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This article explores theoretical alternatives to contemporary western hegemonic feminist discourses, advancing methodologies that mark an epistemological break with western feminist scholarship; namely Orientalist criticism, third world... more
AWEJ Volume.5 Number.2, 2014 Pp.236-243 The Influence of Arabic on Nigerian Literature: a study of selected works of Abubakar Imam in Hausa Jamiu, Muhammad... more
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) is quickly becoming a cultural hub, and experiencing changes in patterns of culture and social behaviour. As a result, KSA is seeking to develop and expand its non-oil economy, transitioning into a... more
Excerpt from Larbi Batma’s autobiography الرحيل, translated from Arabic
Historically, there has been a lot of confusion about how young children learn languages and the methodology and environment in which languages are acquired in the early years. This essay explores the theories behind second language... more
The ability to access Media Arabic – the language of printed or broadcast news items – has become increasingly important in the light of recent developments in the Middle East. Consequently, the need for a ‘quick-fix’ vocabulary of Media... more
On Translating the Quran: Towards Understanding Hidden Meanings beyond the Quranic Syntactic Construction (An-nazm) via Skopostheorie في ترجمة القرآن نحو فهم المعاني الكامنة خلف النظم القرآني Dr. Muhammad Fawzi Al-Ghazi Assistant... more
Tabiat şiirlerini yüksek bir nazım seviyesine ulaştıran Ebû İshak İbrahim b. Ebî’l-Feth İbn Hafâce, Endülüs’ün en meşhur şairlerinden biriydi. İbn Hafâce 450/1058 senesinde, ömrünün büyük bir kısmını geçireceği Cezîratu Şukr’da dünyaya... more
أ. د. شموئيل موريه من الجامعة العبرية في القدس يتحدث عن النص الكامل لكتاب تاريخ الجبرتي، عجائب الآثار في التراجم والأخبار.
This research discusses how Arabic Poetry can be reenacted through the medium of Poetry films. It gives an account of the different movements of Arabic Poetry, and how the role they played in the Arab and Egyptian culture has changed over... more
Makalah ini berusaha memberkan gambaran singkat mengenai salah satu produk sastra yaitu drama Arab yang berkembang di Mesir dan Suriah
Belajar bahasa merupakan salah satu kebutuhan manusia agar mampu membangun relasi dengan manusia yang lain. Tanpa penguasaan bahasa, manusia kesulitan untuk mengenal lingkungannya, mengenal identitasya, mahami simbol-simbol dan struktur... more
The present article introduces the concept of cultural bifurcation in Arabic and Islamic studies, exemplifying it through an account of ongoing collaborative research initiated by the Department of Arabic and Semitic Studies at Sofia... more
I am indebted to the ISHR research fellowship that I received in 2014. It offered me the much-needed courage to challenge Eurocentrism in both Arabic and ancient Egyptian literary studies. I would like to thank the two ISHR reviewers for... more
For its adherents in 1930s Beirut, nudism countered physical debilitation, political corruption, and all forms of social falsity. The movement apparently launched with Fouad Hobeiche's loose translation of a French "educational novel"... more
Disgusted with ISIS, some Kurds turned away from Islam following the fall of Mosul in 2014. Many became atheists, while others sought comfort in Zoroastrianism. Zoroastrianism, according to converts, was the “original” religion of the... more
This qualitative study examines an era in the history of English education in Abu Dhabi, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) by investigating the perspectives of English offered by 16 female Emirati pre-service teachers. As important... more
This study presents a lexical semantic investigation of the dialectal verb dašš – one of the most common verbs in the dialects of eastern Arabia – on the basis of its usage in conversational circumstances. I analyse the polysemy of dašš... more
The presentation explores the different forms of how palestinian identity is expressed pre and post the Israeli occupation. This was pre
2014 yılında doktora ders dönemini bitirip yeterliliği de verdikten sonra danışman hocam Prof. Dr. İsmail Güler’in tavsiyesi ile başladığım “Abdurrahman Münif’in Romancılığı” başlıklı çalışmam boyunca, müellif hakkında Arap... more
The notion of modernity has been used to cover a multitude of complex, often very different phenomena over the last two hundred years.One of the phenomena usually linked with modernity in the cultural sphere is the crisis of religions and... more
الشعر العباسي ثورة أدبية والمقاربة التاريخية لتراثنا الشعري ورثناها عن المستعمر تقول الناقدة الأدبية اللبنانية هدى فخر الدين إن الشعر لا يأمن للحدود ولا يسكن إليها. ولذلك نجد أن أعظم الشعر هو الذي كتب خارج القوالب المتفق عليها، وهو الذي... more
Knowledge and Education in Classical Islam: Religious Learning between Continuity and Change is a pioneering collection of essays on the historical developments, ideals, and practices of Islamic learning and teaching in the formative and... more
"L’arabo anziano" is a poem published in Cairo in 1869 and authored by James Sanua (1839 – 1912), an Egyptian Jew of Italian origins who is considered as one of the pioneers of the Arab theatre and one of the first Egyptian nationalists.... more
Kahve, modern dünyanın en tercih edilen sıcak içeceklerinden biridir. Bünyesinde barındırdığı kafeinin insan vücudunda meydana getirdiği reaksiyonun dikkati arttırması ve uyanıklık hissiyatı sağlaması, keşfedildiği ilk günden bu yana... more
Vahşi doğada kendisini savunmasız vaziyette bulan insanoğlu, tabiatla mücadele etmek için etkili bir yol keşfetmeliydi. Kendisinden daha güçlü olan hayvanlardan korunmak ve zorlu çevresel şartlarla mücadele etmek için başvurabileceği... more
.نتوجّه في مقالنا نحو ماضي اللغة العلميّة العربيّة، لنعرض فيما بعد وضعها الحاليّ
Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language concentrates on the origins, developments and current directions of the discipline Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language (TAFL) within the Arab world and partially outside of it during the last 60... more
With the death of Annemarie Schimmel on the 26th of February 2003, an epoch has truly come to an end in the dialogue between Germany and the Islamic world. This doesn’t mean that cultural dialogue as such will come to an end or break off,... more
This article is an introduction to the presence and representation of Islam and Arabic-Islamic culture in the work and thought of the Portuguese poet and thinker Fernando Pessoa (1888-1935). This is the first scientific publication in... more
This paper compares the attitudes of the Maronite and Greek Orthodox communities in Bilād al-Shām to the Arabic language, their contacts with circles of elite culture and their access to European learning of the time.
This book contains the first three Leiden-Aramco Lectures on Arabic Language and Culture delivered at Leiden University in 2013 and 2015. The lecture series was initiated on the occasion of the 400-year anniversary of the founding of... more
Mehmed Âkif Ersoy (ö. 1936), Türk şiirinin dünya çapında tanınırlık elde etmeyi başaran en önemli şairlerinden biridir. Ne var ki onun Türk entelektüel hayatına bıraktığı miras, yalnızca şiirlerinden ibaret değildir. O, aynı zamanda... more