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We present the case of F.G., a healthy, normally developed 22-year-old male subject affected by a pervasive disorder in environmental orientation and navigation who presents no history of neurological or psychiatric disease. A... more
1] Edward Yang (in Chinese 楊德昌, 1947-2007) is one of the most renowned Taiwanese directors, whose works raise criticisms of modernity. Since the New Culture Movement in the 1910s and 1920s, Chinese literati have queried the place of... more
Zolpidem, a non-benzodiazepine hypnotic, was identified in the blood of 29 subjects arrested for impaired driving. Zolpidem concentrations ranged from 0.05 to 1.4 mg/L (mean 0.29 mg/L, median 0.19 mg/L). In the subjects whose cases we... more
The current article represents the further validation of the construct of inferential confusion amongst clinical samples. Inferential confusion is proposed to be a meta-cognitive confusion particularly relevant to obsessive compulsive... more
This article advances three interrelated propositions that can stimulate fair competition. It first explores the gradual decoupling of the trade mark from goods or services, then investigates the coupling of the extension of trade mark... more
Context: Knowledge of medicinal plants is the first step in preserving traditional use and preventing intoxication. Aims: To highlight the risks of intoxication related to the similarities of vernacular names between medicinal plants and... more
This paper is a qualitative study based on retrospective, unstructured, qualitative interviews with Mrs. Jones and other African-American, Chinese-American, Irish-American and Latino family caregivers in the Boston area. A narrative... more
Markalar bakımından tecavüzün önlenmesi önem arz etmektedir. Marka hakkına yönelik tecavüzün önlenmesi hakkındaki esaslar, 6769 sayılı Sınai Mülkiyet Kanunu’nda (SMK) düzenlenmiştir. Marka hakkına tecavüz denildiğinde akla, tescilli bir... more
Confabulation has traditionally been attributed to a combination of memory impairment and executive dysfunction, but recent models propose that confabulation can result from executive dysfunction alone. One hundred and ten patients with... more
Anosognosia of hemiplegia is of interest for both pragmatic and theoretical reasons. We discuss several neuropsychological theories that have been proposed to explain this deficit. Although for psychological reasons people might deny... more
L’objet de cette communication qui s’inscrit dans le champ de l’histoire des idées éducatives, porte sur l’éducation d’après le jeune Guizot, avant son entrée en politique. En 1811, il fait le constat qu’entre les idées des Lumières et... more
On peut déceler, forte et traditionnelle, une tendance à considérer que le mélange de biens fongibles (tels que l’argent, le pétrole, le blé, etc.) fait acquérir la propriété au possesseur. Après une période pendant laquelle on estimait... more