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The study focuses on the monumental painting of the island of Rhodes, Greece, during the 13th century and specifically from the year 1204, when the Byzantine official Leo Gabalas took over the administration of the island, until the... more
This small article deals with the presence of medieval Cypriot icons and artifacts at the Aegean islands. The origin of one icon at Paros, three at Amorgos, an icon and a bema door from Patmos and one icon from Rhodes are discussed here,... more
In this paper, we discuss the problem of object detection in a cultural heritage application context. In particular, the objects to be detected are ancient rock carvings, discovered at the archaeological site of Vathy, Astypalaia in... more
SOMMARIO DEL VOLUME L. Vagnetti, L'insediamento neolitico di Festòs L. Morricone, Coo. scavi e scoperte nel Serraglio e in località minori (1935-1943) C. Laviosa, Un rilievo arcaico di Iasos e il problema del fregio nei templi ionici... more
Edita nell’ambito della rivista di archeologia e architettura antica Thiasos, recentemente varata, la monografia vuole inaugurare una collana di opere dedicate all’architettura di Kos e delle altre isole del Dodecaneso, di cui questo... more
Si tratta di uno studio preliminare su di un complesso di edifici inediti rinvenuti nel demo dell’Istmo a Kos in diversi momenti durante l’occupazione italiana del Dodecaneso, fondato in parte su nuovi rilievi, in parte su dati... more
The city of Kos, founded in 366 B.C., was based on a urban plan organized on a grid of blocks oriented north-south. The new settlement was protected from the beginning by a fortification wall and also the harbour was defended by an... more
Agrıboz, Mora, Rodos , Tırhala  ,  Thessaly , Dodecanese
SOMMARIO DEL VOLUME Ι. Papachristodoulou, Γεωμετρικά εὑρήματα στό Βάτι Ρόδου A. Archontidou-Argiri, Μιμήσεις πρωτοκορινθιακῶν ἀγγείων ἀπό τήν Ρόδο H.W. Catling, New Light on Knossos in the 8th an 7th Centuries B.C. G. Rizza,... more
SOMMARIO G. Gerola, I monumenti medievali delle tredici Sporadi - Parte seconda G. G. Porro, Bolli di anfore rodie nel Museo Nazionale Romano G. G. Porro, Iscrizioni di Rodi A. Maiuri, Nuove iscrizioni greche dalle Sporadi... more
The roof tiles found at the fortified establishment of Kastraki, in Agathonisi belong to plain undecorated tiled roofs of the so- called corinthian type. From the data which have been so far revealed in the course of the excavation, the... more
This paper discusses about the sustainability of the archeological de-restoration, considering it a possible or a necessary choice to preserve ancient monuments. Our study is part of a more general research, directed by Giorgio Rocco... more
SOMMARIO † Federico Halbherr F. Franco, Le asimmetrie della Pinacoteca dei Propilei sull'Acropoli d'Atene (tav. I-IX) M. Segre, Iscrizioni dell'Aclepieo di Atene S. Ferri, Nuova testa di Alessandro D. Levi, I bronzi di Axòs (tav.... more
The present study examines four fortified complexes of Kos, namely the castles at Palio Pyli, Antimachia and Kefalos, and the small fortress at Kastelli Kefalou. They were all built in the medieval period (byzantine or hospitaller) and... more
The Aegyptiaca Symposium is the second international colloquium in the Ex Oriente Lux series and it was born out of the interdisciplinary research project Aegyptiaca: Ecumene and Economy in the Horizon of Religion, which is coordinated by... more
SOMMARIO L. Pernier, L'«Odeum» nell'«Agorà» di Gortina presso il Leteo (tav. I-V) D. Levi, Le cretule di Hagia Triada e di Zakro (tav. VI-XVIII) D. Levi, La necropoli geometrica di Kardianì a Tinos D. Levi, La grotta di Aspripetra a... more
in B. Poulsen, E. Mortensen (eds.), Cityscapes and Monuments of Remembrance in Western Asia Minor, Proceedings of the International Conference, Aarhus 2014, Oxford 2017
The inventorying of the architectural fragments of the “Walled Town” at Kos started in 2004 and the new reliefs made possible the revision of what had already been published up to now and the beginning of a study programme regarding the... more
In: P. Triantafyllidis (ed.), 2017. Το Αρχαιολογικό Έργο στα Νησιά του Αιγαίου. Διεθνές Επιστημονικό Συνέδριο (Ρόδος, 27 Νοεμβρίου - 1 Δεκεμβρίου 2013), Μυτιλήνη, 43-60. In the last ten years, excavations carried out in various... more