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Recent progress on weight distributions of cyclic codes over finite fields

Cyclic codes are an interesting type of linear codes and have wide applications in communication and storage systems due to their efficient encoding and decoding algorithms. In coding theory it is often desirable to know the weight distribution of a cyclic code to estimate the error correcting capability and error probability. In this paper, we present the recent progress on the weight distributions of cyclic codes over finite fields, which had been determined by exponential sums. The cyclic codes with few weights which are very useful are discussed and their existence conditions are listed. Furthermore, we discuss the more general case of constacyclic codes and give some equivalences to characterize their weight distributions.

J. Algebra Comb. Discrete Appl. 2(1) • 39-63 Received: 20 October 2014; Accepted: 6 December 2014 DOI 10.13069/jacodesmath.36866 Journal of Algebra Combinatorics Discrete Structures and Applications Recent progress on weight distributions of cyclic codes over finite fields∗ Research Article Hai Q. Dinh1∗∗ , Chengju Li2§ , Qin Yue2∗ ∗ ∗ 1. Departments of Mathematical Sciences, Kent State University, Warren, OH 44484, USA 2. Department of Mathematics, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing, 211100, P.R. China Abstract: Cyclic codes are an interesting type of linear codes and have wide applications in communication and storage systems due to their efficient encoding and decoding algorithms. In coding theory it is often desirable to know the weight distribution of a cyclic code to estimate the error correcting capability and error probability. In this paper, we present the recent progress on the weight distributions of cyclic codes over finite fields, which had been determined by exponential sums. The cyclic codes with few weights which are very useful are discussed and their existence conditions are listed. Furthermore, we discuss the more general case of constacyclic codes and give some equivalences to characterize their weight distributions. 2010 MSC: 94B15, 11T71, 11T24 Keywords: Linear codes, Weight distribution, Cyclic codes, Finite fields, Gauss periods, Gauss sums, Exponential sums, Quadratic forms 1. Introduction The classes of cyclic codes play a very significant role in the theory of error-correcting codes. Cyclic codes can be efficiently encoded using shift registers, and they have rich algebraic structures for efficient error detection and correction, which explains their preferred role in engineering. Information Theory and Coding Theory have been widely considered to be born in 1948, when Claude Shannon’s1 landmark paper [75] on the mathematical theory of communication, showed that good codes exist2 . Cyclic codes were ∗ The second and third authors are supported by NNSF of China (No. 11171150) E-mail: § E-mail: ∗∗∗ E-mail: 1 Claude Elwood Shannon (April 30, 1916 - February 24, 2001) was an American mathematician, electronic engineer, and cryptographer, who is refered to as "the father of information theory" [43]. Shannon is also credited ∗∗ JACODESMATH / ISSN 2148-838X 39 Weight distributions of cyclic codes over finite fields introduced as early as 1957, nine years after that, in a series of papers by Prange [67]-[71]. Since then, cyclic codes have been the most studied of all codes. Many well known codes, such as BCH, Kerdock, Golay, Reed-Muller, Preparata, Justesen, and binary Hamming codes, are either cyclic codes or can be constructed from cyclic codes. In this paper, we survey some results on the weight distributions of cyclic codes over finite fields that have been recently determined by exponential sums. For a prime p, let Fq be a finite field of characteristic p with q elements, i.e., q = ps , for some positive integer s. An [n, k, d] linear code C is a k-dimensional subspace of Fnq with minimum distance d. Hereafter, we always assume that the code length n and the field characteristic p are coprime 3 . The code C is called cyclic if (c0 , c1 , . . . , cn−1 ) ∈ C implies (cn−1 , c0 , c1 , . . . , cn−2 ) ∈ C. By identifying the vector (c0 , c1 , . . . , cn−1 ) ∈ Fnq with c0 + c1 x + c2 x2 + · · · + cn−1 xn−1 ∈ Fq [x]/(xn − 1), any code C of length n over Fq corresponds to a subset of Fq [x]/(xn −1). Then C is a cyclic code if and only if the corresponding subset is an ideal of Fq [x]/(xn −1). Note that every ideal of Fq [x]/(xn −1) is principal. Hence there is a monic polynomial g(x) with least degree such that C = hg(x)i and g(x) | (xn − 1). Then g(x) is called the generator polynomial and h(x) = (xn − 1)/g(x) is called the check polynomial of the cyclic code C. Suppose that h(x) has t irreducible factors over Fq , we call C the dual of the cyclic code with t zeros. Let Ai be the number of codewords with Hamming weight i in the code C of length n. The weight enumerator of C is defined by 1 + A1 x + A2 x2 + · · · + An xn . The sequence (1, A1 , A2 , . . . , An ) is called the weight distribution of the code C. In coding theory it is often desirable to know the weight distributions of the codes because they can be used to estimate the error correcting capability and the error probability of error detection and correction with respect to some decoding algorithms. This is quite useful in practice. Unfortunately, it is a very hard problem in general and remains open for most cyclic codes. Let r = q m for a positive integer m and α a generator of F∗r . Let h(x) = h1 (x)h2 (x) · · · ht (x), where hj (x) (1 ≤ j ≤ t) are distinct monic irreducible polynomials over Fq . Let gj = α−sj be a root of hj (x) and as the founder of both digital computer and digital circuit design theory, when, in 1937, as a 21-year-old master’s student at MIT, he wrote a thesis establishing that electrical application of Boolean algebra could construct and resolve any logical, numerical relationship. It has been claimed that this has been the most important master’s thesis of all time. Shannon contributed to the field of cryptanalysis during World War II and afterwards, including basic work on code breaking. 2 Shannon’s theorem ensures that our hopes of getting the correct messages to the users will be fulfilled a certain percentage of the time. Based on the characteristics of the communication channel, it is possible to build the right encoders and decoders so that this percentage, although not 100%, can be made as high as we desire. However, the proof of Shannon’s theorem is probabilistic and only guarantees the exixtence of such good codes. No specific codes were constructed in the proof that provides the desired accuracy for a given channel. The main goal of Coding Theory is to establish good codes that fulfill the assertions of Shannon’s theorem. During the last 50 years, while many good codes have been constructed, but only from 1993, with the introduction of turbo codes [7], the rediscoveries of LDPC codes, and the study of related codes and associated iterative decoding algorithms, researchers started to see codes that approach the expectation of Shannon’s theorem in practice. 3 The case when the code length n is divisible by the characteristic p of the field yields the so-called repeated-root codes, which were first studied since 1967 by Berman [5], and then in the 1970s and 1980s by several authors such as Massey et al. [61], Falkner et al. [33], Roth and Seroussi [72]. However, repeated-root codes were first investigated in the most generality in the 1990s by Castagnoli et al. [16], and van Lint [77], where they showed that repeated-root cyclic codes have a concatenated construction, and are asymptotically bad. To distinguish the two cases, codes when the code-length is not divisible by the characteristic p of the field are called simple-root codes. 