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The purpose of this study is to identify problems such as administration, program and parental issues that pre-school teachers encounter. The other purpose is to investigate whether the teacher perceptions on problems that pre-school... more
Genel olarak kamu yararına dönük olarak üst düzeyde eğitim veren, araştırma yapan, bilgi üreten ve ürettiği bilgiyi toplumla paylaşan hizmet kuruluşları olarak değerlendirilen üniversiteler günümüzde büyük bir değişim basıncıyla karşı... more
The research want to explain the impact of principal leadership on the effectiveness of learning at high school level. The study is aimed at finding principal leadership model as an ideal example in managing school as an educational... more
The purpose of this study was to explore whether provider’s selection influenced institutional management efficiency in public universities in Nyeri and Kiambu counties. A hybrid theoretical framework of Resource based theory and... more
In this paper, I present a request for proposal (RFP) on behalf of a fictional school. The school, Chester Middle School, would like to receive a $25,000 grant to commence a 6th-grade reading program. This paper demonstrates the... more
The purpose of this study was to explore whether provider’s selection influenced institutional management efficiency in public universities in Nyeri and Kiambu counties. A hybrid theoretical framework of Resource based theory and... more
The purpose of this article is to give an insight or idea to the reader, analysts, academics, and practitioners to understand how to find the best strategy to improve the quality of education in LPTK through the application of the... more
Abstract: In his book Pasteur's Quadrant, Donald Stokes (1997) argued that research projects can be described by their contributions to theoretical understanding and the solution of practical problems. Building on... more
There is an increased use of public e-services integrating citizens into public administration through electronic interfaces. On-line interaction among public organizations and citizens is one core relation in e-government that hereby... more
To assure education quality, assessment is considered one of key indicators which provide insights for teachers to tailor their teaching to students' needs and abilities. Generally, different kinds of assessment are used but sometimes too... more