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European Journal of Education Studies ISSN: 2501 - 1111 ISSN-L: 2501 - 1111 Available on-line at: doi: 10.5281/zenodo.1098581 Volume 3 │Issue 11 │2017 AN INVESTIGATION OF THE INFLUENCE OF THE OUTSOURCED ACADEMIC RESOURCE PROVIDER SELECTION ON INSTITUTION MANAGEMENT IN PUBLIC UNIVERSITIES IN NYERI AND KIAMBU COUNTIES IN KENYA Rosemary Wairimu Mathengei B.Ed., M.Ed., Ph.D. (candidate), Mount Kenya University, Kenya Abstract: The purpose of this study was to explore whether provider’s selection influenced institutional management efficiency in public universities in Nyeri and Kiambu counties. A hybrid theoretical framework of Resource based theory and Institutional management efficiency theory buttressed the study. Purposeful sampling of 20 deans of schools, 3 human resource managers 122 heads of departments and 415 lecturers was used. The study made use of questionnaires, interview guide and focus group discussions to collect data. The study utilized a Methodological triangulation research design. To ensure the validity of the instruments, the Research objectives were crosschecked with the corresponding items. The spearman’s split-half technique of assessing reliability of the instruments was used. Inter-Rater technique was used in this study to measure credibility. Dependability was ascertained by means of triangulation. Pearson product moment correlation coefficient technique was used. A correlation coefficient of 0.73 for the two halves was considered sufficient. Descriptive and inferential statistics to evaluate the dependence of measures of organizational efficiency was used. The study reviewed that, public universities should evaluate academic resource providers in order to produce quality graduates and also to be able to control and reduce operational costs. Keywords: provider selection, outsourcing, institution management efficiency Copyright © The Author(s). All Rights Reserved. © 2015 – 2017 Open Access Publishing Group 732 Rosemary Wairimu Mathenge AN INVESTIGATION OF THE INFLUENCE OF THE OUTSOURCED ACADEMIC RESOURCE PROVIDER SELECTION ON INSTITUTION MANAGEMENT IN PUBLIC UNIVERSITIES IN NYERI AND KIAMBU COUNTIES IN KENYA 1. Background Information 1.1 Academic Resource Outsourcing In order to improve efficiencies, educational institutions are lured to outsourcing, as a key to achieve improved financial results. Mehta, (2006) debates the merits of outsourcing education based on the three major challenges that educational institutions face, the fight for talent, benchmarking to global standards and the mismatch between supply and demand. An increasing number of educational institutions are considering allowing external experts to run their vital, but often management-time consuming and resource intensive operations. In addition to economic advantages, outsourcing also provides operational and strategic benefits for an organization (Huber, 1996). The enterprise will be in a position to react more quickly to changes in market demand. Both the buyer and the supplier of an outsourcing arrangement share an open relationship where they receive support from each other to overcome problems. Gaither in making a decision on how much work must be outsourced. Frazier, (2002) points out that an important aspect of operations strategy is the amount of work that will be outsourced. As establishments strive to operate more efficiently, they must try to establish the best level of outsourcing in order to achieve their operations and business goals. Due consideration must be given to the fact that outsourcing is a sensitive labour issue for trade unions, because fewer employees will be required as the company engages in more outsourcing. Since outsourcing is an integral part of an institution’s supply chain, and better supply chain management has become an important part of an institution’s operations strategy, it is vital that the above concerns are adequately addressed. (Frazier, 2002) A survey published by the National Association of College Auxiliary Services in 1997 captured more than 70 services by institutions of higher education. The survey results support that almost all services are outsourced, within higher education. The survey results showed a high degree of similarity between public and private institutions. However, of the 71 services covered in the survey, public institutions outsourced only two services to a higher degree while private institutions outsourced 23 of the services to a higher degree (an 8% or more difference). It appears that public institutions are more likely to have sufficient human resources or equipment compared to private institutions, and thus decreasing the need to outsource services. The 1997 survey also suggests that the extent to which an institution outsources services is influenced by the size of an institution. Larger institutions tend to perform more European Journal of Education Studies - Volume 3 │ Issue 11│ 2017 733 Rosemary Wairimu Mathenge AN INVESTIGATION OF THE INFLUENCE OF THE OUTSOURCED ACADEMIC RESOURCE PROVIDER SELECTION ON INSTITUTION MANAGEMENT IN PUBLIC UNIVERSITIES IN NYERI AND KIAMBU COUNTIES IN KENYA services in-house than smaller institutions, even for specialized services such as waste and hazardous waste removal and textbook publishing. Conversely, larger institutions are more likely than smaller institutions to outsource auxiliary services such as housing facilities, bookstores and athletic concessions. Good instruction cannot be approached as freelance work. A good educator has to be relentlessly conscious of how learners integrate what they are learning into the rest of their lives. The teller at Target just wants you to "Expect more. Pay less," and get out of the way of the next client. According to Wendler, former chancellor at Southern Illinois University, the outsourcing of secondary functions may allow a university to focus more strongly on its core teaching mission. However, when universities rely on teachers that they treat as labour-for-hire, they can affect the priorities of the entire faculty. Rather than stewards, they become supplicants. They learn they must not challenge students or administrators or give any offense because they are little valued and easily replaced. Inoffensive educators stop looking to the horizon and start looking at their feet. From that posture, though, how can they prepare students to cross that next ocean or climb that next mountain? According to Wendler universities need a clear faculty voice that addresses the calling of their profession and its importance to the future of the nation. What we've frequently gotten instead is third-party rehashings of how many credit hours constitute an overload or how to reorganize benefits for the next batch of retirees. Wendler further questions, Where are the American Association of University Professors, the National Education Association and other trade associations? First, faculty outsourced their leadership to unions. Now, the faculty itself is being outsourced. Is compensation critical?” Yes, but only after a mutual understanding of the nature of the work is reached. Wendler ventures even further to say The essence of the university and energetic faculty in contact with the student of like mind and disposition enlightened has to be treated differently. Teaching and scholarship are not ancillary services at a good university and cannot be parcelled off to the lowest-price providers. Knowledge work must be treated as a long-term investment, not just a current cost. But what is the value of "efficiency" when the priorities of our universities are "Targeted" to maximize the sale of low-cost, uniformly produced, discrete packets of information distributed by indistinguishable day labourers. Sometimes the lowest price isn't the best deal.” “ccording to Gay and Essinger 2000 outsourcing is one of the fastest-growing and arguably most important areas of business activity . Establishments enter into outsourcing arrangements for different reasons. LeFort (1998) founder and Chief European Journal of Education Studies - Volume 3 │ Issue 11│ 2017 734 Rosemary Wairimu Mathenge AN INVESTIGATION OF THE INFLUENCE OF THE OUTSOURCED ACADEMIC RESOURCE PROVIDER SELECTION ON INSTITUTION MANAGEMENT IN PUBLIC UNIVERSITIES IN NYERI AND KIAMBU COUNTIES IN KENYA Executive Officer CEO of says different establishments outsource different services and for different reasons”. According to LeFort, if a survey were to be conducted of Fortune 1000 companies such as Mercedes-Benz, Olympus, JP Morgan Chase, EarthLink, Nextel, and Blue Cross Blue Shield all of them would have many different outsourcing goals. Some may emphasize flexibility and speed-to-market; others would be seeking cost savings or capital cost avoidance or brand protection. Often, there are multiple goals across the board. However, each is able to maintain its competitive edge and its leadership standing by outsourcing. 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