In the Plain Corner! It's me, General Kraken, with a relatively standard selection of my sloggy footmen.
In the Bold Corner! It's General Kasfunatu.
Kas gave me a random table to roll on to see what I'd be up against, and I scored a fight with his Ghoul-based Vampire Counts. Sighing, I reached for the Hexwraith countermeasures.
Of which there are none. So an experimental army instead, several small chaffy units of naked marauders that I hoped to use as redirective cannon fodder, a chariot, some buffed up characters and warriors and a unit of Khornate Chosen. Plus loose change - so I've got lots of units, but they're all quite small. I'm not totally sure MSU is a good look for Chaos, but who knows!
- Luks Mortis, Chaos Lord - Scaled Skin, Soul Feeder, Crown of Command, Tormentor Sword
- Thanator, Exalted Hero - BSB with the ever popular Banner of Discipline
- Karaktar the Assassinator, Chaos Sorcerer - Level 2 lore of Death, barded chaos steed, chaos familiar, opal amulet, charmed shield, gold sigil sword
- 10 Chaos Warriors - Marks of Slaanesh, shields, Lichebone Pennant
- 10 Marauder scum - Naked
- 10 Marauder scum - Also Naked
- 10 More Marauder scum - Birthday Suits
- 1 Chariot
- 10 Chosen of Khorne - Marks of Khorne, shields, Banner of Swiftness
- 1 Warshrine
- Chaos Spawn of Slaanesh
I had delved in to my pile of unplayed 1600 pt lists and ended up with one of the undead lists. I think I fancied the Tzeentch daemon chances (another option) but I could not decide (hence the roll)... I quite liked it as a way of choosing, I may try again on the next battle. (And when proxying it really didn't matter that they looked like).
The undead list spent all their core points on one horde of ghouls, I opted for a corpsecart (mainly to reduce the WoCs casting ability rather than the ASF boost), then a minimum sized units of bloodknights. The blood knights were joined by a vampire, I had a lone vampire on a hellsteed for character/chariot hunting, and a vampire lord with the ghouls.
Death By Proxy |
- Lord Varys, Vampire lord lvl3 lore of vampire, enchanted shield, heavy armour, great weapon, red fury, quickblood
- 39 Crypt ghouls with champion
- Prince Fazir, Vampire, lvl2 lore of vampire, nightmare, heavy armour, shield, warrior bane, obsidian amulet
- 4 blood knights with command and flag of the blood keep
- Corpse cart with balefire
- Squire Horax, Vampire lvl1 lore of vampire, hellsteed, shield, great weapon, armour of destiny, beguile