40 H. Q. Dinh, C. Li, Q. Yue nj the order of gj for 0 ≤ sj ≤ r − 2 (1 ≤ j ≤ t). Let mj be the least positive integer such that q mj ≡ 1 (mod nj ). In fact, we have deg(hj (x)) = mj for j = 1, 2, . . . , t. Denote δ = gcd(r − 1, s1 , s2 , . . . , st ) and n = r−1 δ . A cyclic code C can be defined by (1) C = {c(a1 , a2 , . . . , at ) : aj ∈ Fqmj }, where c(a1 , a2 , . . . , at ) = ( t X Trqmj /q (aj ), j=1 t X Trqmj /q (aj gj ), . . . , j=1 t X Trqmj /q (aj gjn−1 )) (2) j=1 and Trqmj /q denotes the trace function from Fqmj to Fq . It follows from Delsarte’s Theorem [22] that the code C is an [n, k] cyclic code over Fq with the check polynomial h(x), where k = m1 + m2 + · · · + mt . In the rest of this paper, we use gi to denote the corresponding cyclic code. If we only give g1 and g2 , we mean that the dual of cyclic code has two zeros and the product of the minimal polynomials of g1 and g2 over Fq is the check polynomial of such cyclic code. It is similar for cyclic codes whose duals have more zeros. In most cases, we also only list the cyclic codes whose weight distributions are known because they may have many nonzero weights. The reader can get the details on weight distributions in the corresponding references which are given. For any a1 , a2 , . . . , at ∈ Fr , the Hamming weight of c(a1 , a2 , . . . , at ) is equal to WH (c(a1 , a2 , . . . , at )) = n − Z(r, t), where Z(r, t) = |{0 ≤ i ≤ n − 1 : t X Trqmj /q (aj gji ) = 0}|. j=1 Let φ be the canonical additive character of Fq . Then ψj = φ ◦ Trqmj /q is the canonical additive character of Fr . By the orthogonal property of additive characters we have Z(r, t) = n−1 X i=0 = 1 q t X 1 X Trqmj /q (aj gji )) φ(y q j=1 y∈Fq t n−1 X X X ψj (yaj gji ). (3) j=1 i=0 y∈Fq Hence determining the weight distribution of cyclic code is equivalent to determining the multiset {Z(r, t) : aj ∈ Fqmj for j = 1, 2, . . . t}. In general, it is very difficult and remains open for most cases. However, the weight distributions of cyclic codes had been determined in a few cases by using mathematical tools, such as Gauss periods, Gauss sums, quadratic forms, and the numbers of the solutions of equations over finite fields. In view of the trace representation (2) of C, it is natural to study the weight distributions of irreducible cyclic codes (i.e., t = 1) and the duals of cyclic codes with two or three zeros (i.e., t = 2 or 3). There are few results [53, 90] on weight distributions of cyclic codes with arbitrary zeros. Moreover, Ding and Yang [27] used Gauss periods to give an excellent survey on weight distributions of irreducible cyclic codes. In this paper, we mainly investigate the weight distributions of reducible cyclic codes which had been determined by exponential sums. The cyclic codes with few weights which are very useful are discussed and their existence conditions are listed. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we study the weight distributions of cyclic codes whose duals have two or three zeros. In Section 3, we present the results on weight distributions 41 Weight distributions of cyclic codes over finite fields of cyclic codes whose duals have arbitrary zeros. In Section 4, we investigate the cyclic codes with Niho exponents. In Section 5, the cyclic codes with few weights are discussed and their existence conditions are listed. Section 6 discusses the more general case of constacyclic codes, we present some methods to study the equivalence classes of constacyclic codes. All constacyclic codes that are in the same equivalence class of cyclic codes share the same weight distributions and all results from previous sections hold for such constacyclic codes. It is impractical to mention all recent work on weight distributions of cyclic codes in this paper. We focus on the weight distributions determined by exponential sums and some results may be omitted. An apparent omission is the weight distributions determined by combinatorial methods. However, we hope that this paper will show that weight distributions of cyclic codes which are determined by exponential sums in general. 2. Weights of the duals of cyclic codes with two or three zeros We begin with the weight distributions of cyclic codes whose duals have two or three zeros because Ding and Yang had given an elegant survey on irreducible cyclic codes. For details we refer the readers to [27] and the references therein. Below we consider the cyclic codes whose duals have two zeros. The weight distributions of such codes are settled for a few special cases and is quite complex in general [17]. Let g1 , g2 , and g3 be three zeros of h1 (x), h2 (x), and h3 (x), respectively, and C the cyclic code as (1) with the check polynomial h(x) = h1 (x)h2 (x)h3 (x). Now we assume that m1 = m2 = m3 = m if we do not give a special statement and α is a primitive element of Fqm . The weights of C were first studied in [14, 18, 81] by using exponential sums and combinatorial methods. Yuan et al. [91] used exponential sums to present the weight distributions of cyclic codes from perfect nonlinear functions. We refer the reader to [15] for a survey of highly nonlinear functions. Feng and Luo [34] presented a unified way to determine the weight distributions of cylic codes defined by perfect nonlinear functions. Theorem 2.1. The weight distributions of the following cyclic codes defined by perfect nonlinear functions are known: l 1. g1 = α−1 , g2 = α−(p +1) , where q = p, l ≥ 0 is an integer, and m/ gcd(m, l) is odd [35, 91]; 2. g1 = α−1 , g2 = α− 3l +1 2 , where q = 3, l is odd, and gcd(m, l) = 1 [35]. l Remark 2.2. Let the assumptions and the notations be as above theorem. Then f (x) = xp +1 is called Dembowski-Ostrom function [23] and f (x) = x 2.1. 3l +1 2 is called Coulter-Matthews function [21]. Quadratic forms and weight distributions Quadratic form is an effective tool to determine the weight distributions of cyclic codes. Below we recall some results on quadratic forms. We refer the readers to [54] for more details on quadratic forms. Let H be an m × m symmetric matrix over Fp . By identifying Fpm with Fm p , a function Q(x) from Fpm to Fp is called a quadratic form over Fp if Q(x) = XHX ⊥ , where X = (x1 , x2 , . . . , xm ) ∈ Fm p . Suppose that r = rank(H). Then there exists M ∈ GLm (Fp ) such that H ′ = M HM ⊥ is a diagonal matrix and H ′ = diag(a1 , . . . , ar , 0, . . . , 0), where ai ∈ Fp for 1 ≤ i ≤ r. Let ∆ = a1 · · · ar (∆ = 1 if r = 0). Then we have the following proposition. 42 H. Q. Dinh, C. Li, Q. Yue Proposition 2.3. [35, 54] Suppose that p is an odd prime. Let ( ∆ p ) denote the Legendre symbol and ζp = e 2π √ p −1 be a complex p-th root of unity. Then we have ( m− r2 X , if p ≡ 1 (mod 4); (∆ XHX ⊥ p )p√ ζp = ∆ r m− r2 −1) p )( ( , if p ≡ 3 (mod 4). p m X∈Fp By employing the above proposition, Feng and Luo [35, 55] presented the weight distributions of several classes of cyclic codes. Since then a series of jobs were motivated by their original idea. Theorem 2.4. Let l be a positive integer. Then the weight distributions of cyclic codes over Fp (p odd prime) had been determined by using quadratic forms in the following cases: l 1. g1 = α−2 , g2 = α−(p +1) , where m ≥ 3 and gcd(m, l) = 1 [35]; l 2. g1 = α−2 , g2 = α−(p +1) , and g3 = α−1 , where m ≥ 3 and gcd(m, l) = 1 [35]; l 3. g1 = α−2 , g2 = α−(p +1) , where m ≥ 2 and 1 ≤ l ≤ m − 1 [55]; l 4. g1 = α−2 , g2 = α−(p +1) , and g3 = α−1 , where m ≥ 2 and 1 ≤ l ≤ m − 1 [55]; 5. g1 = α−1 , g2 = α− pl +1 2 , where l/ gcd(m, l) is odd [58]; l 6. g1 = α−1 , g1 = α−(p +1) , and g3 = α−(p 7. g1 = −α−1 , g2 = α− 8. g1 = α−1 , g2 = α− pl +1 2 p2l +1 2 l , and g3 = α− 3l +1) p4l +1 2 , where m/ gcd(m, l) is odd [92]; 10. g1 = α−1 , g1 = α−(p +1) , and g3 = α−(p +1) , where m ≥ 5 is odd and gcd(m, l) = 1 [98]; , where m/ gcd(m, l) is even [95]; l 11. g1 = α−2 , g2 = α−(p +1) , where m/ gcd(m, l) ≥ 3 is odd [96]; 9. g1 = α−(p +1) , g2 = α−(p 2l 3l 3l , and g3 = α−(p 12. g1 = α−1 , g2 = −α−1 , and g3 = α− pl +1 2 +1) 4l , where m/ gcd(m, l) is even [95]; +1) , where m/ gcd(m, l) is odd [94]; , where m ≥ 3 is odd and gcd(m, l)=1 [57]; 13. g1 = α−2 , g2 = α−4 , and g3 = α−10 , where p = 3 [56]. There is a parallel result on the exponential sums over quadratic forms for even p. Luo et al. [59] investigated these exponential sums and gave the weight distributions of cyclic codes associated with generalized Kasami sequences. Theorem 2.5. [59] For even m, let l be an integer with 1 ≤ l ≤ m − 1 and l 6= distributions of binary cyclic codes C are known in the following cases: m 1. g1 = α−(2 2 m 2. g1 = α−(2 2 +1) +1) m 2. Then the weight l and g2 = α−(2 +1) ; l , g2 = α−(2 +1) , and g3 = α−1 . Remark 2.6. In the above theorem, m1 = m 2 , m2 = m and m3 = m. For the binary cyclic codes whose duals have two zeros, the calculations of their weight distributions is more important because it is equivalent to determine the value distribution of the cross-correlation function between two m-sequences and the Walsh transforms of monomials over finite fields. In fact, they represent the same mathematical problem (i.e., the calculation of exponential sum) in most cases. For more results of their relationships, cross-correlation function between two m-sequences, and the Walsh transforms of monomials, we refer the readers to [13, 36, 38, 40, 41, 44, 51, 65, 93] and references therein. 43 Weight distributions of cyclic codes over finite fields 2.2. Gauss periods and weight distributions There is another useful tool which is called Gauss periods to determine the weight distributions of cyclic codes. Now we recall the definition of Gauss period. Let r − 1 = nN and α be a fixed primitive element of Fr , where r = q m = psm . We define = αi hαN i for i = 0, 1, . . . , N − 1, where hαN i denotes the subgroup of F∗r generated by αN . The Gauss periods of order N are given by X (N,r) ηi = ψ(x), (N,r) Ci (N,r) x∈Ci (N,r) (N,r) where ψ is the canonical additive character of Fr and ηi = ηi (mod N ) if i ≥ N . In general, the explicit evaluation of Gauss periods is a very difficult problem. However, they can be computed in a few cases: N = 2, 3, 4, semi-primitive case, and index 2 case [27, 64]. By using these known Gauss periods, the weight distributions of some classes of cyclic codes were determined. For future use, here we also introduce Gauss sums which are closely related to Gauss periods. Let λ : F∗r → C∗ be a multiplicative character of F∗r . Now we define the Gauss sum over Fr by X G(λ) = λ(x)ψ(x). x∈F∗ r It is easy to see that G(λ0 ) = −1, where λ0 is the trivial multiplicative character, i.e., λ0 (x) = 1 for all x ∈ F∗r . Gauss sums can be viewed as the Fourier coefficients in the Fourier expansion of the restriction of ψ to F∗r in terms of the multiplicative characters of Fr , i.e., ψ(x) = 1 X G(λ)λ(x), for x ∈ F∗r . r−1 (4) λ∈b F∗ r By (4), we can obtain (N,r) ηi = N −1 N −1 X 1 X −ij 1 −ij ζN G(λj ) = (−1 + ζN G(λj )), N j=0 N j=1 where λ is a primitive multiplicative character of order N over F∗r . Generally, the explicit determination of Gauss sums is a difficult problem. However, they can be explicitly evaluated in the following cases [6, 89]: quadratic Gauss sums, semi-primitive Gauss sums, and index 2 Gauss sums. Ding [24] used Gauss periods to determine the weight distributions of irreducible cyclic codes. Moreover, a survey on the weight distributions of irreducible cyclic codes determined by Gauss periods was given by Ding and Yang [27]. Below we consider the weight distributions of reducible cyclic codes. Let m1 = m2 = m, r = q m , and α a generator of F∗r . Let h be a positive factor of q − 1 and e > 1 an integer such that e | gcd(q − 1, hm). Define g=α q−1 h ,n = r−1 h(r − 1) r − 1 e(q − 1) , β = α e , N = gcd( , ). q−1 q−1 h We easily see that the order of g is n and (βg)n = 1. It had been proved that the minimal polynomials of g −1 and (βg)−1 over Fq are distinct except when q = 3, h = 1, e = m = 2 [87]. Hence their product is a factor of xn − 1. Let g1 = g −1 and g2 = (βg)−1 . In general, we have m1 = m2 = m. Thus the corresponding cyclic code C is an [n, 2m] code. If F∗r = hg1 i = hg2 i, then the weight distribution of the code C which is 44 H. Q. Dinh, C. Li, Q. Yue called the dual of primitive cyclic code with two zeros had been studied in [9, 13, 14, 18, 62, 63, 74]. In this subsection, we only consider cyclic codes whose weight distributions are determined by Gauss periods, so we do not describe the results on primitive cyclic codes here. In fact, to determine the weight distributions of cyclic codes, more mathematical tools are employed, such as Gauss sums, Jacobi sums, and elliptic curves. Theorem 2.7. Let g1 = g −1 and g2 = (βg)−1 . Then the weight distribution of cyclic code C were determined by Gauss periods in the following cases: 1. e > 1 and N = 1 [60]; 2. e = 2 and N = 2 [60]; 3. e = 2 and N = 3 [26]; 4. e = 2 and pj + 1 ≡ 0 (mod N ) for some positive integer j [26]; 5. e = 3 and N = 2 [82]; 6. e = 2, N ≡ 3 (mod 4) is a prime, N 2−1 | sm, and p is of index 2 modulo N which means [Z∗N : hpi] = 2 and −1 6∈ hpi, where hpi is a subgroup generated by p in Z∗N [37]; 7. e = 4 and N = 2 [86]; 8. e = 3 and N = 3 [87]; 9. e = 2 and pj + 1 ≡ 0 (mod N ) for some positive integer j [88]. In [79], Vega presented an extended version for the class of cyclic codes studied by Ma et al. [60] and gave their weight distributions. Moreover, a general description for such reducible cyclic codes which generalizes the code C with e = 2 was given by Vega and Morales [80]. The weight distributions of these general cyclic codes were determined explicitly and the main tool is also Gauss periods. Theorem 2.8. [80] Suppose that q is odd and sm is even. Let d, a1 , a2 , and δ be four integers such r−1 that 2d | sm, a1 − a2 = ± r−1 2 , and δ = gcd( q−1 , a1 ). Let λ1 , λ2 be two divisors of q − 1 such that ∆ −a1 ′ gcd(q − 1, aδi ) = q−1 and λi for i = 1, 2. Fix δ = gcd(2, δ ) and λ = max{λ1 , λ2 }. Let g1 = α r−1 ′ d g2 = α−a2 . If δδ | (p + 1) and 2δ < pd , then 1 1. the corresponding cyclic code C is an [n, 2m] code with n = λ ∆ δ and its weight distribution can be computed explicitly; 2. C is a projective linear code which means the minimum weight of its dual code is at least three if and only if δ ′ = 1 and λ = 2. In this subsection, we have investigated the weight distributions of cyclic codes in the case m1 = m2 = m. Now we concentrate on the case m1 6= m2 . In [46, 47], the authors used Gauss periods to express the weight distributions of such cyclic codes. Moreover, a more general result on cyclic codes whose duals have two zeros was given in [48]. Based on the expression via Gauss periods, the weight distributions of several classes of cyclic codes were explicitly presented. r−1 q mi Let α be a fixed primitive element of Fr and F∗qmi = hαi i, where αi = α qmi −1 for i = 1, 2. Denote − 1 = ni Ni , gi = αi−Ni , d = gcd(n1 , n2 ), and n = n1dn2 . m1 m2 Theorem 2.9. [48] If gcd(n1 , n2 ) = d, n1 N1 = q m1 −1, n2 N2 = q m2 −1, M1 = q q−1−1 , M2 = q q−1−1 , d1 = 2 gcd(M1 , N1 ), d2 = gcd(M2 , N2 ), d3 = gcd( M1ddN , dN1 ), and d4 = gcd(M2 , dN2 ), then the weight distri4 −N1 bution of the cyclic code C with g1 = α1 and g2 = α2−N2 is given by Table 1. 