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UNGUENTARIUM. A terracotta vessel form and other related vessels in the Hellenistic, Roman and early Byzantine Mediterranean. An international symposium Dokuz Eylül University – DEU The Research Center for the Archaeology of Western Anatolia – EKVAM Colloquia Anatolica et Aegaea Congressus internationales Smyrnenses X Unguentarium. A terracotta vessel form and other related vessels in the Hellenistic, Roman and early Byzantine Mediterranean. An international symposium May 17-18, 2018 / Izmir, Turkey 17-18 mai 2018 / Izmir, Turquie Venue / Lieu DESEM at the Rectorate Building of the Dokuz Eylül University Address / Addressse DESEM, D.E.Ü. Rektörlük Binası, Cumhuriyet Bulvarı No. 144, Alsancak, 35210 Izmir Websites / Sites Internet Scientific organizers / Colloque organisé par Chief organizer: Professor Ergün Laflı (Dokuz Eylül University, Izmir) Co-organizer: Dr Gülseren Kan Şahin (University of Sinop, Turkey) Institutional organizer / Organisateur institutionnel EKVAM of the Dokuz Eylül University, Izmir Sponsors / Manifestations soutenues par Association Sainte-Pulchérie, Istanbul, Turkey The Alumni Association of Tarsus American College, Izmir Branch Office 1 EKVAM 2014 UNGUENTARIUM. A terracotta vessel form and other related vessels in the Hellenistic, Roman and early Byzantine Mediterranean. An international symposium Third circular – June 10, 2018 Dear Colleague, We would like to thank you very sincerely for your presentation at the international symposium, entitled “Unguentarium. A terracotta vessel form and other related vessels in the Hellenistic, Roman and early Byzantine Mediterranean in Izmir, Turkey”. Between May 17 and 18, 2018 we have hosted c. 50 participants from 15 countries and 34 papers dealing with terracotta unguentaria were presented in these two days of symposium. Attached you will also find the updated abstract booklet. Please note that all the symposium documents were updated at our Academia and Researchgate accounts. If you wish to be removed from our mailing list, please let us know by e-mail. Publication of the proceedings of the Unguentaria Symposium 1- The language of the publication will be English; the only accepted language for the proceedings is English; we therefore ask you kindly to submit your paper only in English. We would like to use British English for the proceedings, as most of our participants were from Europe. Spelling can be either British or American, provided it is consistent in either case. 2- We have no limit for the length of the papers. 3- The deadline for the papers submission is the January 1, 2019. 4- Papers and photos should be submitted to the chief editor of the proceedings electronically via e-mail. Here is our e-mail address: 5- The proceedings of the symposium will be published in Europe in 2020. 6- As the book will contain only papers related to terracotta unguentaria, we ask you to send us your paper, if it deals with terracotta unguentaria. The Editorial Board asks you kindly to provide an original, previously unpublished and scientific paper, dealing with unpublished materials from excavated or surveyed sites or from the museums with previously unpublished photos without copyright problems. 7- If you did not attend to the Unguentaria Symposium because of a scheduling conflict or other reasons, but still have a paper about terracotta unguentaria, you are also welcome to submit it to us for publication until January 1, 2019. 8- We also ask you to provide us an abstract in English with maximum 600 signs and five to ten key-words. We will translate each abstracts and key-words into Turkish. 9- As we are producing a complete bibliography of terracotta unguentaria, we will have a common bibliography at the end of the book. We therefore ask you to send us titles of all of your publications concerning unguentaria, if you have any. 10- We are also seeking external peer reviewers for the proceedings. If you would like to be a peer reviewer for our symposium‘s proceedings, please let us know. As one of the member of our publication committee, your comments on all of the papers, such as their length, clearness and supported by the scientific data, will be most welcome. In the regards of papers you could also advise any2improvements or submit your corrections EKVAM 2014 UNGUENTARIUM. A terracotta vessel form and other related vessels in the Hellenistic, Roman and early Byzantine Mediterranean. An international symposium about their jargon, language, organization of material and conclusion of each papers. 11- We are also seeking proofreaders for the whole volume in the regards of its English language style and grammar. We would be thankful, if you are interested to assist us in terms of language. Contributors whose English is not their first language are advised to have their text copy-edited by a native speaker with knowledge of the subject. 12- Each paper can have up to five colour images and ten figures (i.e. photos, illustrations, plans, drawings, maps and graphs etc.) in black and white. Images of your papers should be in colour and have at least 600 dpi. Please note that lower resolutions will result a reduction or a suppression of the publication. We will of course keep photos in colour in pdf offprints and digital version of the book. 13- Each author must hold the copyrights of all of the images. If you wish to use images that have been originated by someone else (i.e. previously published material), then you need to seek permission to reproduce each item in your paper. Please bear this in mind this when preparing the images of your manuscript. Permission from third parties could be requested by the publisher. 