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Background: Acrylamide, a potential toxicant and carcinogen, maybe formed in carbohydrate-rich food cooked at very high temperature. Its effect on gastric mucosa defense is not fully elucidated. Hence, the effect of acrylamide ingestion... more
Objective: Walnuts are widely consumed nut by men in Nigeria and it has been connected to improving male reproductive health. This study evaluated the effect of African walnut on sperm parameters and testicular architecture of nicotine... more
In vivo Raman spectroscopy is being projected as a new, noninvasive method for cervical cancer diagnosis. In most of the reported studies, normal areas in the cancerous cervix were used as control. However, in the Indian subcontinent, the... more
Ca↵eic acid phenethyl ester (CAPE) is a key bioactive ingredient of honeybee propolis and is claimed to have anticancer activity. Since mortalin, a hsp70 chaperone, is enriched in a cancerous cell surface, we recruited a unique cell... more
The development of systems capable of recognizing and categorising emotions is of interest to researchers in various scientific areas including artificial intelligence. The traditional notion that emotions and rationality are two separate... more
HIPAA laws related to fundraising became fully effective in 2013. What protocols should be in place to maximize philanthropic opportunities under HIPAA? What compliance measures need to be in place and assessed to properly use protected... more
Cycling exercise-based on functional electrical stimulation (FES) for disabled individuals-is achieved by stimulating single muscle group, the quadriceps, with the help of a new assist mechanism represented by a solid disc flywheel... more
The purpose of this research work is to determine the microbiological profile of hospital solid waste dump sites, sensitivity to antibiotic and isolation and identification of the organism using API 20 E kit and method of analysis.... more
In this study, we determined the phytochemical constituents, antioxidant capacity and free radical scavenging properties of an novel polyherbal formulation (PHF) consist aqueous extract of four plants namely Syzygium cumini, Picrorhiza... more
Due to the continuous monitoring process of critical patients, Intensive Care Units (ICU) generate large amounts of data, which are difficult for healthcare personnel to analyze manually, especially in overloaded situations such as those... more
The process of informed consent is fundamental to basic scientific research with human subjects. As one aspect of the scientific enterprise, clinical drug trials rely on informed consent documents to safeguard the ethical treatment of... more
Advancements in Biomedical field provide lot of assistive devices to help deaf people and visually impaired people. When it comes to the subject of deaf-blind people (who losses both hearing and visual ability) availability of such... more
In this project, an effort is made to compare the improvement of the matrix material properties because of the presence of the fillers and additives. Initially, hand lay-up process was carried out in a mold of known dimensions to layup... more
Torres, Cristina and Atoy Navarro, eds. 2011. FERCAP @ 10: In Commemoration of a Decade of Capacity Building in Ethical Health Research in the Asia-Pacific Region. Daegu City: Forum for Ethical Review Committees in Asia and the Western... more
— This paper is a design of non-invasive instrument for measuring the glucose level in the body using saliva acetone. In this method, the electric current which is equivalent to the acetone level present in the body is converted into... more
Due to an increasing interest in esthetics and concerns about toxic and allergic reactions to certain alloys, zirconia was proposed as a new ceramic material in the later part of 20th century. It has become a popular alternative to... more
After completion of this chapter, you will be able to: 1. Explain the purpose of medical terminology. 2. Name the languages from which most medical word parts are derived. 3. Distinguish between different types of medical terms 4. List... more
Advancement in Medical field is an active part of development in science and technology. With the continuous increase in population and increase in use of medical facilities there is sharp rise in generation of medical waste. These wastes... more
The literature describing low-intensity ultrasound in two significant areas of cancer therapy - sonodynamic therapy and ultrasound-mediated chemotherapy - was reviewed. Each technique consistently killed cancer cells, and the bioeffects... more
Data Science and Predictive Analytics
Biomedical and Health Applications using R
By Ivo D. Dinov
"Representations", N. 129, Winter 2015. The essay analyzes the project of maintaining the body of V. I. Lenin in the Mausoleum in Moscow for the past ninety years, focusing on the unique biological science that developed around this... more
Lemongrass is collected, ground into powder, essential oils are extracted from it which are used to produce perfume
Setting up controls for the purchasing process and analyzing the risk to the financial statements can be a daunting task. Since a large company has to purchase many different items every day, there is a real potential for fraud.
People who enter the biomedical field and have felt empathy for animals, but who learn to suppress those feelings and to accept and engage in animal research, are sociopaths. People who happily experiment on animals with no empathy for... more
Alumina has received considerable attention and has been historically well-accepted as biomaterials for dental and medical applications. This article reviews the applications of this material in dentistry. It presents a brief history,... more
Kebugaran adalah kemampuan tubuh untuk melakukan kegiatan sehari-hari tanpa menimbulkan kelelahan fisik dan mental yang berlebihan. Kebugaran kardiovaskuler respirasi dapat diketahui dengan mengukur Indeks Kebugaran Badan atau VO2. Tujuan... more
En el campo de la Ingeniería Clínica y la Electromedicina, un profesional se encontrará inevitablemente con las mediciones eléctricas, ya sea porque las utilice para realizar análisis cuantitativo y/o cualitativo, o bien como fuente de... more
Con il seguente lavoro e sulla base delle attuali conoscenze, si è cercato di descrivere ed analizzare la correlazione tra gli antigeni HLA-B27 e HLA-B51 e alcune patologie autoimmunitarie. Tale lavoro è stato effettuato presso il... more
Model dan seni perawatan luka sesungguhnya telah lama di kembangkan yaitu sejak jaman pra sejarah dengan pemanfaatan bahan alami yang diturunkan dari generasi ke generasi berikutnya, yang akhirnya perkembangan perawatan luka menjadi... more
Abstract The primary goal of this study is to state the clear changes in functional brain connectivity during all night sleep in psycho-physiological insomnia (PPI). The secondary goal is to investigate the usefulness of Mutual... more
Volume paru adalah volume udara yang menempati ruangan udara dalam paru. Volume paru dijadikan sebuah parameter yang dapat mengindikasi fungsi fisiologis paru-paru seseorang. Percobaan mengenai volume paru ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui... more
What are the effects of circumcision on sexual function and experience? And what does sex—in the sense related to gender—have to do with the ethics of circumcision? Jacobs and Arora (2015) give short shrift to the first of these... more
This paper presents a folkloric survey of the traditional uses and preparations of Lunasia amara (Blanco). Interviews among the snowball-sampled key informants composed of a resident, a traditional healer and a Manobo healer from each of... more
This article reviews the applications of nanotechnology in the fields of medical and life sciences. Nanoparticles have shown promising applications from diagnosis to treatment of various types of diseases including cancer. In this review,... more
Abstract Contemporary Information and Communication Technology (ICT) tools are indispensable for any economy that will thrive in this new Information Age. This research reviews contemporary Information and Communication Technology tools... more
Pharmaceutical and Biomedical sciences: An International Journal (PBIJ) is a Quarterly peerreviewed and refereed open access journal that publishes articles which contribute new results in all areas of the Pharmaceutical and Biomedical... more
Researchers in many fields including cell biology, neuroscience, biomedicine and bioengineering continue to face significant challenges that emerge from the astonishing complexity of living organisms. While a strict mechanistic view of... more
aksis hipotalamus-hipofisis
kalsifikasi hormon berdasar kelarutan