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The first chapter and table of contents of Just Universities can be read at the publisher's website: Abstract: Gerald J. Beyer’s Just Universities discusses ways that U.S.... more
School counselors are uniquely positioned to promote college going and improve lagging postsecondary matriculation for Latino men. Hipolito-Delgado and Lee’s empowerment framework guided this narrative inquiry to consider how school... more
This article argues that Canada fails to meet its obligation under article 24 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities to provide students with autism with access to inclusive education. Moving beyond... more
Explores the situations, regulations, and policies that determine higher education access for  unhomed, or homeless, students entering higher education.
El programa Ser Pilo Paga ha ayudado a atenuar las brechas sociales en el acceso a la educación superior en las ciudades, pero ha sido incapaz de superar la lógica de centro-periferia en relación con las zonas rurales.
The article argues that the applicability and value of “skills” depend to a considerable degree on the way in which a person enters a country. Based on a study on potential university students with refugee backgrounds, it shows how... more
This article reports on access to higher education in South Africa nearly twenty years after the formal demise of apartheid. It presents a description of the challenges facing South African society and schooling, which impact, on higher... more
Link para acceso al artículo: Resumen En el contexto de mecanismos de admisión poco selectivos y gratuidad de los estudios en el sector público, la demanda social... more
Este artículo aborda algunos elementos sobre la situación de las Instituciones de Educación Superior (IES) de Puerto Rico ante los retos económicos y fiscales que enfrenta. El escenario de Puerto Rico es uno de mucha incertidumbre, en... more
Compared to the few public higher education institutions in the prewar era, postwar Somalia boasts a large number of academic institutions at the tertiary level, mainly as privately owned universities. Although these community-initiated... more
The purpose of this research was to examine the role of tuition fees and their impact on university enrolment in Ontario. The study sought to answer whether or not an increase in tuition fees would deter university students from... more
Using newly available data from the Trajectories in Education and Careers Study, the first longitudinal study on a representative sample of high school students in Russia, we examined the importance of investments in human and cultural... more
This evaluation was commissioned by DG/NEAR to PARTICIP with the overall objective to assess the current generation of EUTF-funded HE support programmes and to identify elements of future EUTF interventions contributing to improving... more
This Guidebook is one of the ACTUS project deliverables (D11) concerning the good practices to follow and the delineation of the appropriate route for creating, in a visible future, an accessible University environment and educational... more
The government of South Africa, through the national department of education and various provincial education branches, has called for an upscale in the use of multigrade teaching in primary schools, many of which are located in rural... more
Educators and policymakers are keenly aware of the need to prepare students to compete in an increasingly global society. It is widely accepted that a high school diploma is not sufficient and that secondary schools have a responsibility... more
The access to university and the continuation of education for people in refugee situation are investigated herein as from four initial questions: how did Covid-19 find society and this is cause displacement cases?; what is a refugee’s... more
The aim of this research project was to evaluate how well Access tutors could work together with HE staff to improve pedagogy with a specialist art and design college. This case study illustrated the benefits and challenges of working... more
Open Access This open access book analyses migration and its relation to socio-political transformation in Switzerland. It addresses how migration has made new forms of life possible and shows how this process generated gender... more
This is an informative entry on the SAGE Encyclopedia of Economics and Society.
As a human right, education is one of the subsidiary elements for a society helping to fight against discrimination and exclusion. This is because it is necessary to understand the real meaning of it promulgated under international and... more
Nota de opinión en INFOBAE sobre las razones que explican por qué los estudiantes de los grupos más desfavorecidos están sub representados en los estudiantes de universidades argentinas, las que tienen ingreso irrestricto y gratuidad.
There is a currently a growing literature investigating the relationship between tuition fee rates and access to post-secondary education. This paper is an analytical review of several existing empirical works that address this... more
In this chapter I will provide a brief overview of Middlesex University’s approach to the accreditation of ‘in-house’ organisational training and will describe how this, together with the UniversityWork Based Learning Framework and... more
ABSTRACT The study examined the extent to which open and distance learning(ODL) is an alternative university education for women at the Zimbabwe Open University (ZOU). it explored 50 ZOU staff , that is , 12 female academic and nine... more
Special Issue: Call for articles this Special Issue calls for articles researching the relationship between higher education access policies and citizenship policies in European colonial empires, whatever the empire or the period... more
The Educational Opportunity Fund program of New Jersey (EOF) is a dynamic program that was established in 1968 as a way of providing accessibility, support, and funding for New Jersey students who come from educationally and... more
* The number of males entering higher education via an enabling pathway is slowly increasing; yet, males still battle with the anti-intellectual attitude that is prevalent in regional areas of Australia. Previous research undertaken by... more
This paper presents results of a questionnaire survey of 1400 Year 13 (final-year) school and sixth-form pupils in two contrasting areas of England, which asked them about their thoughts and plans to study at university abroad. Key... more
This paper examines how opportunity structures for learning, income, and status emerge in a global space shaped by local stakeholders aspiring for strategic positions in international competition. The case-study of Hong Kong suggests that... more
""Om ons inzicht in de studiekeuzeproblematiek te vergroten bestuderen we de rationale achter de studiekeuze van aspirant-studenten met een niet-westerse allochtone afkomst. In deze studie staan de volgende vragen centraal: (1) welke... more
Some of the refugees forced to flee their home country are young people who have just graduated from secondary school, completed one or more semesters at university level, or already hold a first degree. They want to continue their... more
It is a well-documented concern that at every stage of the CS pipeline, talented students are dropping out, particularly women and ethnic minorities. While many researchers have studied the reasons for this within the scope of their own... more
Higher education in Brazil has expanded rapidly over the last 20 years, reaching a total of over 7 million students and over 2000 institutions. However, the net enrollment ratio is still low at only 15%, and students are drawn mainly from... more
This white paper presents current research and makes recommendations on the array of placement practices for writing courses at two-year colleges. Specifically, this white paper (1) identifies the current state of placement practices and... more
The ‘London effect’ on school attainment and the higher rates of university participation in the capital have entrenched the broader geographical inequalities between London and the rest of the country. Within widening participation,... more
Frente a las brechas de acceso a la educación superior, el Gobierno de Chile creó el 2014 un programa de acción afirmativa con el objetivo de restituir el derecho a ese ni- vel educativo: el Programa de Acompañamiento y Acceso... more
There growing interest in retention among researchers, much of which has centred on the extent to which new students can be helped to integrate into the institution. This paper reports on a study of non-traditional students in UK... more
En un contexto de mecanismos de admisión poco selectivos y gratuidad de los estudios en el sector público, la demanda social por estudios de educación superior creció fuertemente en Argentina. Este artículo analiza si el acceso a la... more