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An account on Selfhood and Heritage of a great  Artist and a Man of Courage.
Description and Geertz's interpretative theory of culture. Pratt's poetics of ethnography. In Catalan.
Ce document pédagogique s’adresse aux étudiantes et étudiants qui entament, pour la première fois, des recherches aux cycles supérieurs, avant tout à la maîtrise (master). Les étudiantEs du premier cycle (baccalauréat et certificat)... more
Research is a word which can’t be defined or explained in a certain way, however, the word research have a wide variety of meanings to different people. Research is process of enquiry which is systematic and methodical whereby it... more
El presente proyecto partió del supuesto de que es necesario y posible que el Instituto Politécnico Nacional oriente parte de sus recursos a la integración ordenada y consistente de los avances del desarrollo tecnológico del sistema... more
This article explores the four sources of (scientific) knowledge: perception, inference, reference and comparison. In Western literature on the nature, criterion, scope and kinds of knowledge the importance of comparing, said to be the... more
This journal was the first of its kind at Vidyasagar University when I joined in the first week of December 1985. We thought of a social science journal and pledged to fight against overspecialisation. Dr.Tarun Kumar Banerjee(Political... more
This collection interrogates a fundamental but neglected concern in sociocultural anthropology: the articulation of or tacit belief in a collective disciplinary identity, and its relationship to anthropological knowledge and practice.... more
Bu tezin amacı, toplumsal olanı açıklama arzusundaki sosyobiyoloji disiplininin genelde sosyal bilimlerle, özelde ise sosyolojiyle ilişkisini ele almak ve diğer canlı türleri üzerinde yapılan biyolojik çalışmaların insan eylemlerini ve... more
Simandan D (2005) "Pragmatic Scepticism and the Possibilities of Knowledge" Timisoara, Editura Universitatii de Vest/West University Press, 256 pp. This book distiled my own way of understanding the relation between epistemology,... more
Low levels of coordination, poor communication and low pay among staff at BBUC has limited organizational commitment at the College which has contributed to lack of ownership among the BBUC staff. This study was aimed at improving... more
Best summation of advanced probability for social metrics (without going into too many details).
The paper reports on both methodological and substantive findings. It presents a method for generating simplified representations for regional urban populations, their geographical sub-populations and communities. the method generates... more
Pre-publication proof copy. Feldwork is the foundation of robust ethnographic inquiry in physical settings, but the practical methods have never fit well in digital contexts. Often, online ethnographers must radically adjust or rethink... more
Consultation is an important feature of research and, increasingly, researchers are required to work in partnership with stakeholders to increase the impact of their work. Our aim is to demonstrate what can be learned from the scholarship... more
I argue that what-makes-it-possible questions are a distinct and important kind of sociological research question. What is social phenomenon P made possible or enabled by? Results won't be about P's causes and causal relationships, but... more
This study was conducted in the first period of 2020, on the focus of:
The effectiveness of government social welfare assistance in the period of Covid-19 in Malaysia.
Research into mobility is an exciting challenge for the social sciences that raises novel social, cultural, spatial and ethical questions. At the heart of these empirical and theoretical complexities lies the question of methodology: how... more
Se plasman los resultados del sguimiento sistematico a las acciones de asesoría metodológica para el gobierno del estado de Campeche (Secretaría de Educación, Cultura y Deporte) en lo referente a la evaluación integral del Programa de... more
In this article, I discuss the fact that doing “anthropology at home” involves the same core anthropological methodology as undertaking research abroad. This implies that while doing anthropology at home may have some advantages... more
Emerging digital data sources provide opportunities for explaining social processes, but also challenge knowledge production practices within social sciences. this article contributes to the ‘end of theory’ discussions, which have... more
The last few decades abound in studies concerned with what teachers, students, parents, and other participants in the educational process believe about a wide variety of issues. Most of these studies follow methodological procedures based... more
This book offers a comparative and critical introduction to the various major social theories and methods with an emphasis on the implicit assumptions upon which they are founded. It aims to go beyond the conventional theories and methods... more
Les approches inductives et les approches critiques sont des termes génériques commodes qui n’ont cependant pas de signification univoque en sciences sociales. Les rapprocher présente donc un risque de confusion. Cet article théorique a... more
Desde mediados de 1983, el aparato de gobierno del Estado nacional mexicano aplica ininterrumpidamente una estrategia de cambio estructural. El ambicioso proyecto abarca a todo el país y, por etapas, a prácticamente la totalidad de sus... more
Este artículo cuestiona las implicaciones metodológicas que supone respetar el principio de autonomía en las investigaciones sociales. Se parte de principios éticos y consideraciones teóricas y legales, atendiendo a códigos deontológicos... more
大數據(Big Data)近年來快速發展,其應用領域橫跨商業、經濟、管理 與城市治理等多重面向。除了實際應用大數據於相關實用領域外,大數據業 已逐漸開始影響社會科學領域的傳統社會科學研究方法及概念。因此,本文 從研究者投身社會科學領域研究的經驗出發。希冀能梳理出大數據對社會科 學研究可能帶來的影響與挑戰。 本文研究認為,大數據應用於社會科學研究至少帶來三個層次意涵的轉 變:(一)樣本的意涵、(二)統計的意涵以及(三)研究目的意涵。研究者... more
Thesis written to satisfy the requirements for the Master of Arts degree at the Women and Gender Studies Institute, University of Toronto (2012). This piece uses "tripping," broadly conceived, as a conceptual metaphor for methodology and... more
Este curso responde a la creciente necesidad de que los alumnos del posgrado en Geografía conozcan a profundidad las características y aplicabilidad de las distintas opciones de diseños cualitativos y mixtos en sus trabajos de... more
In the social sciences, the debate concerning whether to use quantitative or qualitative methodologies for research purposes is one of the most controversial – and the most confusing. Meanwhile, in political science and international... more
What do we actually do when we research education policy and governance? Why do we tame the messy hinterland of research into smooth accounts and what do we lose in the process? In this volume, distinguished scholars in education policy... more
Contrary to its typical presentation in scientific publications as a certain and linear process, in reality the experimental method, not least the design aspect of it, requires a great deal of trial-and-error and ad hoc decision-making on... more
Inspired by the potentials of web-based collaboration, in 2014, a group of social scientists, students and information specialists started tinkering with software and methodology for open online collaborative research. The results of... more
Cuadro de síntesis con algunas recomendaciones para construir un proyecto de investigación en ciencias sociales. Tomado del libro: Disertación elemental. Algunas cuestiones sobre la investigación social. Bogotá: Universidad Santo Tomás,... more
Family Solidarity and Rural Economy: A Qualitative Study on Family Solidarity Connected to Hazelnut Production in the Central Blacksea Region (in Turkey) Abstract This paper examines and interprets some aspects of solidarity, shown... more
This chapter (here as a proof copy) explores the methodological tensions encountered between the policy guidelines and practical realities of longitudinal, qualitative research work in the field of social work in two Canadian cities. The... more
Research Methods in the Social Sciences is a comprehensive yet compact A-Z for undergraduate and postgraduate students undertaking qualitative and quantitative research across the social sciences, featuring 71 entries that cover a wide... more
Perhaps the most fruitful distinction with which the sociological imagination works is between the ‘personal troubles of milieu’ and ‘the public issues of social structure’. This distinction is an essential tool of the sociological... more
Inspired by the potentials of web-based collaboration, in 2014, a group of social scientists, students and information specialists started tinkering with software and methodology for open online collaborative research. The results of... more