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Catalog accompanying two concurrent exhibitions "If You Thirst for a Homeland: Flame-worked glass by Dafna Kaffeman" (curated by the Chrysler Museum of Art) and "Aerial Roots" (curated by Petach Tivka Museum) and on view August 12, 2021),... more
Essay accompanying an exhibition of the same name at the National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne.
Essay on the sculptural works of Finnish designer Tapio Wirkkala, and how they relate to current practices in art and design. Published in the book Tapio Wirkkala: Sculpture (2012)
à Paris (F), deux fouilles récentes ont mis au jour d'importants ensembles de verre archéologique. Le site du Carreau du Temple, sur l'emplacement de l'ancienne commanderie du Temple, a livré, entre le xive et le xixe siècle, un abondant... more