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In the middle of the 20th century the texts of two waqf documents, drawn up in the 11th century in Arabic in Samarḳand, were discovered, which are of great significance for studying the history and culture of Central Asia of the... more
The relicts of an abandoned village were discovered during an archaeological field survey in the autumn expedition of 2017. During the following season (2018) we focused on the detailed survey and documentation of the site. A systematic... more
Co-authored with Ruth Young. Simultaneously published as ‘Zentralasien 500 v. Chr.-600 n. Chr.’ In Dumont Weltatlas der Kunst, heraus. John Onians. Köln: Verlag Dumont, 2004. Reprinted in The Art Atlas, ed. John Onians. London: Laurence... more
En Asie centrale, après la disparition de la fameuse civilisation de l’Oxus de l’âge du Bronze, se met en place, au milieu du IIe millénaire avant notre ère, une période de transition durant laquelle des cultures originales se forment,... more
The aim of this article is to reveal common pronouns minä 'I' and sinä 'you' in Finnish and miin 'I' in Khitan small script, where we suggest *ʃiin 'you' in Khitan small script.
In August-September of 2018, the joint Iranian-Chinese Expedition conducted the second season of fieldwork at Tepe Naderi in the Upper Atrak Valley, Khorasan, NE Iran. The expedition adopted a multidisciplinary approach consisting of... more
Pazyryk Tattoos as an Artistic Testimony of Ancient Wars and Marriages. Azbelev, Pavel Petrovich (The State Hermitage Museum, Educational Department) Abstract. The Pazyryk culture of the Altai mountains (second half of the 1st... more
The long overdue edited volume of conference proceedings from the 2011 (yes, 2011!) ESCAS conference. With my profound apologies to all contributors for the long delay in publication.
As a result of archeoseismological research in the Ferghana valley, it was possible to identify traces of strong earthquakes that occurred in ancient times. In our previous works, it was noted that the ancient city of Eilatan died in the... more
The territory of Samarkand (Uzbekistan) represents an excellent case study for understanding the damage in- flicted on the archaeological heritage of the region. The hinterland of Samarkand became one of the largest urban areas of Central... more
The book by Kharinsky A. V. describes some aspects of Medieval history of Priolkhonye area on the western coast of Lake Baikal. The notions of ancient inhabitants of the Baikal coast on the next world are disclosed based on the data on... more
Пошхурд-Зарабоғ ботиғида аниқланган Кучук I даврига оид янги ёдгорликлар // “Қадимий Жиззах воҳаси – Марказий Осиё цивилизацияси тизимида (сиёсий, иқтисодий, маданий ҳаёт)” мавзуидаги Республика илмий-амалий конференция материаллари. –... more
In the first millennia BCE and CE, successive empires sought to incorporate the archipelago of territories in and around the Hindu Kush and to install their structures of rule. The Achaemenians, Seleucids, and Sasanians endeavored -- and... more
Alexej I. Terenozhkin and Sergej P. Tolstov were Soviet archaeologists who were both born in 1907, survived the Bolshevik Revolution, Russian Civil War, Stalinist repression and the Second World War. Both went into Central Asian... more
Vent’anni di ricerche della Missione italiana nel deserto del Karakum hanno rivelato come la regione del Murghab sia stata teatro dei primi scambi e interazioni tra le popolazioni sedentarie locali e i nomadi delle steppe euro-asiatiche... more
Tarihten günümüze Kâşgarlı Mahmud gibi, Yusuf Has Hâcib gibi birçok bilgin ve edip yetiştirmiş olan bugünkü Xinjiang Uygur Özerk Bölgesi’nde yetişmiş bilginlerden biri de kuşkusuz Prof. Mirsultan Osman’dır. Eski Türkçeden çağdaş Uygur... more
The fourth volume of the “Archaeological sites of the Xiongnu” consisted of reedition of first data from these sites, which were discovered by J. Talko-Gryntsevich in Trans-Baikal area near Russian-Mongolian border during 1896-1902. The... more
Tombe aristocratique nomade (Ase/Kangju) de Koktepe (début du Ier siècle de n.è.). Relations de la Sogdiane post-hellénistique avec le monde de la steppe et la Chine.
The Türgesh – one of the 10 “tribes” of the On Oq federation of the Western Türk – succeeded the Western Ashinas-Türk as an imperial power in the Western Central Asian steppes. Although the Türgesh Empire was relatively short-lived – it... more
V.A. Kolchenko. Christian Cemetery of Mongol Time at Burana Town (according to archival documents on excavations in 1886). In 1885, two Christian medieval cemeteries were opened in the north of present-day Kyrgyzstan, in the Chuy Valley.... more