45 Weight distributions of cyclic codes over finite fields Table 1. Weight distribution of cyclic code C with g1 = α1−N1 and g2 = α2−N2 . (q−1)n1 n2 dq (q−1)n1 n2 dq (q−1)n1 n2 dq Table 2. − (q−1)d3 d4 qd2 N1 N2 Weight 0 m 1 n2 (d1 ,q 1 ) − (q−1)d ηj qdN1 − Frequency 1 q m1 −1 (0 ≤ j ≤ d1 − 1) d1 (q−1)d2 n1 (d2 ,q m2 ) ηj qdN2 d−1 P t=0 dN2 d4 −1 P i=0 (dN ,q m2 ) q m2 −1 (0 d2 (d ,q m1 ) 2 ηN2 t+M η 3 2 i+j N1 t+M1 i+k ≤ j ≤ d2 − 1) (q m1 −1)(q m2 −1) ( dd3 N2 0 ≤ j ≤ dN2 − 1 ) 0 ≤ k ≤ d3 − 1 Weight distribution of C from two distinct finite fields. Weight 0 q m1 −1 (q m2 − 1) q m2 −1 (q m1 − 1) δ−1 P (δ,qm1 ) (δ,qm2 ) (q m1 −1)(q m2 −1) − qδ ηv+k ηv+j q v=0 Frequency 1 q m1 − 1 q m2 − 1 (q m1 −1)(q m2 −1) (0 δ2 ≤ k, j ≤ δ − 1) As an application of Theorem 2.9, the weight distribution of cyclic code from two distinct finite fields (i.e., N1 = N2 = 1) was presented. Theorem 2.10. [48] Let m1 , m2 be two positive divisors of m with gcd(m1 , m2 ) = 1, n1 = q m1 − 1, and m1 m2 −1) n2 = q m2 − 1. If gcd(q − 1, m1 − m2 ) = δ, then C is a [ (q −1)(q , m1 + m2 ] cyclic code and its weight q−1 distribution is given by Table 2. If gcd(m1 , m2 ) = 1, then the weight distributions of the cyclic codes C can be explicitly determined when the Gauss periods of order δ are known. Corollary 2.11. [48] Let r = q m , m1 , m2 be two divisors of m with gcd(m1 , m2 ) = 1. m1 m2 −1) , m1 + m2 ] m1 m2 −1) , m1 + m2 ] 1. If gcd(q − 1, m1 − m2 ) = 1, then the corresponding cyclic code C is a [ (q −1)(q q−1 three-weight cyclic code and its weight distribution can be explicitly determined. 2. If gcd(q − 1, m1 − m2 ) = 2, then the corresponding cyclic code C is a [ (q −1)(q q−1 four-weight cyclic code and its weight distribution can be explicitly determined. In particular, if (q − 1) | m1 or (q − 1) | m2 , then we have δ = 1 by gcd(m1 , m2 ) = 1. Thus C is a three-weight cyclic code. Moreover, if q = 2, then the corresponding code C is a three-weight binary cyclic code which is more interesting in communication and storage systems. If N1 = N2 = 2, then we have the following theorem. Theorem 2.12. [48] Let r = q m with q odd, m1 , m2 be two divisors of m with gcd(m1 , m2 ) = 1 and m1 m2 (q − 1) | m1 or (q − 1) | m2 , n1 = q 2−1 , and n2 = q 2−1 . Then the corresponding code C is a m1 m2 −1) , m1 +m2 ] cyclic code with five nonzero weights and its weight distribution can be explicitly [ (q −1)(q 2(q−1) determined. More classes of cyclic codes can be presented by Theorem 2.9 and it is unnecessary to state them here. We refer the readers to [46–48] for more results. In fact, the weight distributions of most cyclic codes whose duals have few zeros are open. Moreover, zeta functions were also employed to determine the weight distributions of the duals of cyclic codes with 46 H. Q. Dinh, C. Li, Q. Yue two zeros [9]. It is a good research problem to present the weight distributions of cyclic codes by using zeta functions, quadratic forms, Gauss periods, or other mathematical tools. 3. Weight distributions of cyclic codes with arbitrary zeros In this section, we survey the weight distributions of cyclic codes with arbitrary zeros. It is in general very difficult to compute Z(r, t) if the dual of cyclic code has more zeros. Hence there are few results on such cyclic codes. 3.1. Hermitian forms graphs and weight distributions Let G be a finite Abelian group and D a subset of G. The Cayley graph Cay(G, D) on G with connection set D is the directed graph with vertex set G and edge set {(g, h) : g, h ∈ G, gh−1 ∈ D}. Let A = (agh ) with entries in {0, 1} be a square matrix such that agh = 1 if gh−1 ∈ D and agh = 0 otherwise. We call A the adjacency matrix of Cay(G, D). It P is known that each character χ of G χ(d) . Furthermore, the spectrum of corresponds to an eigenvector of A with eigenvalue χ(D) = d∈D b where G b is the character group of G. Cay(G, D) is the multiset {χ(D) : χ ∈ G}, In this subsection, we always suppose that m = 2l for some integer l and s = 1, i.e., q = p. A matrix H over Fp2 is called Hermitian if H = H ∗ , where H ∗ is the conjugate transpose of H. Let H denote the Abelian group formed by all l × l Hermitian matrices over Fp2 under the matrix addition. The Hermitian forms graph is the Cayley graph Cay(H, D), where D = {H ∈ H : rank(H) = 1}. Let W = Flp2 . Then the Hermitian forms graph on W is the Cayley graph Cay(H, D). The eigenvalues of the Hermitian forms graph were first computed by Stanton [76] and a more accessible formula was given in [10] by using the Gaussian binomial coefficients. For details and more information on the spectrum of Hermitian forms graph, we refer the readers to [10]. Li et al. [53] proposed an elegant method to study this problem by building a connection between the corresponding exponential sums and the spectra of Hermitian forms graphs. 2i−1 −(p +1) for For odd l, we denote t = l−1 2 . Suppose that α is a primitive element of Fr . Let gj = α l m −(p +1) j = 1, 3, . . . , t and gt+1 = α . Then we have m1 = m2 = · · · = mt = m and mt+1 = 2 and . 2 Theorem 3.1. [53] The corresponding code C is a [r − 1, m4 ] cyclic code and its weight distribution can be exactly determined. Very recently, Zhou et al. [99] generalized this class of p-ary cyclic codes proposed in [53] and the weight distributions of the generalized cyclic codes were settled for both even l and odd l along with the idea of Li, Hu, Feng, and Ge. Theorem 3.2. [99] Let t = ⌊ m 2 ⌋. Then the weight distributions of the following cyclic codes over Fq (q is a prime power here) are known: 1. gj = α−(p 2j−1 +1) (j = 1, 2, . . . , t), gt+1 = α−(p +1) for odd m; l 2. gj = α−(p 2j−1 +1) (j = 1, 2, . . . , t), gt+1 = α−(p +1) , and gt+2 = α−1 for odd m; 3. gj = α−(p 2j−1 +1) (j = 1, 2, . . . , t) for even m; 4. gj = α−(p 2j−1 +1) (j = 1, 2, . . . , t), gt+1 = α−1 for even m. l 47 Weight distributions of cyclic codes over finite fields 3.2. Yang-Xiong-Ding-Luo cyclic codes By Yang-Xiong-Ding-Luo cyclic codes we mean a class of cyclic codes with arbitrary number of zeros proposed in [90]. Now we describe this class of cyclic codes. Main Assumptions: Let r = q m = psm be a prime power for two integers s, m and let e ≥ t ≥ 2. Assume that 1. a 6≡ 0 (mod r − 1) and e | (r − 1); 2. aj ≡ a + r−1 e ∆j (mod r − 1), 1 ≤ j ≤ t, where ∆u 6= ∆v for any u 6= v and gcd(∆2 − ∆1 , . . . , ∆t − ∆1 , e) = 1; 3. gj = α−aj for 1 ≤ j ≤ t, their minimal polynomials over Fq are pairwise distinct, and m1 = m2 = · · · = mt = m. Denote δ = gcd(r − 1, a1 , a2 , . . . , at ), n = r−1 , δ and N = gcd( r−1 , ae). q−1 We easily see that eδ | N (q − 1). It follows from Delsarte’s Theorem [22] that the corresponding code C is an [n, tm] cyclic code over Fq . It was proved that Condition (3) can be met by the following simple criterion. Criterion: [90] Suppose that for any proper factor ℓ of m (i.e. ℓ | m and ℓ < m) we have r−1 ∤ N. qℓ − 1 Then Condition (3) in the Main Assumptions holds. In particular, if N ≤ Main Assumptions is met. √ r, then Condition (3) in the q−1 r−1 If t = 2, let a1 = q−1 h and a2 = h + e for positive integers e, h such that e | h and h | (q − 1), the code C had been studied in [26, 37, 60, 82, 86–88]. Hence this class of cyclic codes with arbitrary zeros can be viewed as the generalization of cyclic codes whose duals have two zeros. The proper choices of these ai ’s is key to compute the weight distribution of the code C. It may be very difficult to find the weight distribution if the integers ai are not chosen in the right way. If t = e ≥ 2, the set {∆j : 1 ≤ j ≤ e} is a complete residue system modulo e, so we may take ∆1 = 0, ∆2 = 1, . . . , ∆e = e − 1. Theorem 3.3. [90] Under the Main Assumptions, when N = 1 and t = e ≥ 2, the corresponding code C is a t-weight cyclic code over Fq and its weight distribution can be explicitly presented. The Gauss periods are known for N = 2, 3, 4, semi-primitive case, and index 2 case. Hence the weight distributions of more cyclic codes can be determined. (N,r) Theorem 3.4. [90] Suppose that the Gaussian periods ηj of order N have µ distinct values (N,r) {η1 , η2 , . . . , ηµ }, and for each i(1 ≤ i ≤ µ), there are exactly τi distinct js such that ηj = ηi . (Note that τ1 + τ2 + · · · + τµ = N .) Then, the corresponding code C is an [n, em] cyclic code over Fq with at − 1 nonzero weights and its weight distribution can be explicitly presented when Gauss periods most µ+e e are known. 