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Temple University Press, Philadelphia 19122 Copyright© 1993 by Temple University. All rights reserved Published 1993 Printed in the United States of America The paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of American... more
This article examines the role played by extra-judicial officers in the Sharia court of seventeenth-century Istanbul. It makes two central arguments: that the Ottoman Sharia court of the period was not immune from the influence of... more
Sulh in Eighteenth-century Ottoman fatwa compilations. Hosainy, Hadi Mohammed (2007) Sulh in Eighteenth-century Ottoman fatwa compilations. [Thesis]. [img], PDF - Registered users only - Requires a PDF viewer such as GSview, Xpdf or Adobe... more
Lina del Castillo During the 1820s, Gran Colombia’s official newspaper selectively edited writings by Francisco José de Caldas, casting him as a Galilean figure —the martyr... more
Durante la década de 1820, el periódico oficial de la Gran Colombia editó selectivamente escritos de Francisco José de Caldas, exhibiéndolo como una figura galiléica —el martir de un régimen oscurantista—. La Gaceta se negó a reconocer el... more
Nineteenth-century republicans across the political spectrum agreed: the Spanish monarchy produced ‘miserable Indians’. Abolishing tribute and privatising communal lands, known as resguardos in New Granada (roughly today's Panama and... more