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The analysis of burned bone stumbles on the problems raised by the heatinduced changes that seriously interfere with the methods adopted by biological anthropologists. These changes especially affect the structure of bone leading to... more
The paper reports on the analysis of an osteological sample from cremation graves of Lusatian culture recovered at Stobrawa site 25D, distr. Opole. The rescue excavation covered an area of ca. 800 m2 and uncovered 81 graves and three... more
This paper uses an osteological approach and applies the study of entanglement in an attempt to understand the crematoria on Rapa Nui (Easter Island), which represent a unique tradition within the ceremonial spheres of the Polynesian... more
The graves and especially the cremation graves of infants and small children (aged less than one year old) make up a relatively sparse category in the Danish archaeological records as well as in other areas. The reason for this startling... more
Lake Ladoga, Europe's largest lake, is situated in northwest Russia east of the Baltic Sea. This article is the first compilation of all the zooarchaeological material recovered from the Stone Age and Early Metal Period huntergatherer... more
Evidências arqueológicas em montículos e complexos anelares Jê nas terras altas do sul do Brasil apontam para o desenvolvimento de um ritual funerário focado na cremação entorno de 1000 BP. Este artigo discute, com base em análises... more
A Roman cremation tomb was discovered on the edge of the Merovingian cemetery of Pont-à-Celles/Viesville. The ceramics and glassware it contained date it to the IIIrd century AD. This burial can be att ributed to the Knochenlager type... more
The interdisciplinary research of burned bones is focused in this paper by presenting and discussing some methods that can assist the bioanthropologist in the analysis of this kind of remains. In particular, some techniques based on the... more
El objetivo principal de este trabajo recae en la caracterización zooarqueológica y tafonómica de las estructuras de combustión del Magdaleniense medio de la Cova del Parco. Este tipo de análisis nos permite inferir cuestiones sobre la... more
A escavação arqueológica na necrópole da Abóbada decorreu no âmbito do Projecto ESTELA. Tinha como objectivo a caracterização do local de proveniência da chamada “Estela do Guerreiro”, com escrita do Sudoeste, identificada em 1972. O... more
In the anthropological analysis of burned bone, the presence of a white heat line aids in determining a bone’s physical condition prior to burning, distinguishing between those burned fleshed or wet versus dry. However, while the... more
El sitio Chenque I es un cementerio de cazadores-recolectores ubicado en el área centro-sur de la provincia de La Pampa (Argentina), cuyo rango de uso es 1050 a 290 años AP. El mismo presenta diversas modalidades de inhumación con un MNI... more
The aim of the present master thesis is to present the effect of fire in the manipulation of the deceased in the Aegean Bronze Age through experimental approaches. The experimental part was complemented by the macroscopic examination of... more
Bones submitted to heat experience structural and chromatic modifications. In particular, heat-induced bone warping and thumbnail fractures have been linked to the burning of fleshed and green bones – where the soft tissues have been... more
1. The archaeological site of El Torrejón (Gátova, Valencia, Spain) belongs to the so-called Iberian culture and was developed between the 6th and 1st centuries BCE. (II Iron Age) in the east and south Iberian Peninsula, which reaches to... more
The subject of this Master’s thesis is the osteological material from a Mesolithic settlement in Anundsjö county in Västernorrland, Sweden. The material consists of burned animal bones. The bones from thirteen excavation squares were... more
Thompson, T. J. U. and Ulguim, P. 2016. Burned Human Remains. In Blau, S. Ubelaker, D. H. (eds.) Handbook of Forensic Anthropology and Archaeology. Second Edition. Walnut Creek: Left Coast Press.
The Johnston Site (36IN002) is a Johnston Phase Monongahela village located in Indiana County, PA along the Conemaugh River. Since archaeological investigations resumed in 2006, portions of the domestic sphere and plaza have been... more
Abstract:  In view of the difficulties in extracting quantitative information from burned bone, we suggest a new and accurate method of determining the temperature and duration of burning of human remains in forensic contexts. Application... more
Excavations of a Roman cemetery at Encosta de Sant’Ana in Lisbon uncovered a small number of cremation burials. information about cremation practices during this particular period comes mostly from the writings of classical authors such... more
The main objective of this paper is to characterize the pattern of thermal alteration in a sample of modern bones collected after a natural grassland fire in the Pampas region (Argentina). A total of 917 bone remains were recovered,... more
Trade and movement may have been great factors in the changing societal landscape of Bronze Age Hungary, leading to possible inequalities among the people. Examination of burials can help us get to know the relation between a community... more
Cremation is a burial practice which has been adopted by numerous cultures throughout time and space. Experimental archaeology can play a major role in the understanding of the pyro-technology and the heat induced changes on bone... more
he use of bone as fuel has been already documented in some sites dated to the Middle and Upper Palaeolithic. They contribute to a longer combustion time due to their durability; consequently, they are useful to reduce the need for... more
In connection with the special exhibition "Gallow, wheel and burning at the stake - insights into places of horror" the Neanderthal Museum carried out a unique experiment to recreate a burning at the stake as an historical way... more
In this paper, we present the results of naturalistic taphonomic observations made in different environmental contexts of the Pampas region. The objective of this study is to evaluate the formation processes of bone assemblages in... more
In this paper, we present the results of naturalistic taphonomic observations made in different environmental contexts of the Pampas region. The objective of this study is to evaluate the formation processes of bone assemblages in... more