48 H. Q. Dinh, C. Li, Q. Yue 3.3. Cyclic codes from Fl conjugates Let Fq be a finite field with q = lt and γ a primitive element of Fq , where l is a prime power and t is a positive integer. Let g be an element in the algebraic closure of Fq and mg (x) its minimal polynomial over Fq . Suppose that deg(mg (x)) = m and Fqm = Fq (g). Then g = α−N and N | (q m − 1), where α is a primitive element of Fqm . Let C be a cyclic code over Fq with check polynomial h(x) = mg (x)mgl (x) · · · mglt−1 (x), u where mglu (x) is the minimal polynomial of g l over Fq for u = 0, 1, . . . , t − 1. It follows from Delsarte’s m Theorem [22] that the code C is an [n, tm] cyclic code over Fq , where n = q N−1 . It is well known that g(x) = (xn − 1)/h(x) ∈ Fq [x] and every codeword of C is c(x) = a(x)g(x), where a(x) ∈ Fq [x] and deg(a(x)) ≤ tm − 1. Note that the roots of h(x) are all the conjugates of g with respect to Fl . Then h(x) ∈ Fl [x] is the minimal polynomial of g over Fl and g(x) ∈ Fl [x]. For a(x) ∈ Fq [x], deg(a(x)) ≤ tm−1, by Fq = Fl ⊕ γFl ⊕ · · · ⊕ γ t−1 Fl we have a(x) = s0 (x) + γs1 (x) + · · · + γ t−1 st−1 (x), where su (x) ∈ Fl [x] and deg(su (x)) ≤ tm − 1 for u = 0, 1, . . . , t − 1. Then we get c(x) = a(x)g(x) = s0 (x)g(x) + γs1 (x)g(x) + · · · + γ t−1 st−1 (x)g(x). It is easy to see that each su (x)g(x) is a codeword of the irreducible cyclic code over Fl whose check polynomial is h(x) for u = 0, 1, . . . , t − 1. Let T := Trqm /l denote the trace function from Fqm to Fl . Then by the trace representation of the irreducible cyclic code, the cyclic code C can be expressed by C = {c(a0 , a1 , . . . , at−1 ) : a0 , a1 , . . . , at−1 ∈ Fqm }, where c(a0 , a1 , . . . , at−1 ) = ( t−1 X u=0 γ u T(au ), t−1 X γ u T(au αN ), . . . , t−1 X γ u T(au (αN )n−1 )). (5) u=0 u=0 m u −1 When gcd( q l−1 , N ) = 1, the zeros of the check polynomial of the cyclic code C are α−N l for u = 0, 1, . . . , t−1. In [90], Yang et al. also dealt with such problem and the zeros of the check polynomials q m −1 of Yang-Xiong-Ding-Luo cyclic codes are α−(a+ t u) for u = 0, 1, . . . , t − 1, where t | (q m − 1) and a 6≡ 0 (mod q m − 1). Hence this class of cyclic codes with arbitrary number of zeros are different from YangXiong-Ding-Luo cyclic codes. m −1 Theorem 3.5. [49] Let the notations be as above. If gcd( q l−1 , N ) = 1, then the corresponding code C is a t-weight cyclic code and its weight distribution can be explicitly determined. 4. Weight distributions of cyclic codes with Niho exponents In this section, we always assume that q = p, i.e., s = 1. Now we consider the weight distributions of cyclic codes over Fp with Niho exponents which are due to [65]. A positive integer d is of Niho exponent if d ≡ pi (mod pl − 1), where m = 2l for some integer l. Without loss of generality, we can assume that d ≡ 1 (mod pl −1). For two Niho exponents d = s(pl −1)+1 and d′ = s′ (pl − 1) + 1, we call them equivalent if d′ ≡ pi d (mod pm − 1) for some integer i. Moreover, d ≡ pl d (mod pm − 1) if and only if s + s′ ≡ 1 (mod pl + 1). Hence, s can be restricted in the range 1 ≤ s ≤ pl−1 + 1. 49 Weight distributions of cyclic codes over finite fields Let g1 = α−d1 and g2 = α−d2 for two Niho exponents d1 , d2 . Suppose that g1 and g2 are not conjugates over Fp . To determine the weight distribution of the corresponding cyclic code C, by (3) we have to deal with the exponential sums X Tr m1 (a1 xd1 )+Trpm2 /p (a2 xd2 ) T (a, b) = ψ1 (a1 xd1 )ψ2 (a2 xd2 ) = ζp p /p x∈Fr for a1 , a2 ∈ Fr . If one of d1 , d2 is equal to 1 and p = 2, this class of cyclic codes with few nonzero weights were studied [18]. Li, Feng, and Ge [52] gave some sufficient conditions for these codes to have few nonzero weights for both p = 2 and odd p. Some preliminaries are necessary for determining the exponential sums T (a, b). Let Fpm be a finite l field with m = 2l and r = pm . Denote S = {x ∈ Fr : xx̄ = 1}, where x̄ = xp . Then S is a cyclic group l of order pl + 1 and S = hηi with η = αp −1 . Lemma 4.1. [52, 65] For two Niho exponents d1 = s1 (pl − 1) + 1 and d2 = s2 (pl − 1) + 1, we have T (a, b) = (N (a, b − 1))pl , where N (a, b) is the number of z ∈ S satisfying az s1 + āz 1−s1 + bz s2 + b̄z 1−s2 = 0. From the properties of trace function, we easily obtain the following moment identities which is very important to determine the value distribution of T (a, b). P T (a, b) = p2m . Lemma 4.2. 1. a,b∈Fr 2. P T (a, b)2 = p2m N2 (d1 , d2 ), where N2 (d1 , d2 ) is the number of solutions of the equations a,b∈Fr 3. P ( xd1 + y d1 = 0 , x, y ∈ Fr . xd2 + y d2 = 0 T (a, b)3 = p2m N3 (d1 , d2 ), where N3 (d1 , d2 ) is the number of solutions of the equations a,b∈Fr ( xd1 + y d1 + z d1 = 0 , x, y, z ∈ Fr . xd2 + y d2 + z d2 = 0 From the above two lemmas we see that determining the weight distributions of cyclic codes with Niho exponents is equivalent to count the number of solutions of the equation and the system of equations over finite fields. Hence, if cyclic codes with Niho exponents have many nonzero weights, it is very difficult to determine their weight distributions. Recently, Li, Feng, and Ge [52] presented the weight distributions of three classes of cyclic codes with Niho exponents. Theorem 4.3. [52] Let C be a cyclic code defined by g1 = α−d1 and g2 = α−d2 for two Niho exponents d1 , d2 . Then the weight distribution of the p-ary cyclic code C with the following Niho exponents are known: 1. p = 2, d1 = 2l + 1, and d2 = s2 (2l − 1) + 1, where s2 6≡ 1 2 (mod 2l + 1); k−1 2. p = 2, l ≥ 2, d1 = s1 (2l −1)+1, and d2 = s2 (2l −1)+1, where s1 = 2k−1 t− t−1 t+ t+1 2 and s2 = 2 2 for integers k (1 ≤ k ≤ l) and t (t is odd and 1 ≤ t ≤ 2l +1) satisfying 2k−1 t, 2k+1 t 6≡ 0 (mod 2l +1) and m ≡ −1 (mod k) or gcd(k, 2m) = 1; 3. p is odd, d1 = s1 (pl − 1) + 1, and d2 = s2 (pl − 1) + 1, where s1 = satisfying t ≡ 2 (mod 4) and t 6≡ 0 (mod pl + 1). 50 t+2 4 and s2 == 3t+2 4 for integer t H. Q. Dinh, C. Li, Q. Yue 5. Cyclic codes with few weights Cyclic codes with few weights are of much interest in coding theory due to their applications in cryptography and combinatorics. In this section, we begin with some definitions. A linear code is called to be projective if the minimum weight of its dual code is at least three. Moreover, a linear code is a N -weight code if the number of non-zero weights of this code is N . A cyclic code of length n over Fq is irreducible if its check polynomial is irreducible (its polynomial representation is a minimal ideal). It is said to be non-degenerate if its check polynomial is a primitive divisor of xn − 1 over Fq (that is, the order of this polynomial is n). 5.1. One-weight cyclic codes Let Fr be a finite field with r = q m elements. When the length of a cyclic code C is r − 1 and the check polynomial is the minimal polynomial over Fq of a primitive root of Fr (in fact, C is an irreducible cyclic code), then the code C is called a simplex code or a subfield code. It is easily proved that C is a 1-weight code with (q − 1)q m−1 as its unique non-zero weight. In [84], Wolfmann first gave some descriptions of one-weight cyclic codes via Pless identities [66]. Furthermore, Vega and Wolfmann [81] presented a better and more simple characterization of one-weight irreducible cyclic codes. Theorem 5.1. [81] Let C be an [n, k] irreducible cyclic code over Fq with n = λ r−1 q−1 , where λ divides q −1. Let ρ be the order of the check polynomial of C, that is, the common order of its roots. The following assertions are equivalent: 1. C is a one-weight cyclic code; 2. C contains a codeword of weight λq m−1 ; 3. 