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Substantial contributions to the archaeological study of gender in the Pacific Northwest have been made over the past 30 years. Despite these advances, considerations of gender—particularly those which embrace feminist... more
The research described in this article evaluates the presence and significance of violence among a sample of human skeletal remains recovered from sites in the interior northwestern portion of the continental United States. Violent... more
Over the past two decades, archaeology in British Columbia has been marked by two dramatic changes: the steep rise in forest industry-related “cultural resource management” (CRM) and the concomitant increase in First Nations engagement... more
People have had the moon’s number for a very long time. We figure the moon’s phases were counted by calendar priests in ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia at least 5000 years ago, and the unwritten record of prehistoric megaliths and symbolic... more
The Grissom site (45KT301) is a multi-component archaeological site in northeast Kittitas Valley excavated by Central Washington State College from 1967-1971. The site is significant because it is one of few scientifically excavated... more
The late Pleistocene–early Holocene archaeological record of the interior Pacific Northwest is dominated by what has been regionally referred to as the Western Stemmed Tradition (WST). While various efforts have attempted to clarify the... more
A wide variety of lanceolate and stemmed projectile point/knife forms occur in cultural complexes geographically distributed from the northern Great Plains through the northern tier of the Desert West, including inland and intermontane... more
Whole dentalium and segments of dentalium shell have been used as beads in the Northwest Coast and interior Plateau culture areas both prehistorically and ethnographically. Incised whole shells, and no more than five known examples of... more
In this study, ancient DNA (aDNA) analysis was used to assign species identifications to a sample of Middle (7,000 to 4,500 years BP) and Late (4,500 to 200 years BP) Period fish remains from EeRb-144, a large campsite located in the... more
The attached report has been edited to protect archaeological site and artifact locations. For information on testing methodology, findings, and detailed analysis of results please contact the Idaho Panhandle National Forests Heritage... more
The Plateau culture area of northwestern North America fits the criteria of an interaction sphere. Understanding the general cultural dynamics responsible for the creation of interaction spheres has been poorly developed in archaeological... more
Mount Spokane is an important heritage resource area for the Spokane Tribe of Indians, traditionally known as the . The mountain is a creation site, as recounted in the story , as well as a vision quest and pilgrimage location. Mount... more
While it is generally accepted that the initial Pleistocene human colonizers of the Americas likely entered the continents via the Pacific coast, formal models of their entry and dispersion into the continental interior are scarce. The... more
This project focuses on whether determination of physical differences among closely affiliated Native American populations inhabiting the southern Plateau is possible. The study includes 318 individuals and approximately 100 recorded... more
This study addresses the relative absence of archaeological considerations of gender and, specifically, the underrepresented role of women in the pre-contact period of the Southern Plateau. Ethnographic and ethnohistorical records are... more
Mount Spokane is an important heritage resource area for the Spokane Tribe of Indians, traditionally known as the snzmene/. The mountain is a creation site, as recounted in the story Ou/ sPeRt, as well as a vision quest and pilgrimage... more
Recent years have seen the development of large radiocarbon databases such as the Canadian Archaeological Radiocarbon Database, 14SEA Project, and the Irish Radiocarbon and Dendrochronological Dates. Many archaeologists are using... more
This study revisits Schwede's (1970) ethnographic Nez Perce (Nimiipuu) settlement model data using a fresh ensemble of visualization techniques and quantitative methods: 1) The distribution of ethnographic villages and camps with respect... more
Ciudad Perdida (Lost City) is an archaeological site in Colombia's Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. This site is believed to have been part of a larger city that existed once in the same location. As it is often the case, the Haitian proverb... more
The Wells Dam Project area of the Upper-Middle Columbia River has been central to developing our understanding of long-term use of the central Washington Plateau and the development of Plateau land-use models as well as to understanding... more
Multiple proxy records compiled for the Columbia Plateau document a significant degree of variability in paleoclimates during the Holocene. Included in this record are intervals of abrupt or rapid climate change (RCC), the most prominent... more
This project considered the deposition history of a burned structure located on the Kalispel Tribe of Indians ancestral lands at the Flying Goose site in northeastern Washington. Excavation of the structure revealed stratified deposits... more
"Recent excavations conducted at the Cooper‘s Ferry site of western Idaho revealed several areas of modified sediment bearing unusual artifact and faunal concentrations, which are interpreted as cultural features. In this paper, we... more
This project considered the deposition history of a burned structure located on the Kalispel Tribe of Indians ancestral lands at the Flying Goose site in northeastern Washington. Excavation of the structure revealed stratified deposits... more
The 31st Annual Northwest Anthropological Conference (NWAC) was hosted by Washington State University (WSU) and the University of Idaho (UI, 8 miles apart) from April 6 - 8, 1978 with papers presented at WSU. I was the Program Chairman... more
The search for and discovery of early archaeological sites is an inherently geoarchaeological problem. Archaeological sites of late Pleistocene-age are known to be located in the Intermountain West, however, the record of these early... more