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“Hún stendur arna, eins og jaki, ísborg sem skola hefur á land...” var sagt í vögunni á Arnarhóli, ar sem ljósaverk Hörpunnar var tendra . Í röddinni mátti greina bæ i a dáun og vir ingu. Vi gömlu Austurhöfnina í Reykjavík, ar sem... more Produced and authored by Jilly Traganou, Associate Professor at Parsons The New School for Design Directed by Marija Stojnic Duration: 12 minutes New York-based designer Lance Wyman was one of the... more
In this chapter I explore how local tropes of hole and suture tell us something about the changes that have taken place in how urbanity is imagined and lived in the Democratic Republic of Congo today. More than ever, there is the need to... more
In 1975–1976, Lebanon and the city of Beirut were consumed by devastating armed conflict. But whereas this empirical fact is uncontested, its historical causes and political meanings remain controversial. Sara Fregonese’s book War and the... more
This chapter explores the spatiotemporal politics of violence in the city of Ahmedabad during Narendra Modi's tenure as Gujarat's chief minister, which have since become indicative of the militant Hindu Right's hegemonic project in India... more
The article explores the critical, performative, and everyday spatial practices of commoning vis-à-vis the normalising order of the metropolis, capitalist-state governance, and urban development patterns. Through this broader lens,... more
Pražská panelová sídliště jsou místa, kde se protíná mnoho protikladů: na jednu stranu jsou ceněna pro to, že zajistila praktické a relativně málo nákladné bydlení pro velký počet obyvatel, na druhou stranu byla často kritizována pro... more
The present MA thesis aims to analyze to what extent State-building policies (i.e., when State authority leverages on its coercive power in order to channel human and natural resources from the ‘peripheries’ to a chosen ‘center’) enforced... more
How do urban security assemblages evolve? Scholars inspired by Deleuze's Control Thesis detect profound shifts in the ways security operates. Different to Foucault's disciplinary logics, they argue, security assemblages now rely... more
In Datta A. and Shaban A., Mega-Urbanization in the Global South: Fast Cities and New Urban Utopias of the Postcolonial State, London: Routledge ‘Speed kills’ is the conclusion Cugurullo draws in Chapter 4. Exploring ‘fast regulation’ in... more
This text was published in the book _Between Earth and Empire_ (PM Press, 2019). A shorter version appeared in the collection _Sweet Spots: In-Between Spaces in New Orleans_ (University of Mississippi Press, 2018).
If we were to write a model of the Eastern block scientific society and its spacial representation, or perhaps wider – science at large, we would have to begin with, "In the beginning there was the secret ..."The secret has distinct... more
There has always been an interest in the communicative-aesthetic aspects of urban landscapes for different purposes: for city marketing (Kearns and Philo, 1993), for the expression of power and authority, of geographic possession,... more
La città che cambia: rappresentazioni, metafore, memoria Napoli, 21, 22 e 23 ottobre 2020 Palazzo Du Mesnil, Via Chiatamone 61/62 Call for Papers "Una città non è disegnata, semplicemente si fa da sola. Basta ascoltarla, perché la città è... more
This exhibition retracing Walter Benjamin's winter movements in Moscow in December 1926, and their contemporary spatial and political resonances. Zig-zaging on the frozen streets of the city, he is exposed to a strange and uncoded... more
Dr. Vytuleva explores themes of conceptual preservation, architecture of the Cold War, wartime exhibitions, politics and media in a bi-polarized world.