14- Each of the papers will be sent to anonymous peer reviewers enlisted by the Publisher before they are accepted for publication. Academic standards, originality, and a good level of English/language will be the main criteria for selection. 15- We will also produce pdf offprints and each participant will receive whichever pdf offprints she/he wants for free. 16- Unfortunately, the proceedings volume cannot be donated to the authors for free. Publication rules 1- Texts should be designed in the following order: Title, author(s)‘ name(s), academic affiliation, e-mail address and postal address, key-words in English, text (introduction, presentation, conclusion and catalogue), bibliography, figure captions and credits. Texts should be submitted as word datas (please not as pdf) and figures should be submitted as JPEG (please not as pdf). All figures, tables and illustrations should be submitted as separate files and not in the text. We kindly ask you to follow up publication rules explained hereby so that publication of the proceedings will not be delayed because of unnecessary reformattings. 2- Your text should be desiged in Times New Roman 12 pt with footnotes in 10 pt., all in single-lined. 3- Please provide all lists or tables in word, not in Excel and without any footnotes. 4- For illustrations, please provide figure captions and authorizations of reproduction at the end of your paper, before the bibliography. For each illustration the authors must obtain an authorization of reproduction. The editors and the publisher have the right for not accepting illustrations that could accuse problems with copyright. 5- Please use in-text citations to reference published works [i.e. "(Smith, 1998: 67, fig. 2)"] and use footnotes for further information, clarifications and/or comments. 3 EKVAM 2014 UNGUENTARIUM. A terracotta vessel form and other related vessels in the Hellenistic, Roman and early Byzantine Mediterranean. An international symposium 6- All Latin words should be quoted in italics, without quotation marks. 7- Examples for the abbreviations of books in the bibliography: Hortsmanhoff M., King H., Zittel Cl. (eds) (2012), Blood, sweat and tears. The changing Concepts of physiology from antiquity into modern early Europe, Leiden. Espinosa D. (2013), Plinio y los “oppida de antiguo Lacio”. El proceso de difusión del Latium en Hispania Citerior, Madrid. Schepartz L. A., Fox S. C., Bourbou C. (2009), New directions in the skeletal biology of Greece, Hesperia suppl. 43 or Schepartz L. A., Fox S. C., Bourbou C. (2009), New directions in the skeletal biology of Greece, Athens (Hesperia suppl. 43). 8- An example for the abbreviations of proceedings in the bibliography: Laurent J. (ed.) (2003), Les dieux de Platon, actes du colloque organisé à l'Université de Caen, BasseNormandie, les 24, 25 et 26 janvier 2002, Caen. Please do not forget to add (ed.) or (eds) to the name of the editors! 9- An example for the abbreviations of the journal articles in the bibliography: Valdés Guía M. (2000), « La apertura de una zona político-religiosa en los orígenes de la polis de Atenas », Dialogues d’Histoire Ancienne, 26/1, p. 35-55. 10- An example for the abbreviations of the articles in a collective book in the bibliography: Mehl V. (2008), « Corps iliadiques, corps héroïques », in V. Dasen, J. Wilgaux (eds), Langages et métaphores du corps, Rennes, p. 29-42. 11- References for the ancient sources should be developed separately in the bibliography under the title “Ancient sources”. For example: Desrousseaux A. M. (1956), Athénée de Naucratis, Les Deipnosophistes, books I and II, Paris. 12- References for the ancient sources should be given in footnotes, using Roman numerals for books, and without abbreviations. Use commas rather than colons. For example: Xenophon, Anabasis, II, 3, 3. 13- In the references of the epigraphic collections, quoted corpara should be in italics. In the quotations of each inscription there should be no comma between the volume number in Roman numeral and the number of inscription in Arabic numeral, but a space between them. For example: CIL XIII 8553; ILS II 5318; P. Lond. V 1657. 14- An example for the abbreviations of the articles in an encyclopedia in the bibliography: Jessen O. (1913), s.u. « Helios », RE, VIII, col. 58-93. 15- As a general reference, and for all issues4not mentioned here, please refer to the EKVAM 2014 UNGUENTARIUM. A terracotta vessel form and other related vessels in the Hellenistic, Roman and early Byzantine Mediterranean. An international symposium Chicago Manual of Style Online. Here is its website: Next symposium in May 2019 On May 16-17, 2019 we organize the next Colloquia Anatolica et Aegaea, Congressus internationales Smyrnenses in Izmir, with the title “Terracotta lamps in Archaic, Classical, Hellenistic, Roman and Early Byzantine Anatolia: Production, use, typology and distribution. An international symposium”. At the end of this symposium (i.e. May 18-19) we will also have an excursion to Samos, Greece. This symposium is free of charge and everybody is welcome to Izmir/Samos. Hoping to host you in Izmir in our next symposium in May 2019, we wish you a productive and recreative summer season. Dr Gülseren Kan Şahin Professor Ergün Laflı 5 EKVAM 2014