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Cf. Albert der Große (gest. 1280) gehört zu den bedeutendsten Gelehrten des lateinischen Mittelalters und der europäischen Wissenschaftsgeschichte. Sein umfangreiches... more
"El tratado "De secretis mulierum" [...] es un peculiar tratado de medicina, atribuido erróneamente a Alberto Magno, que tuvo una gran circulación en Europa Central entre los siglos XIV y XVII, especialmente en el ámbito alemán [...]... more
The article focuses on the first three chapters of Isaiah. After recalling the results of modern biblical scholarship on the use of legal and forensic jargon in Isaiah (§ 1) and giving a thumbnail sketch of the traditions of Latin... more
Gregor Julien Straube: Fruchtbarkeitskulte. In: Gudrun Gersmann, Katrin Möller und Jürgen-Michael Schmidt (Hgg.): Lexikon zur Geschichte der Hexenverfolgung. Halle an der Saale 2009 (, Geschichtswissenschaften im Internet),... more
Les philosophes médiévaux n'ont pas hésité à proclamer que : « Chaque être humain est un animal. » Pour eux, c'était un fait scientifique et une vérité logique, un élément crucial de leur vision du monde dans laquelle toutes les... more
A study on the notion of wisdom in Albertus Magnus based on his commentaries on Eth. Nic. «La sabiduría en san Alberto Magno» in: "La sabiduría en Tomás de Aquino. Inspiración y reflexión. Perspectivas filosóficas y teológicas", edited... more
It is widely believed that the philosophical concept of ‘tabula rasa’ originates with Locke’s Essay Concerning Human Understanding and refers to a state in which a child is as formless as a blank slate. Given that both these beliefs are... more
Il volume ripercorre lo sviluppo del pensiero del giovane Nicola Cusano dalla frequentazione del maestro albertista Eimerico da Campo presso l’Università di Colonia (1425) e dal confronto con le posizioni filosofiche dei domenicani dello... more
This paper examines the methodology employed by Thomas Aquinas in his two derivations of the categories, or sufficientiae. In these accounts, he shows the distinctiveness of the ten Aristotelian categories as modes of being (modi essendi)... more
Nel XIII secolo, insieme alle traduzioni latine del corpus aristotelico, circolava un De plantis attribuito ad Aristotele, ma scritto in realtà da Nicola di Damasco, un autore di lingua greca vissuto intorno al II secolo d.C.. Quando nel... more
Recorrido crítico por la figura de Necepso-Petosiris, nombre ficticio (legendario) bajo el cual se oculta el autor (quizá uno solo mejor que varios) greco-egipcio de un manual célebre de astrología, probablemente compuesto en el curso del... more
Thomas Aquinas's Filioque doctrine was never discussed at the Council of Florence. Instead, an eclectic Dominican was the sole spokesman for the entire Latin Church as appointed by Pope Eugene IV (1439). This John Montenero, OP, did not... more
Desde los comienzos de la Baja Edad Media y hasta el siglo XVII circularon por Europa una enorme cantidad de libros que prometían revelar a sus lectores los misterios de la naturaleza y de las artes. Estos «libros de secretos» constituyen... more
SOME MODERN SCHOLARS, such as Jeremiah Hackett and Agostino Paravicini Bagliani, assert that the thirteenth-century work most commonly known as the Speculum astronomiae should not be attributed to Albertus Magnus. However, this article,... more
Sophocles’ Antigone and the Corpus Hippocraticum describe the proper features of natural law. Aristotle’s Ethics, then, offers an explicit notion of natural law, which St. Albert comments in Super Ethica. However, in Cicero’s De... more
The critical edition of Alfred of Sareshel's commentary on Aristotle's Meteorol­ogy, based on all currently known and extant manuscripts (Durham, Chapter Libr. C.III.15, fol. 11v-18r; Paris, BnF lat. 7131, fol. 82v-85r; Oxford,... more
Starting from the condemnation of the clearly Thomist proposition “In the human, there is only one form, the rational soul, without any other substantial form” in 1286 by the Archbishop of Canterbury I ask how Aquinas could have opposed... more
Having looked at Proclus in terms of the immediate connection of the One as Nothing by excess and Matter as Nothing by defect, and treated Aquinas’ Ipsum Esse Subsistens, as Trinitarian and Incarnational because of its... more
A textual journey through Dante s Comedy must begin from its beginnings. For this reason I chose the utmost classical approach of the lectura to examine the first three cantos as a textual whole in three movements, as they develop the... more
Dionysius in Albertus Magnus and his student Thomas Aquinas Oxford Handbook to Dionysius the Areopagite Edited Mark Edwards, Dimitrios Pallis, George Steiris “Dionysius nearly everywhere follows Aristotle as will be evident to anyone... more
This chapter on later Platonic traditions focuses on Denys, otherwise known as Ps-Dionysius the Areopagite. A late fifth- to early sixth-century theologian dependent on Plotinus, Damascius, and, above all, Proclus, assumed to have been... more The Arabic Influences on Early Modern Occult Philosophy introduces Arabic medieval astrological and magical... more
In this paper we argue that the problem of the one and the many, as first proposed in the West by Parmenides, can be resolved without recourse to either monism or nominalism by an appeal to distinct though mutually ordered principles of... more
The XXVIth annual SIEPM colloquium, A Research Workshop of the Israel Science Foundation, will take place on 4-6 April 2022 at Bar Ilan University in Ramat Gan, Israel. The subject of the colloquium is: Dialectic in the Middle Ages:... more
Scholars have become increasingly aware of the importance of a work defending astrology as “the most Christian science,” known today as the Speculum Astronomiae. There have been a number of articles and books written on the subject; most... more
According to Aristotle, eutrapelia is the virtue that disposes us rightly with regard to relaxing amusments, in particular by means of witty conversation. This article examines the reception of eutrapelia by Albert the Great, Thomas... more