Titan close combat weapon
Titan Close Combat Weapon (aka Titan CCW or TCCW) is the generic name given to the oversized and extremely deadly close quarters combat weapons fitted to some titan-class vehicles and Knights.[1a] Several races are known to fit such weapons to their titans, including the Imperium[1b], Eldar[2] and Orks.[1c]
- 1 Titan Close Combat Weapon Types
- 2 Types
- 2.1 Titan Chainfist
- 2.2 Titan Chainsword
- 2.3 Titan Power Claw
- 2.4 Titan Power Fist
- 2.5 Titan Power Glaive
- 2.6 Titan Power Lance
- 2.7 Titan Power Ram
- 2.8 Titan Power Saw
- 2.9 Titan Wrecker
- 2.10 Krius Siege Drill
- 2.11 Chaos Energy Whip
- 2.12 Chaos Titan Tail
- 2.13 Ursus Claw
- 2.14 Ork Titan Close Combat Weapons
- 3 Related Articles
- 4 Sources
Titan Close Combat Weapon Types
For vehicles as large as titans "close combat" is a relative term, essentially starting once the enemy has gotten within the vehicle's defensive shield perimeter. Accordingly, titan close combat weapons are often large enough to mount additional secondary ranged weapon systems, as in the case of the Eldar Phantom Titan Power Fist[2] or are themselves extremely short-ranged energy weapons of surpassing power, such as the Imperial Laser Burner.[3] Most typically, however, titan close combat weapons resemble standard close combat weapons used by the infantry of the race that built the titan, but on a stupendous scale and utilising essentially the same technologies.
Titan Chainfist
Titan Chainsword
Ork Stompa with Titan-class Chainsword
Titan Power Claw
Titan Power Fist
Reaver Titan with Titan-class Power Fist
Warlock Titan Power Fist[13]
Titan Power Glaive
Known also as the Ashuna-Valcry'le, roughly translated as 'Sleepless Harbinger of Destruction', the Power Glave is one of the less-common weapons wielded by an Eldar Phantom Titan. In addition to its deadly close combat blades the weapon also mounts two Starcannons.
Titan Power Lance
Types of Titan Power Lances include the Natrix Shock Lance.
Titan Power Ram
The Power Ram delivers a high-velocity strike capable of punching through the thickest armor and inflecting major internal damage. A single hit is able to send an enemy Titan crashing to the ground.[12]
Titan Power Saw
This motorized buzz saw Power Weapon is capable of ripping through the toughest of opponents.[12]
Titan Wrecker
A large wrecking ball swung at the end of a reinforced chain, its primary purpose is to deliver a crushing blow against buildings and fortifications. It however can also be used as a slow but effective anti-titan close combat weapon.[12]
Krius Siege Drill
Used on the Iconoclast Titan[14].
Chaos Energy Whip
Are a type of tentacle-like Power Weapons found on Chaos Titans such as the Chaos Warlord.
Chaos Titan Tail
These enormous weapon-tipped tails are known to grow from Chaos Titans. Chaos Titan Tails are known to sport maces and wrecking balls, Chain Weapons, hooks, and cannons.[10]
Ursus Claw
Ork Titan Close Combat Weapons
- See Main: Ork Titan close combat weapon
Related Articles
- 1: Apocalypse
- 2: Swordwind Part 1 - Eldar Forces pg. 24 (save archive page, dated November 2010, last accessed 13 January 2016)
- 3: Epic Armageddon Rulebook, pg. 165
- 4: Codex Titanicus (1st Edition)
- 5: Forgeworld Titans
- 6: Forge World (last accessed 30 May 2015)
- 7: Codex: Imperial Knights (7th Edition), pgs. 22, 117
- 8: FW Cerastus Knight Castigator PDF (last accessed 30 March 2016)
- 9: White Dwarf September 2016, The Ultimate Guide to... Imperial Knights - Imperial Knight Houses
- 10: Renegades, pg. 75
- 11: Epic 40,000 Magazine Issue 7, pg. 25
- 12: White Dwarf 142 (UK), pg. 50-51
- 13: 1996 - Citadel Miniatures 1995/96 Annual pg.160
- 14: Warhammer Community: Enter the Abominant – Two New Chaos Knights Revealed at AdeptiCon (posted 23/3/2022) (last accessed 23/2/2022)Warhammer Community: Enter the Abominant – Two New Chaos Knights Revealed at AdeptiCon (posted 23/3/2022) (last accessed 23/2/2022)
- 15: Games Workshop Knight Despoiler (last accessed 10/7/2020)
- 16: Codex: Chaos Knights (9th Edition) pg. 103-105
- 17: Games Workshop Knight Abominant (18/5/2022)
- 18: Warhammer Community: Meet the Warmaster Iconoclast Titan Whose Chainsword Is as Big as a Building (Posted on 16/08/2021) (Last accessed on 16 August 2021)