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This paper will revisit my thesis to reformulate a new understanding of how essential the collaboration of Michel Foucault’s Biopolitics (2003) (which is not discussed in my thesis) is to a (re)conceptualization of necropolitics,... more
O novo livro de Osmundo Pinho nos revela um percurso que atravessaa Baía de Todos os Santos (BA) e alcança oThe African and AfricanDiaspora Departament Studies (AADS) na Universidade do Texas, emAustin (EUA). O livro “Cativeiro... more
OVERVIEW: Stuart Hall, one of the recognized founders of cultural studies, posed a question that provides an ideal starting point for this course as an introduction to the field: "Against the urgency of people dying in the streets,... more
Does time heal all wounds? Or does time require certain wounds to sustain itself? Is the curative function of time an onto-metaphysical fantasy, one concealing the internecine operations of temporal subjuga-tion? What happens to... more
Lynn Nottage’s award-winning play Ruined (2007) dialectically dramatizes how the genocide in the Democratic Republic of Congo—the deadliest genocide since the Holocaust—must be understood within the context of global capitalism. However,... more
An examination of how Afrosurrealism (in each of its three waves) functions in poetry and narrative: as a dream and a joke, respectively. This paper examines the poetry of Étienne Léro, Henry Dumas, and Will Alexander; the plays of Aimé... more
Reading Baldwin alongside the negative gestures of Søren Kierkegaard and Martin Heidegger, Chambers proposes that Baldwin himself can be considered a negative theo-philosopher. Explication of the plays focuses on moments of... more
Activists and scholars often describe environmental racism as an immoral and illegal dumping of toxic waste into poor, Black, and people of colour communities. Yet, the use of environmental habitats in (and with) which Black people are... more
Uppgivenhetssyndrom, or resignation syndrome (RS), is a disorder that until recently was thought to affect the children of refugees in Sweden alone. The heuristic of psychopolitics is used to theorize RS as a form of abjection (Bataille,... more
Moonlight, as a cinematic mode of thinking, presents a terrifying question: What is a (black) faggot? This destructive question provides a paradigm for thinking blackness without being. In this meditation, I suggest the (black) faggot is... more
Leong, D. (2016). The mattering of Black lives: Octavia Butler's hyperempathy and the promise of the new materialisms. Catalyst: Feminism, Theory, Technoscience, 2(2), 1-35. Abstract This article argues that the ethical potential of " the... more
What type of life is possible without metaphysical guarantees? How does one practice living, or inhabit existence, without the grounding, foundation, and security metaphysics promises? Can we liberate life from metaphysical captivity, and... more
A psychoanalytic account of police brutality against Black bodies.
Much work in the sociology of race and ethnicity centers on an underlying narrative of racial progress. Progress narratives are typically conceptualized as a linear process of slow, yet inevitable, improvement. Drawing on Critical Race... more
The contemporary debate about “abolition” and its relation to wider anti-capitalist and anti-racist struggles can be read as reproducing the tired opposition between reform and revolution, between gradual incrementalism and immediate... more
NOTE (not an abstract): This is the shorter, published version of a paper presented in June 2012 at a conference on precarity at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. The paper was my first direct engagement with, and... more
This essay employs the 2016 police shooting of Korryn Gaines by Baltimore SWAT to ask critical questions about how various conceptualizations of gender violence occlude critical theorizations of how black people die at the hands of the... more
In Frantz Fanon’s ‘Black Skin, White Mask,’ Fanon takes two chapters of his first book to analyze the, ‘The Woman of Color and The White Man,’ as well as ‘The Man of Color and The White Woman.’ Fanon does not, however, spend a chapter on... more
This essay reexamines the life of the three enslaved Black "women" Anarcha, Lucy and Betsy at the hands of the acclaimed "Father of Modern Gynecology" J. Marion Sims through the lens of Afropessimism as a means of developing a new... more
The ethical demands of Blackness have weighed on the West for a half millennium. The ontological violence of the Middle Passage continues to fundamentally structure modernity and cohere what it means to be a Human in the world. Following... more
Neste ensaio, fruto da experiência docente na periferia colonial do capitalismo racializado brasileiro retomo, muito brevemente, a conexão encontrada na filosofia ocidental entre ontologia e linguagem para dar explicitude aos fundamentos... more
O objetivo da disciplina é estudar uma parte da extensa bibliografia sobre racismo e antinegritude produzida pelo pensamento crítico negro nas últimas décadas, com ênfase, neste módulo, em autoras e autores anglófonos (lidos em traduções... more
Published in The Psychic Hold of Slavery: Legacies in American Expressive Culture. Ed. Soyica Diggs Colbert, R. J. Patterson, and A. Levy-Hussen. New Jersey:Rutgers University Press, 2016
Dans l’histoire africaine-américaine, le pessimisme ne porte pas sur les Noirs, mais sur la capacité de la société blanche à dépasser sa négrophobie. Et si les idées et réformes que nous tenons pour progressistes n’étaient que des... more
Representation Matters is an utterance that is often evoked to uncover the ways globalized anti-blackness constructs forms of exclusion within media and culture. The phrase acts as a kind of perceptible measure for the assumed racial... more
This essay provides a robust introduction to the vexed and generative terrains of Afro-pessimisms and black feminisms. Taken together, the essays reviewed address what each tendency says about the nature of black positionality and the... more
This essay argues that objections to nonblack suffering in Trump’s America obscure racism’s primary operation as a cut that makes human body from racialized flesh. It returns to Frank B. Wilderson III’s argument in “Gramsci’s Black Marx:... more
Despite his incarceration in 1961 on a one-year-to-life sentence, George Jackson was a pro- lific Marxist theorist, with two books published. His autobiographical epistolary text Soledad Brother, published the year before his death in... more
Anti-colonialism is a scam today. It is the ideological abode of new forms of capital accumulation, symbolised by the Capitalist International of the Postcolonial Immigrant and Silicon Valley. Anti-colonialism propels the... more
(Informal description) This paper begins to build a bridge between theoretical physics, black studies, and black literature in order to 'map' what I envision the Black Imagination to be. I theorize it as a universe unto itself, with its... more
The article analyzes two novels of migration by Nigerian women authors in the context of Afropolitanism: Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's Americanah (2013) and Sefi Atta's A Bit of Difference (2013). It is argued that Afropolitanism obscures... more
This essay advances my project on “the Black messianic” in Afropessimism’s apocalyptic thought through a meta-commentary on Agamben’s The Mystery of Evil ([2013] 2017) and The Kingdom and the Garden ([2019] 2020). The first study... more