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In Italia, a partire dal primo Cinquecento, le fonti archivistiche e letterarie usano in modo univoco la parola 'libro' per significare sia i volumi disegnati da pittori, scultori, architetti, decoratori o argentieri, sia i volumi di... more
HANDBOOK: Supporting Queer and Trans Students in Art and Design Education Edited by Anthea Black and Shamina Chherawala HANDBOOK: Supporting Queer and Trans Students in Art and Design Education is the first student-authored resource... more
MEKAN OLARAK SANATÇI KİTABI MEDYUMUNUN KULLANIMI ‘Sanatçı Kitabı’ ya da ‘Sanat Yapıtı Olarak Kitap’ Sanatçı kitabı, sanatçının kitaba mekan muamelesi yaptığı, kitabı başlı başına bir iş olarak öngördüğü üretim biçimlerini kapsıyor.... more
Tropecassino: Um Jogo em Fantasia (2009) é um livro sobre o processo que João Perdigão enfrentou para co-escrever O Rei da Roleta - A incrível vida de Joaquim Rolla (2012). O livro versa sobre como é ser um escritor frustrado, explora... more
Artículo incluido en las «Actas del I Foro Internacional de Arte Múltiple». Durante los días 20 y 21 de octubre de 2011, se celebró el I Foro Internacional de Arte Múltiple, en el marco de la Feria de "Estampa Arte Múltiple". Siguiendo... more
The #MeTooMovement started with one empathetic organization and crescendoed to a staggering number of victims telling their stories through social media and artistic mediums. The #MeTooMovement is a powerful force, undeniably, after the... more
Tradução do texto Little Books and Other Little Publications, de Anne Moeglin-Delcroix
"Lucy Mulroney has made the first forays into the editorial history of the books written by Warhol, and she has demonstrated for "a: A Novel" that hidden behind the supposedly deliberate sloppiness and automatism of the process of... more
Ateliér, obývačka, spálňa, nahrávacie štúdio, kino, otvorený priestor pre kohokoľvek a doslova čokoľvek – tým všetkým (a ešte viac) bola legendárna Silver Factory Andyho Warhola. Bola miestom, kde rozkvitol do svojho najkrajšieho obdobia... more
There are many stories, and histories, of animation film. Yet there are other ways of telling a story of animation that peel back and go below the material, historical and factual surface of this cinematic technique. Because the seven... more
Visual and cultural analysis of Meiji shōnen kaiko 明治少年懐古 (Reminiscences of a Meiji youth, 1944), an illustrated book that nostalgically recalls Japan's late nineteenth and early twentieth century period of modernization. The book is in... more
Becoming commercially available in the mid 1960s, video quickly became integral to the intense experimentalism of New York City's music and art scenes. The medium was able to record image and sound at the same time, which allowed... more
Texto inédito em português, tradução do artigo a respeito de zines e publicações de artista no Brasil a partir dos anos 1970, publicado em Artzines em 2018.
Котломанов А.О. Генри Мур — книжный график // Книга: исслед. и материалы. 2004. Сб. 82. С. 171—181.
Kotlomanov A.O. Henry Moore — book illustrator. Book: research and materials, 2004, issue 82, pp. 171—181 (In Russian).
The democratizing movements of small press and artists book publishing attained political consciousness and blossomed alongside and in direct proportion to-the social and cultural upheavals of the 196Os and early 197Os. What is surprising... more
A major document in the history Nepalo-Tibetan painting (bal-'bris) is examined in detail as to iconography, styoe and historical importance.
Inspiration Design Resources: Graphic design, photography, art resources. The purpose of this publication is to contribute to the discovery of inspiration resources by the employees of design and art.
This chapter maps a genealogy of artists who have created artists' books in hemispheric Latin America from the expansion of Europe in the 16th century across the Atlantic, emphasizing in contemporary artistic practices from the late 1960s... more
Um panorama dos aspectos políticos associados ao ato de publicar, desde os vínculos históricos com os panfletos e os protestos na década de 1960 até os fatores sociais e econômicos, como o acesso aos meios de produção e as formas... more
This essay addresses the systems explored in Sol LeWitt's photobooks as well as the (social) networks threaded through them. It treats all such publications by LeWitt--with the notable exception of Autobiography (1980), which has been... more
This is a book of twenty-one poems by Iowa poet Michael Andorf (1947-2022). It was produced and published in a limited edition in 2013. Each poem is accompanied by an original full-color digital image, from those that were designed by... more
Um conjunto de obras que pertencem ao acervo da Coleção Livro de Artista da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais serviram como ponto de partida para esta reflexão a respeito das técnicas de impressão. Os livros foram exibidos em 2019 na... more
This is an idiosyncratic guide to self-publishing. We think that self-publishers should craft their own hybrid publishing and distribution solutions. This booklet, we hope, is an aide for those curious about the process and who may want... more
A paper-medium experimental literature artist book translated into an experimental digital artist book on the rhetoric of language and semiotics rooted in parallel with lived experience an human emotions.
In addition to the enigmatic The Codomas, Henri Matisse distinguished three other images with a name, Icarus, Monsieur Loyal and Pierrot’s Funeral for his landmark livre d’artiste Jazz. While the characters Loyal, Pierrot and Icarus were... more
The text is about the attitude of copying works of art, from a natural process of learning and authorized composition scheme to a crime. At the same time, it deals with the practice of contemporary artists that changed the purpose of the... more
The next of our Visiting Scholar 2018 reports is from José Luís Neves, Lecturer in Photography at Ulster University. In this report José shares with us his highlights from this summer’s visit to St Andrews – one of the photographic albums... more
У дослідженні вивчається специфіка письменницької публіцистики. Зазначається, що в основу публіцистичних виступів письменників покладено особливий тип мислення (він виражається в тому, що комунікант має чітку світоглядну позицію), принцип... more