5.2. ρ gcd(ρ,q−1) = q m −1 q−1 . Two-weight cyclic codes Two-weight linear codes are closely related to strongly regular graphs, partial difference sets, and finite projective spaces. There is a survey [12] to investigate their relationships. For two-weight irreducible cyclic codes, Schmidt and White [73] in 2002 gave a classification by Gauss sums. They presented some necessary and sufficient numerical conditions on the parameters of an irreducible cyclic code to have at most two nonzero weights. It is conjectured that an irreducible cyclic code is a two-weight code if and only if it is a semi-primitive code or one of the eleven sporadic examples. Moreover, they gave a partial proof of this conjecture via generalized Riemann hypothesis. m −1 Let q = p be a prime, and let u, m be positive integers such that u divides pp−1 . Let C be an −u irreducible cyclic code over Fp defined by g1 = α . For a positive integer x, let Sp (x) denote the sum of the p-digits of x, that is, if x = l 0 + l 1 p + · · · + l v pv , where 0 ≤ li ≤ p − 1 and lv 6= 0, then Sp (x) = l0 + l1 + · · · + lv . Denote f =: ordu (p) (i.e., the least positive integer such that pf ≡ 1 (mod u)) and θ = θ(u, p) =: 1 j(pf − 1) min{Sp ( ) : 1 ≤ j < u}. p−1 u 51 Weight distributions of cyclic codes over finite fields Table 3. Eleven sporadic examples with u ≤ 100000 u 11 19 35 37 43 67 107 133 163 323 499 p 3 5 3 7 11 17 3 5 41 3 5 s 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f 5 9 12 9 7 33 53 18 81 144 249 θ 2 4 5 4 3 16 25 8 40 70 123 κ 5 9 17 9 21 33 53 33 81 161 249 ǫ +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 -1 +1 +1 +1 Then we have the following theorem. Theorem 5.2. [73] Let the notations be as above. If m = f l for some integer l, then C is a two-weight code if and only if there exists a positive integer κ satisfying κ | (u − 1), κplθ ≡ ǫ (mod u), κ(u − κ) = (u − 1)pl(f −2θ) , where ǫ = ±1. Moreover, the two nonzero weights are w1 = (p − 1)plθ−1 (pl(f −θ) − ǫκ)/u, w2 = w1 + ǫ(p − 1)plθ−1 . Conjecture 5.3. [73] An irreducible cyclic code is a two-weight code if and only if it is a semi-primitive code or one of the eleven sporadic examples in Table 3. In [85], Wolfmann gave a characterization of projective two-weight linear codes. Furthermore, a family of projective 2-weight irreducible cyclic codes were presented. Theorem 5.4. [85] Let C be a non-degenerate irreducible cyclic code of length n over Fq with gcd(n, q) = 1. Let Fqm be the splitting field of xn − 1 over Fq and let nN = q m − 1. If : 1. gcd(n, q − 1) = 1, 2. m = 2f l such that (q − 1)(q f + 1) ≡ 0 (mod N ), 3. N 6= q − 1 and d 6= (q − 1)(q f l + 1), then C is a projective two-weight code. Similarly, a conjecture on projective two-weight non-degenerate irreducible cyclic codes was proposed in [85]. 52 H. Q. Dinh, C. Li, Q. Yue Conjecture 5.5. [85] Any projective two-weight non-degenerate irreducible cyclic code is a code satisfying conditions (1)-(3) of Theorem 5.4 except for eleven special cases deduced from Table 3. Wolfmann [84] also characterized projective two-weight cyclic codes and proved that if a linear code C is a two-weight projective cyclic code of dimension m over Fq , then either: (1) C is irreducible, or m −1 , (2) if q 6= 2, C is the direct sum of two one-weight irreducible cyclic codes of length n = λ qq−1 where λ divides q − 1 and λ 6= 1 and direct sum means direct sum as vector spaces. It is clear that the code C is reducible in case (2) of Wolfmann’s characterization [84]. Two-weight reducible cyclic codes had also been presented in [39] and [81]. Motivated by these results, in 2008, Vega [78] presented a family of two-weight reducible cyclic codes which were constructed as the direct sum of two one-weight cyclic codes and obtained their weight distributions. Moreover, this new family gives a unified explanation for all these two-weight cyclic codes that were presented in [39] and [81]. To get Vega’s result, Gauss sum introduced in Section 2 is a necessary tool. m −1 Theorem 5.6. [78] Let p, q, and m be defined as before. Denote ∆ = qq−1 . Let a1 , a2 and v be integers i m such that a1 q 6≡ a2 (mod q − 1), for all i ≥ 0, v = gcd(a1 − a2 , q − 1), and a2 ∈ Z∗∆ . For some q−1 , n = λ∆, µ = q−1 integer ℓ satisfying ℓ | gcd(a1 , a2 , q − 1), we set λ = gcd(a(q−1)ℓ ∆ , and ξ = v . Let 1 ,a2 ,q−1) −a1 −a2 h1 (x), h2 (x) ∈ Fq [x] be the minimal polynomials of α and α , respectively. Suppose that at least one of the following two conditions holds: 1. p = 2, k = 2, v = 1, and a1 is a unit in the ring Z∆ , or 2. for some integer j , with 1 ≤ pj < q m , we have (1 + ae2 (a1 − a2 ))pj ≡ 1 (mod ∆v), where ae2 is the inverse of a2 in Z∆ . Then the following four assertions are true: (a) h1 (x) and h2 (x) are the check polynomials for two different one-weight cyclic codes of length n and dimension m. (b) µ | v and λ > v µ. (c) If C is the cyclic code with check polynomial h1 (x)h2 (x), then C is an [n, 2m] two-weight cyclic code with weight enumerator polynomial A(x) = 1 + m−1 m−1 v µ µ n(q − 1)z (λ− µ )q + (q 2m − 1 − n(q − 1)z λq . v v (d) C is a projective code if and only if µ = v. 5.3. Three-weight cyclic codes Cyclic codes with three nonzero weights have been applied in association schemes [11] and secret sharing schemes [97]. Hence constructing three-weight cyclic codes is a good research problem. Recently, perfect nonlinear (or planar) and almost perfect nonlinear functions are employed to find three weight cyclic codes. In [91], Yuan, Ding, and Carlet used planar functions to get two classes of three-weight cyclic codes. Feng and Luo [34] presented a unified way to investigate the weight distributions of cyclic codes from planar functions. Theorem 5.7. Let m ≥ 3 be odd and let q be an odd prime. Then the corresponding cyclic code C is a three-weight [q m − 1, 2m] cyclic code in the following cases: 53 Weight distributions of cyclic codes over finite fields Table 4. Weight distribution of cyclic code from planar functions. Weight 0 Table 5. Frequency 1 (q − 1)q m−1 − q (q − 1)q m−1 m−1 2 (q−1)(q m −1)(q m−1 +q 2 m m−1 (q − 1)q m−1 + q m−1 2 (q−1)(q m −1)(q m−1 −q 2 (q − 1)(q m−1 ) 2 + 1) m−1 ) 2 Weight distribution of cyclic code in [34]. Weight Frequency 0 1 m−1 m−1 m m−1 2 (q − 1)q m−1 − q−1 (q − 1)(q +q 2 ) q 2 (q − 1)q m−1 (q m − 1)(q m − 2q m−1 + 1) m−1 q−1 m−1 m−1 (q − 1)q + 2 q 2 (q m − 1)(q m−1 − q 2 ) 1. g1 = α−1 and g2 = α−(q 2. g1 = α−1 and g2 = α− l +1) q l +1 2 [91]; , where q = 3, gcd(m, l) = 1, and h is odd [34, 91]. Moreover, its weight distribution is presented in Table 4. Luo and Feng [58] extended the second construction in Theorem 5.7. Theorem 5.8. [58] Let m ≥ 3 be odd and let q be an odd prime. Then the code C over Fq defined by g1 = α−1 and g2 = α−v is a three-weight [q m − 1, 2m] cyclic code with the weight distribution in Table 5 l if v = q 2+1 , where l is a positive integer satisfying gcd(2m, l) = 1. We remark that Table 4 and Table 5 are same when p = 3. Additionally, Ding, Gao, and Zhou [25, 96] presented several classes of three-weight cyclic codes over F3 from almost perfect nonlinear functions. Theorem 5.9. Let q = 3 and C be the ternary cyclic code defined by g1 = α−1 and g2 = α−v . Then C is a [q m − 1, 2m] three-weight cyclic code with weight distribution depicted in Table 4 or 5 in the following cases: 1. m is odd and v = 3m+1 −1 4 2. m is odd and v = 3 m+1 2 [25]; − 1 [97]; m+1 2 [97]; −1 + 3 4. m ≡ 1 (mod 4) and v = 3 5. m ≡ 3 (mod 4) and v = 3m+1 −1 8 [97]; 6. m ≡ 1 (mod 4) and v = 3m+1 −1 8 + 2 m+1 2 2 7. m ≡ 3 (mod 4) and v = (3 8. m ≡ 7 (mod 8) and v = (3 54 −1 3. m ≡ 3 (mod 4) and v = m+1 4 m+1 8 3m −1 2 3m −1 2 − 1)(3 − 1)(3 [97]; [97]; m+1 2 + 1) [97]; m+1 4 + 1)(3 m+1 2 + 1) [25]. H. Q. Dinh, C. Li, Q. Yue Table 6. Weight distribution of three classes of cyclic code in [25]. Weight Frequency 0 1 