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I wanted to write this review because I want to share my joy with the world. Since following the Pregnancy Miracle program, I’ve truly gained a new life. Two years ago, my husband John and I decided it was time to make a baby. I was 29... more
This assessment tool identifies contributing factors to presenting problems, identifies goals in counseling, helps form a therapeutic alliance, and deepens client insight into the story behind current difficulties. Simply completing this... more
(Comment): This is a rare study describing the development and validation of a psychological test of perceived social support as conducted in a war-torn field setting. Although originally developed for use with Bosnian adolescents who,... more
Adolescent pregnancy has been a common problem not only in the Philippines but also in most countries of the world, may it be developing or first world. In this study, the prevalence of adolescent pregnancy was determined throughout the... more
El embarazo no deseado en mujeres de 12 a 19 años de edad, es un fenómeno cuya presencia e incidencia se ha incrementado significativamente en el municipio de Tijuana Baja California, se considera como un problema de salud pública sexual... more
Social Cognitive Theory explains how different personal, environmental and cognitive factors influence human behavior and it has been an important source of knowledge in the social and health sciences. It has been employed in research and... more
Background: Prior to 1990 voluntary abortion and sale of modern contraceptives was prohibited in Romania. Family planning in Romania has enjoyed a positive evolution, but some problems persist. Objectives: This study proposes to... more
Adolescent pregnancy has been a common problem not only in the Philippines but also in most countries of the world, may it be developing or first world. In this study, the prevalence of adolescent pregnancy was determined throughout the... more
The main objective of this study was to assess awareness of danger signs of pregnancy and its associated factors in Mekelle public hospitals, 2014. Institutional based cross sectional study was conducted among 422 pregnant mothers.... more
Adolescence is regarded a key period when individual differences in perfectionism develop. Yet, so far only a few longitudinal studies have investigated the development of perfectionism in adolescents. Using a longitudinal correlational... more
An important amount of research suggests that parents’ authoritative style is associated with improvements in different aspects of adolescents’psycho-social adjustment. This article develops and analyzes the typology of parental educative... more
Adolescent pregnancy is a serious public health and social problem. Over 95% of adolescent pregnancy cases occur in developing countries. Understanding and addressing the determinants of adolescent pregnancy is crucial to ending the vice.... more
Adolescent mothers and girls in the juvenile justice system, as populations, exhibit similar developmental and social risks. Yet despite these significant numbers of identified risks, both adolescent mothers as well as girls who have been... more
This paper offers a review of current data about adolescent sexual and reproductive health in Mexico: sexual initiation, contraception use and fertility, maternal health, abortion, young men’s sexual health and sexually transmitted... more
Autor w swoim artykule wychodzi od mesjańskich nadziei związanych z rodzeniem dzieci. Przeciwstawia entuzjastycznemu spodziewaniu się zbawienia związanego z urodzeniem dziecka koncepcję mesjanizmu pustynnego Derridy, czyli oczekiwania... more
When expectant mothers prepare for motherhood, this has a positive impact on their own lives and in terms of their children. The preparations in the process of pregnancy, birth, postpartum and baby care made by a mother-to-be who is... more
Background: In India, due to the high prevalence of child marriage, most adolescent pregnancies occur within marriage. Pregnancy and childbirth complications are among the leading causes of death in girls aged 15 to 19 years. Hence,... more
Adolescent fertility rates in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) remain unacceptably high, especially compared to the region's declining total fertility rates. The Region has experienced the slowest progress of all regions in the... more
Este artículo analiza las percepciones de adultos clave sobre su papel en la orientación de los jóvenes para la prevención de embarazos. Se basa en un estudio cualitativo en el que se realizaron 36 entrevistas a madres de adolescentes con... more
In this exploratory study, a survey was carried out with 902 junior high-school students in localities with medium to high degree of marginalization in two states of central Mexico. This article describes the family, reproductive, and... more
Producto final de consultoría para el Fondo de Población de las Naciones Unidas - Oficina Regional para América Latina y el Caribe. Panamá. Diciembre 2019
Гипноз, холотропное дыхание, расстановки-через все эти инструменты взрослого и состоявшегося человека можно вернуть к самым истокам его текущей жизни, а именно-к жизни в материнской утробе. Сразу после зачатия, в первые же мгновения... more
"About 34 million adolescents aged 10-19 constitute 21% of total population of Bangladesh. Early marriage is a social norm in Bangladesh. Bangladesh is second only to Niger in having the highest percentage of adolescent brides in the... more
Social Cognitive Theory explains how different personal, environmental and cognitive factors influence human behavior and it has been an important source of knowledge in the social and health sciences. It has been employed in research and... more
Background-—Previous studies observe associations between lifetime parity and cardiovascular disease, but relatively fewer investigate age at first childbirth (AFB). Herein, we examine the association of AFB with a summary cardiovascular... more
Since colonial times indigenous populations of Costa Rica have been systematically oppressed and discriminated. As a result indigenous people have been marginalized geographically and socially. Currently social inequities are common and... more
Objective: To identify the relationship between information resources usage (print and audiovisuals) and pregnancy in adolescence. Hyphotesis: Magazines and newspapers reading, as well as TV and radio preference, are associated with... more
Objective was to assess ante natal care utilization and its associated factors among 15 to 49 years of age women in Ayder Kebelle, Mekelle city 2012/2013. Community based cross sectional study design was conducted, interviewer... more
Purpose: Legislation that restricts abortion access decreases abortion. It is less well understood whether these statutes affect unintended birth. Given recent increases in teen pregnancy and birth, we examined the relationship between... more
Un cuerpo teórico importante de investigación sugiere que el estilo autoritativo de los padres se asocia con unas mejoras en diversos aspectos de ajuste psicosocial de los adolescentes. Este artículo desarrolla y analiza la tipología de... more