis of the Direkli faunal assemblage... more
Our knowledge about Paleolithic art has been changing substantially and new discoveries and dates are modifying some traditionally accepted considerations. In this context, the geographic spread and the end of this graphic-artistic cycle... more
Surveys and excavations (1979–2004) in the Wadi al-Hasa, Transjordanian Plateau, documented several Epipaleolithic sites. These include Tor Sageer, Yutil al-Hasa Area C/E, and Tor at-Tareeq (Early Epipaleolithic), as well as Tabaqa and... more
Although remains of architectural 'furniture' occur sporadically during the earlier Upper Palaeolithic in the Levant, examples of structures, albeit brush huts, were identified only about the time of onset of the Pleniglacial and the... more
Although the Zarzian was first identified in the 1920s, it has not been until recently that detailed investigations of it have been undertaken. In contrast to the intensive research on the Epipaleolithic period in the Levant, the Zagros... more
This study presents, for the first time, an environmental reconstruction of a sequence spanning nearly the entire Mediterranean Epipaleolithic (~22.0e11.9 ka cal. BP). The study is based on a well-dated, highresolution pollen record... more
Virtually all researchers in the Middle East use variations on the typologies of Tixier (1963), Bar-Yosef (1970), or Hours (1974), which in turn are based on the principles of Western European typologies such as those established by... more
The following paper examines the climatic and cultural changes that occurred in the Eastern Sahara during the Holocene. The evidence is given from different areas of the absolute desert located on the Abu... more
Research on the sedentarization and intensification processes in the Epipaleolithic period of the Levant, which culminated in the Natufian Culture, often turns to the earlier Epipaleolithic cultures to discern the roots of these important... more
The Natufian period in the Levant has long been heralded as the cultural framework in which agriculture originated. Research emphasis has thus focused on examining wild cereal use in the context of Western concepts that value a plant food... more
Recent excavations in Jordan have demonstrated a long sequence of development from the late Pleistocene Epipalaeolithic through the early Holocene Pre-Pottery Neolithic. Superficially, the growing body of social and subsistence evidence... more
Obsidian is a predominantly greenish-grey to black (but also sometimes brown and red), naturally occurring volcanic glass formed by rapid cooling of viscous lava of rhyolithic composition (Gourgaud 1998). Obsidian registers around six on... more
В статье представлены результаты технологического и экспериментально-трасологического анализов персональных украшений многослойной археологической стоянки Обишир-5 – ключевого объекта позднего плейстоцена – раннего голоцена в западной... more
Beginning in the late 1970s, Burton MacDonald’s Wadi Hasa Sur- vey (1979–1983) identified dozens of sites in the highlands of west- central Jordan ranging from the Lower Palaeolithic to the Aceramic Neolithic. Although most were deflated... more
Recent archaeological discoveries, refinements in genetic analyses and the archaeobotanical data require a reconsideration of the nature of the emergence of sedentary farming communities in Southeastern Turkey. In the rescue excavations... more
Survey and excavations in the Wadi al-Hasa, Jordan, between 1979 and 1998 yielded three Natufian sites. WHS 1021 is an open-air site that was surface collected, while the open-air site at Tabaqa and the rockshelter at Yutil al-Hasa Area D... more
Around the transition from the Pleistocene to the Holocene in southwest Asia, human skills in cultural niche construction were qualitatively upgraded in order to support the formation of large, permanently co-resident communities and... more
Изучение сырьевых стратегий в палеолите Кавказа обнаруживает существование удаленных миграций древнего человека. Обсидиан в каменном веке был сырьем, которое высоко ценилось и транспортировалось на расстояния более 200–250 км. В... more
In this paper, the authors report results of a detailed technological and typological analysis of the Epipalaeolithic assemblages from three stratified sites in the North Caucasus that were excavated in recent years at a modern scientific... more
Various stray finds regularly came to light from the peat bog near the River Marcal on the outskirts of Mezőlak. In 1939, archaeologist Sándor Gallus and geologist Vilmos Seemayer conducted a small-scale excavation, from which wood... more
Our understanding of the Early Natufian period primarily is based on data from the western Levant, particularly from Mediterranean woodlands and coastal contexts. Sites here have produced a wealth of information critical to building an... more
The miniaturization of stone tools, as reflected through the systematic production of blade-lets and bladelet tools (microliths), characterized many industries of the Late Pleistocene, with the Levantine Epipalaeolithic serving as a... more
At the end of the Pleistocene, the Near Eastern Epipaleolithic chrono-cultural complex experienced profound cultural changes. Among these, the acquisition of exotic goods becomes one of the hallmarks of the Late Epipaleolithic / Natufian.... more
Публикуются данные об открытых и исследованных авторами месторождениях каменного сырья и способах его транспортировки на стоянки в верхнем палеолите Северо-Западного Кавказа. Изучение обсидиановых изделий позволяет говорить о перемещении... more
The mosaic ecology of the Late Pleistocene Levant has been referred to by many authors investigating Epipaleolithic use of wild cereals as a prelude to cultivation, but it has rarely been the focus of studies investigating hunter-gatherer... more