m−1 m−1 (q − 1)(q m−1 − q 2 ) 12 (q m − 1)(q m−1 + q 2 ) (q − 1)q m−1 (q m − 1)(q m − q m−1 + 1) m−1 m−1 m−1 (q − 1)(q + q 2 ) 12 (q m − 1)(q m−1 − q 2 ) Table 7. Case: v ≡ 1 + q−1 2 (mod q − 1). Weight 0 (q − 1)q m−1 − q−1 q 2 (q − 1)q m−1 (q − 1)q m−1 + Frequency 1 m+d−2 2 q−1 m+d−2 q 2 2 m−d (q m − 1)(q m−d + q 2 ) (q m − 1)(q m − 2q m−d + 1) (q m − 1)(q m−d − q m−d 2 ) Remark 5.10. For q = 3, xv is an almost perfect nonlinear function over Fqm for the following v: 1. v = 3 2. v = m+1 2 m+1 3 2 − 1; −1 if m ≡ 3 (mod 4); −1 + 2 m+1 2 3m −1 2 3. v = 3 4. v = 3m+1 −1 8 if m ≡ 3 (mod 4); 5. v = 3m+1 −1 8 + 2 3m −1 2 if m ≡ 1 (mod 4); if m ≡ 1 (mod 4). There are another three classes of three-weight cyclic codes whose weight distributions are given in Table 6 and are different from the one in Table 4 or 5. Theorem 5.11. [25] Let q = 3 and C be the ternary cyclic code defined by g1 = α−1 and g2 = α−v . Then C is a [q m − 1, 2m] three-weight cyclic code with weight distribution depicted in Table 6 if 1. v = 3m+1 −1 3h +1 2. v = (3 m+1 8 3. v = (3 m+1 4 + 3m −1 2 , − 1)(3 − 1)(3 where m+1 h m+1 4 + 1)(3 m+1 2 + 1) + m+1 2 is even; or + 1) + 3m −1 2 , 3m −1 2 , where m ≡ 7 (mod 8); or where m ≡ 3 (mod 4). In 2014, Li et al. [50] gave a more general description of three-weight cyclic codes defined by g1 = α−1 and g2 = α−v . Theorem 5.12. [50] Let m ≥ 3 be odd. Let q be any odd prime. If v is an integer satisfying (q l + 1)v ≡ 2 (mod q m − 1) for some positive integer v with gcd(m, l) = d, then C is a [q m − 1, 2m] cyclic code with the weight distribution in Table 7 if v ≡ 1 + q−1 (mod q − 1) and Table 8 when v ≡ 1 (mod q − 1). 2 There are more classes of three-weight cyclic codes presented in the literature. Three-weight cyclic codes were also constructed from Niho exponents [52] and two distinct finite fields [48]. It is unnecessary to list all the results on three-weight cyclic codes and we have to omit some results here. In [35, 96], the cyclic codes were proved to be three-weight by using quadratic forms. 55 Weight distributions of cyclic codes over finite fields Table 8. Case: v ≡ 1 (mod q − 1). Weight 0 Frequency 1 m+d−2 2 ) m+d−2 2 ) (q − 1)(q m−1 − q (q − 1)q m−1 (q − 1)(q m−1 + q m−d 1 (q m 2 m (q − 1)(q m−d + q 2 ) − 1)(q m − q m−d + 1) 1 (q m 2 − 1)(q m−d − q m−d 2 ) Theorem 5.13. Let q be a prime and C a cyclic code over Fq defined by g1 = α−v1 and g2 = α−v2 . Then C is a [q m − 1, 2m] three-weight cyclic codes in the following cases: 1. v1 = 2 and v2 = pl + 1, where m ≥ 3 is odd and gcd(m, l) = 1 [35]; 2. v1 = 6. q m +1 2 and v2 = q l +1 2 , where gcd(m, l) = 1 [96]. Generalization to constacyclic codes The concept of cyclic codes was extended naturally to negacyclic codes,4 and then to constacyclic codes. Given a nonzero element λ of Fq , a linear code C of length n over Fq is called λ-constacyclic if (λcn−1 , c0 , · · · , cn−2 ) ∈ C for every (c0 , c1 , · · · , cn−1 ) ∈ C. Just like cyclic codes, λ-constacyclic codes of length n over Fq are classified as the ideals hg(X)i of the quotient ring Fq [X]/hX n − λi, where the generator polynomial g(X) is the unique monic polynimial of minimum degree in the code, which is a divisor of X n −λ. When λ =1, λ-constacyclic codes are just cyclic codes and when λ = −1, λ-constacyclic codes are negacyclic codes. In general, the dual of a λ-constacyclic code of length n is a λ−1 -constacyclic code of length n. There are cases when one code can be mapped onto another by means of a map which preserves the Hamming distances. Two codes C1 , C2 are considered to be of the same quality if there exists a mapping  ϕ : Fnq −→ Fnq with ϕ(C1 ) = C2 which preserves the Hamming distance, i.e. dH ϕ(a), ϕ(a′ ) = dH (a, a′ ), for any a, a′ ∈ Fnq . Mappings with the latter property are called isometries, and such codes are naturally called equivalent. There are various ways in which such an equivalence relation can be defined. For example, if C1 , C2 are linear codes, then we can naturally assume furthermore that the isometry ϕ is a linear map (e.g., [8]). Since each λ-constacyclic code is an ideal of Fq [X]/hX n − λi, it is natural to assume that isometries between constacyclic codes preserve the algebraic structures and Hamming distances. It turns out that if we can classify all the equivalence classes of constacyclic codes, we then only have to study the represtentative of those equivalence classes. In particular, if we can determine all constacyclic codes that are equivalent to cyclic codes, then all our results about Hamming weight and weight distributions of cyclic codes in previous sections hold true for those constacyclic codes. We devote this section to consider two type of equivalences, and for each type, we give the necessary and sufficient conditions for λ- and µ-constacyclic codes to be equivalent. 4 As mentioned before, cyclic codes were introduced in 1957. Just about 11 years after that, negacyclic codes over finite fields Fp were initiated by Berlekamp in 1968 [3, 4], where he showed that these codes are more useful for correcting errors measured relative to the Lee metric. Berlekamp also designed a decoding algorithm that can . A couple of years after that, in 1971, Kelsch and Green [45] were correct errors with Lee weight at most p−1 2 bound. They constructed 2-errorsucessful to provide non-binary negacyclic codes exceeding Berlekamp’s p−1 2 m m correcting negacyclic codes of length 3 2−1 with redundancy 2m over F3 , and all negacyclic codes of length p 2−1 with redundancy mt over Fp . 56 H. Q. Dinh, C. Li, Q. Yue First of all, some special results have been obtained in the literature. Lemma 6.1. [42, Lemma 3.1] or [1, Corollary 2.1] Let n be a positive integer, and λ ∈ F∗q . If µn λ = 1 for some µ ∈ F∗q , then Fq [X]/hX n − λi −→ Fq [X]/hX n − 1i, X 7→ µX is an Fq -algebra isomorphism which is Hamming distance preserving. In particular, in case n is odd, for λ = −1, it is obvious that µ = −1 satisfies the hypothesis of the above lemma. That means that negacyclic codes of odd length are scalar equivalent to cyclic codes of the same length, which is a well known result that was proven to be true for the more general case when the alphabet is a finite commutative ring. Noting this fact, Dinh [29] established a one-to-one correspondence between negacyclic and cyclic codes, carrying results on negacyclic codes to cyclic codes accordingly. Proposition 6.2. [29, Proposition 6.1] Let p be an odd prime and q a power of p. Then the map F [X] F [X] ξ : hX qps +1i 7→ hX qps −1i , given by f (X) 7→ f (−X), is an Fq -algebra isomorphism. In particular, for Fq [X] F [X] , B ⊆ hX qps −1i such that ξ(A) = B, then A is hX ps +1i F [X] of hX qps −1i . Equivalently, A is a negacyclic code of length length ps over Fq . A⊆ an ideal of Fq [X] hX ps +1i if and only if B is an ideal s p over Fq if and only if B is a cyclic code of Later on, Dinh in [30] showed that all constacyclic codes of length ps over Fq are scalar equivalent to negacyclic codes. Proposition 6.3. [30, Proposition 3.1] Let p be an odd prime and q a power of p. Let λ ∈ F∗q . Then there s F [X] F [X] exists a unique element λ0 in F∗q such that λp0 = −λ−1 . Let Φ be the map Φ : hX qps +1i 7→ hX pqs −λi , given by Φ(f (X)) = f (λ0 X). Then Φ is an Fq -algebra isomorphism, and it is Hamming distance preserving. For the more general alphabets of finite rings, [83] showed that cyclic and negacyclic codes over Z4 have the same structure for odd code lengths. Dinh and López-Permouth in [28] generalized that to obtain that this fact holds true for cyclic and negacyclic codes of odd lengths over any finite chain ring. Batoul et al. in [2, Proposition 3.4] extended this result to a more general setting. Generalizing the ideas above, Chen et al. in [19] introduced a concept called “isometry” for the nonzero