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ABSTRACT The Jacobean era's infamous witchcraft trials are recalled after reservoir repairs close to Pendle Hill reveal a buried cottage with bricked‐up cat. Interpretations of the building as the site of Malkin Tower, recorded in court... more
Abstract The expanse of the Wye Valley and the Forest of Dean in the Welsh Borders is rich in references to nature and to the local cunning folk, but also it is the place of the ancient Romano-Celtic deity Abundantia. There is a... more
Consideration is given to how elements of the occult: witchcraft, magic and sorcery may be identified in the archaeological record. Working definitions of occult terminology are established before proceeding to propose a new approach,... more
In the study of witchcraft and magic it is tempting to get caught up in the glamour of witches. Such fascination is perfectly comprehensible given the mass trials, maleficent magic, sabbaths, murder (alleged), possession and even the... more
Les devins ont joué un rôle indispensable dans le diagnostique et la guérison de maladies d’origine diabolique dans les communautés anglaises des débuts de la modernité. Malgré les tentatives du clergé de les faire passer pour les agents... more
This article compares and contrasts England’s first three Witchcraft Acts (1542, 1563, and 1604) with demonological treatises published by English theologians and clerics between 1580 and 1627 with the intention of highlighting the... more
This article is about the distinct groups that practised malevolent and benevolent witchcraft in Swedish-speaking Ostrobothnia in late-modern Finland according to belief legends and memorates. Placing belief legends and memorates in Mary... more
This publication stems from the Medieval and Early Modern Student Association (MEMSA) community at Durham University, and the conference papers behind these articles were originally presented at the eighth annual MEMSA Student Conference,... more
Ez a tanulmány a kora újkori Nagybánya mágikus és egészségügyi piacának bemutatására tesz kísérletet, ahogyan az a boszorkányvádaskodás narratív kontextusában megismerhető. Elemzésemben három, viszonylag jó forrásadottságú időszak alapján... more
A tanulmányban bemutatott zselici öntőasszony-dinasztia szövegeit több kutató gyűjtötte és közölte az 1950-es évektől. Ez a kutatás amellett érvel, hogy az asszonyok által a viaszöntés során elmondott imádság és a dinasztia sorsa szorosan... more
Contemporary research in the area referred to as Pagan Studies evidences a scholarly interest in paganism/s and witchcraft. Trends within Social Anthropology and ethnographic studies have driven a change in the orientation of Pagan... more
Addressing cunning folk & their practices in Early Modern England & the role they played in the community
This article develops an interpretation of Iliad I.131-32, showing mainly by an analysis of the verses that precede this passage the reasons of Agamemnon’s reaction to Achilles’ action in the assembly. As a result, we will distinguish... more
The beautiful county of Yorkshire is the largest in Britain, and yet still possesses a strong and cohesive regional identity. Built on centuries of shared tradition, a characteristic body of folklore has thrived and endured well into the... more
In 1550 a cunning man named Jochum Bosch accused five women of witchcraft in the villages of Putten and Nijkerkin the Dutch province of Gelderland. He was employed to do this by a Nijkerk who wished to attack another farmer's family. The... more