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Stormspear Rocket Pod

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Stormspear Rocket Pod

The Stormspear Rocket Pod is a type of Rocket Pod used by Imperial Knights. This carapace-mounted weapon fires self-propelled projectiles tipped with armor-piercing warheads. Only accurate at medium range, they are best employed versus heavily armoured infantry or moderately armoured vehicles. The launcher itself is capable of firing their payloads in successive volleys of three.[1]


Imperial Knights
Questoris Pattern PaladinErrantCrusaderGallantWardenPreceptorMageraStyrix
Dominus Pattern CastellanValiant
Cerastus Pattern LancerCastigatorAcheronAtrapos
Acastus Pattern PorphyrionAsterius
Armiger Pattern WarglaiveHelverinMoirax
Ranged Weaponry Armiger AutocannonAtrapos LascutterAvenger Gatling CannonBattle CannonCastigator Bolt CannonConflagration CannonConversion Beam CannonFlame CannonGraviton Singularity CannonIronstorm Missile PodIcarus AutocannonLas-ImpulsorLightning CannonLightning LockPlasma DecimatorSiegebreaker CannonShieldbreaker MissileStormspear Rocket PodThermal CannonThermal SpearThundercoil HarpoonVolcano LanceVolkite ChieorovileVolkite Veuglaire
Melee Weaponry Cerastus Shock LanceHekaton Siege ClawReaper ChainfistReaper ChainswordTempest WarbladeThunderstrike Gauntlet
Support Systems Construct ShieldHelm MechanicumIon ShieldIon Gauntlet ShieldThrone Mechanicum