elements of Fq to classify constacyclic codes over Fq such that the constacyclic codes belonging to the same isometry class have the same distance structures and the same algebraic structures. Definition 6.4. [19, Definition 3.1] Let λ, µ ∈ F∗q . We say that an Fq -algebra isomorphism ϕ: Fq [X]/hX n − µi −→ Fq [X]/hX n − λi is an isometry if it preserves the Hamming distances on the algebras, i.e.  dH ϕ(a), ϕ(a′ ) = dH (a, a′ ), ∀ a, a′ ∈ Fq [X]/hX n − µi. And, if there is an isometry between Fq [X]/hX n −λi and Fq [X]/hX n −µi, then we say that λ is n-isometric to µ in Fq , written λ ∼ =n µ. Clearly, the n-isometry “ ∼ =n ” is an equivalence relation on F∗q , hence F∗q is partitioned into n-isometry classes. If λ ∼ =n µ, then the λ-constacyclic codes of length n are in one to one correspondence with the µconstacyclic codes of length n such that the corresponding constacyclic codes have the same dimension and the same distance distribution, specifically, have the same minimum distance; at that case for convenience, the λ-constacyclic codes of length n are said to be isometric to the µ-constacyclic codes of length n. So, it is enough to study the n-isometry classes of constacyclic codes. We have the following result. 57 Weight distributions of cyclic codes over finite fields Theorem 6.5. [19, Theorem 3.2] For any λ, µ ∈ F∗q , the following three statements are equivalent to each other: (i) λ ∼ =n µ. (ii) hλ, ξ n i = hµ, ξ n i, where hλ, ξ n i denotes the subgroup of F∗q generated by λ and ξ n . (iii) There is a positive integer k < n with gcd(k, n) = 1 and an element a ∈ F∗q such that an λ = µk and the following map Fq [X]/hX n − µk i −→ Fq [X]/hX n − λi, ϕa : (6) which maps any element f (X) + hX n − µk i of Fq [X]/hX n − µk i to the element f (aX) + hX n − λi of Fq [X]/hX n − λi, is an isometry. In particular, the number of n-isometry classes of F∗q is equal to the number of positive divisors of gcd(n, q − 1). Taking µ = 1, we see that λ ∼ =n 1 implies that there is an isometry ϕa : Fq [X]/hX n − 1i → n Fq [X]/hX − λi such that ϕ(X) = aX. Thus for the constacyclic codes n-isometric to cyclic codes, the following consequence is closely related to [42, Lemma 3.1] or [1, Corollary 2.1]. Corollary 6.6. [19, Corollary 3.4] Let n be a positive integer, and λ ∈ F∗q . The λ-constacyclic codes of length n are isometric to the cyclic codes of length n if and only if an λ = 1 for an element a ∈ F∗q ; further, in that case the map ϕa : Fq [X]/hX n − 1i −→ Fq [X]/hX n − λi, (7) which maps f (X) to f (aX), is an isometry, and s s X n − λ = λ · Mr1 (aX)p Mr2 (aX)p · · · Mrρ (aX)p n s ′ s (8) ′ is an irreducible factorization of X − λ in Fq [X], where n = n p with s ≥ 0 and p 6 | n , Mri (X) is the ′ irreducible factor of X n − 1 over Fq corresponding to the q-cyclotomic coset containing ri . In particular, any λ-constacyclic code C has a generator polynomial as follows: ρ Y i=1 Mηri (aX)ei , 0 ≤ ei ≤ ps , for any i = 1, · · · , ρ. (9) As an immediate application of Corollary 6.6, the next result can be regarded as a generalization of Proposition 6.3. Corollary 6.7. (cf. [19, Corollary 3.5]) If n is a positive integer coprime to q − 1, then there is only one n-isometry class in F∗q ; in particular, for any λ ∈ F∗q the λ-constacyclic codes of length n are isometric to the cyclic codes of length n, i.e. an λ = 1 for an a ∈ F∗q and all the (7), (8) and (9) hold. Although λ ∼ =n µ means there exists an isometry φ between the rings Fq [X]/hX n − λi and n Fq [X]/hX − µi, it is not easy to connect the generator polynomial of the λ-constacyclic code C with the generator polynomial of φ(C), and as a result, it is not easy to describe the relationship between the duals C ⊥ and φ(C)⊥ . To overcome this problem, Chen, Dinh and Liu in [20] considered a more specified relationship than the isometry “ ∼ =n ”, that enabled us to obtain a much more explicit description of the generator polynomials of all constacyclic codes. This detailed description also allows us to establish the generator polynomials of the dual codes. A new equivalence relationship “ ∼n ” is introduced on the nonzero elements of Fq to classify constacyclic codes of length n over Fq . Some necessary and sufficient conditions for any two nonzero elements of Fq to be equivalent to each other are established. It is shown that, if λ ∼n µ then there exists a very explicit Fq -algebra isomorphism ϕ between Fq [X]/hX n − λi and Fq [X]/hX n − µi. Furthermore, the generator polynomial of the λ-constacyclic code C and the generator polynomial of the µ-constacyclic code ϕ(C) are connected in a very simple way. 58 H. Q. Dinh, C. Li, Q. Yue Definition 6.8. [20, Definition 3.1] Let n be a positive integer. For any elements λ, µ of F∗q we say that λ and µ are n-equivalent in F∗q and denote by λ ∼n µ if the polynomial λX n − µ has a root in Fq . In this case, we say λ-constacyclic codes are n-equivalent to µ-constacyclic codes. It is routine to check that ∼n is an equivalence relationship on F∗q . The next result shows that λ and µ are n-equivalent if and only if they are belonging to the same coset of hξ n i in hξi. In other words, the cosets of hξ n i in hξi give all the n-equivalence classes, thus each n-equivalence class contains the same number of elements. Theorem 6.9. [20, Theorem 3.2] For any λ, µ ∈ F∗q , the following four statements are equivalent: (i) There exists an a ∈ F∗q such that ψ : Fq [X]/hX n − µi → Fq [X]/hX n − λi f (X) 7→ f (aX), is an Fq -algebra isomorphism. (ii) λ and µ are n-equivalent in F∗q . (iii) λ−1 µ ∈ hξ n i. (iv) (λ−1 µ)d = 1, where d = q−1 gcd(n,q−1) . In particular, the number of the n-equivalence classes in F∗q is gcd(n, q − 1). Comparing with the equivalence relation “ ∼ =n ” mentioned previously, one can easily find that λ ∼n µ implies λ ∼ =n µ. However, the converse of this statement is not true in general. In fact, Theorem 6.5 implies that if λ ∼ =n µ then there exists a positive integer k coprime to n such that λ ∼n µk . Therefore, every isometry class is equal to some unions of n-equivalence classes. We give the following illustrative example. Example 6.10. Take q = 24 and n = 6 in Theorem 6.9. Clearly, gcd(6, 24 − 1) = 3 and [ [ F∗24 = hξi ξhξi ξ 2 hξi. This implies that ξ and ξ 2 are not 6-equivalent. However, it is readily seen that there are just two 6-isometry classes and ξ ∼ =n ξ 2 . 7. Concluding remarks In this paper, we investigated the weight distributions of cyclic codes determined by exponential sums. It is clear that Gauss periods, Gauss sums, and quadratic forms are important tools. The weight distributions of cyclic codes have been studied for many years and are known in some cases. However, it remains open for most cyclic codes. Thus there are many challenging problems to be solved. Acknowledgment: The authors are very grateful to the reviewers and the editor for their valuable comments and suggestions that improved the quality of this paper. 59 Weight distributions of cyclic codes over finite fields References [1] N. Aydin, I. Siap, D. K. Ray-Chaudhuri, The structure of 1-generator quasi-twisted codes and new linear codes, Designs Codes Cryptogr. 24, 313-326, 2001. [2] A. Batoul, K. Guenda, T. A. Gulliver, On self-dual cyclic codes over finite chain rings, Designs Codes Cryptogr. 70, 347-358, 2014. [3] E. R. Berlekamp, Negacyclic Codes for the Lee Metric, Proceedings of the Conference on Combinatorial Mathematics and Its Applications, Chapel Hill, N.C., University of North Carolina Press, 298-316, 1968. [4] E. R. Berlekamp, Algebraic Coding Theory, revised 1984 edition, Aegean Park Press, 1984. [5] S. D. Berman, Semisimple cyclic and Abelian codes. II, Kibernetika (Kiev) 3 (1967), 21-30 (Russian). English translation: Cybernetics 3, 17-23,1967. [6] B. C. 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