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Article 12 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, as interpreted by the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in General Comment No. 1, offers a vision for law's response to capacity... more
This article will provide a brief historical background to mental health law in order to gain a greater sense of the significance of international human rights law to civil commitment legislation today. Historical context will help to... more
The lobbying and advocacy predating, and litigation in Springate v Minister of Basic Education Case no 4846/2009 (PMB HC) culminated in a victory for South African deaf learners, namely, to study sign language as a language subject for... more
The full Vol. 5, Iss. 1 is available from the publisher at: and from McGill University's institutional repository at: more
This article argues that Canada fails to meet its obligation under article 24 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities to provide students with autism with access to inclusive education. Moving beyond... more
Co-edited collection by Marcia H. Rioux, Paula C. Pinto, and Gillian Parekh. Disability, Rights Monitoring, and Social Change is a timely collection that addresses the current theoretical, methodological, and practical issues... more
There is no place where, disabled people's rights are not violated. The discrimination, oppression, violence and abuse faced by disabled people don’t respect boundaries, wealth or poverty. As a result of our experience, and articulation... more
Este conteúdo está protegido pela lei de direitos autorais. É permitida a reprodução, desde que indicada afonte como "Conteúdo da Revista Digital de Direito Administrativo".A RDDA constitui periódico científico da FDRP/USP, cuja função... more
The Draft Bill amending civil and procedural legislation on disability, presented on 21 September 2018, seeks to comply with the right to equal recognition as a person before the law of all persons with disabilities. To this end, it... more
Abstract Betty A. Weitz (1993) argued that democratic norms call for minimizing social inequalities that might occur in the praxes of various democratic institutions, Whereas she claimed that we should limit such inequalities to... more
This is an author's original manuscript of a paper that has been published in International Journal of Law in Context, 13,1 pp. 77–86 (2017) © Cambridge University Press 2017 doi:10.1017/S1744552316000483. This reflection responds... more
The World Report on Disability relates concerns about the experiences of individuals with intellectual disability in disaster situations. Disaster planning related to people with intellectual disability needs to consider that (1) they... more
Reimagining Crisis Support: Matrix, Roadmap and Policy aims to shift the conversation about personal crisis from one based in mental health discourse to one based in a social model of disability and human rights. The book's primary... more
El presente artículo aborda la actual tensión entre el régimen de medidas de seguridad aplicable a la persona en situación de discapacidad psicosocial declarada inimputable en Chile, con los actuales estándares de derechos humanos... more
The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) may require the abolition of the insanity defence and similar 'special defences' in criminal law. Proponents argue that abolishing the defence would advance efforts to... more
This report reviews the evidence for the types of human rights violations experienced by people with mental and psychosocial disabilities in low-income and middle-income countries as well as strategies to prevent these violations and... more
The paper talks about how a person with disability becomes a Victim of his/ her disability due to circumstances that are beyond his/her. The author of the paper has used the example of a case she worked on while doing her field work in... more
Analysis and commentary of article 8 on Awareness-Rasing of the UN-CRPD
Involuntary psychiatric treatment is currently permitted in all Australian jurisdictions. In almost all, Tasmania being a recent exception, this is so regardless of the person’s ability to make his or her own decisions about treatment.... more
Educational professionals, clinicians, and medical personnel largely accept and condone compliance-based behavioral interventions as appropriate or necessary methods for correcting, treating, or ameliorating disability, including... more
As part of the UCL Grand Challenges Global Health Scheme, this project investigated and compared international efforts to raise awareness and combat stigma towards people with intellectual disabilities. This report outlines the background... more
Children with intellectual disabilities form one of the most marginalized groups in society amongst persons without disabilities and even among persons with disabilities. This statement shares the same sentiments as that of the Committee... more
Article 21 of the Rome Statute requires the International Criminal Court to apply the "applicable law," which includes "where appropriate, applicable treaties and the principles and rules of international law." The Convention on the... more
Greco makes the case that within the human rights framework there is a serious problem regarding accessibility, what he deems the ‘Accessibility as a Human Right Divide’ Problem (AHRD Problem). The AHRD Problem highlights the divide... more
The Equality Commission for Northern Ireland commissioned Disability Action’s Centre on Human Rights for People with Disabilities to carry out research to identify key strategic issues/barriers in public policies and programmes to the... more
O livro “Acessibilidade e Desenho Universal na Aprendizagem” apresenta muitas contribuições relevantes para os interessados na temática. Nesse sentido, destaco aqui três dessas contribuições para motivar o leitor a buscar a leitura do... more
Women and Girls with Disabilities and People with Disabilities have a right to study and achieve greater heights, and be productive members of their communities and contribute to national development. However, this is not the situation... more
Despite important gains in human rights, persons with disabilities — and in particular women and girls with disabilities — continue to experience significant inequalities in the areas of sexual, reproductive, and parenting rights. Persons... more
This article explores the current inclusive education system in Kenya, and how those practices relate to Article 24 of the United Nations’ Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). Local laws and international... more
The inquest into the 2007 death of Ashley Smith while in federal custody at Grand Valley Institution in Kitchener, Ontario has been repeatedly delayed, but the issues that Ms. Smith’s death raises remain pressing. At its most basic level,... more
In 2010, the Equality Commission for Northern Ireland (ECNI), as part of the Independent Mechanism in Northern Ireland, contracted research to develop an expert paper to set out robust evidence of any substantive shortfalls in public... more
This article addresses the right to legal capacity to consent to sex of people with intellectual disabilities. Article 12 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities guarantees the right to legal capacity on an equal... more
First paragraph ... In 2012 we reported that Australian mental health legislation was on the verge of a revolution. That revolution has begun. It has been clear for some time that the criteria for detention and involuntary treatment for... more
ABSTRACT People with special needs also referred to as disabled persons are an essential part of every society. This category of persons has distinctive talents and individual capabilities that can appropriately be cultivated and utilized... more
ÖZ Bu çalışmanın konusunu Birleşmiş Milletler Engellilerin Haklarına İlişkin Sözleşme'nin (EHİS) kendine özgü yaklaşımı çerçevesinde bilgi edinme hakkını incelemek oluşturmaktadır. EHİS, 21. yüzyılın ilk uluslararası insan hakları... more
The EU’s commitment to fundamental rights has grown tremendously during the past decade, but recent developments underscore how quickly progress can be undone. Across the EU, the fundamental rights system is increasingly under attack –... more
Está a punto de aprobarse una importante reforma de la legislación civil y procesal en relación con el tratamiento legal de la discapacidad psíquica. Esa reforma se basa en las ideas de fomento de la autonomía y prestación de apoyos,... more
The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities is considered to be a radical international treaty that affords persons with disability recognition and protection of equal rights in socio-cultural, political, medical and legal... more