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Irrespective of the existing provisions on gender equality, we must be aware that future teachers are carriers of their own cultural codes, as they are the product of the system from which they come. In this way, they create the most... more
Vzgojno-izobraževalne ustanove posedujejo velik potencial za zmanjševanje vpliva manjšinskega stresa na življenja mladih LGBTQ+. V članku se osredotočamo na rezilientnost mladih LGBTQ+ v okviru šolskega okolja. Opravljen sistematiziran... more
Abstract Introduction: Absenteeism among employees of the Slovenian wood industry is considered being relatively high. This paper presents a selection of results from an extensive survey. The focus of the results presented here is on... more
POVZETEK – Gibalno/športna aktivnost je zelo pomembna tako za posameznikov motorični kot tudi psihični razvoj. Omogoča pridobivanje novih izkušenj, sprejemanje in izbiranje informacij iz okolja ter njihovo uporabo v različnih življenjskih... more
Aim. The objective of the study was to examine self-esteem, anxiety level and coping strategies among secondary school students in relation to their involvement in organized sports. Methods. The sample included 280 Slovenian male and... more
The aim of the study was to examine the multidimensional physical self-concept among Slovenian adolescent males and females in relation to participation in sports. Three hundred and twenty participants aged between 13 and 18 were included... more
Namen raziskave je bil preučiti telesno samopodobo srednješolcev glede na status telesne teže. V vzorec smo vključili 258 slovenskih mladostnic in mladostnikov med 15. in 18. letom. Na podlagi indeksa telesne mase (ITM) smo udeležence... more
Aim. The objective of the study was to examine self-esteem, anxiety level and coping strategies among secondary school students in relation to their involvement in organized sports. Methods. The sample included 280 Slovenian male and... more
Sažetak SLOBODNA IGRA Djeca imaju potrebu za igrom koja je sastavni i neophodan dio njihovog djetinjstva. Slobodna igra djece može biti potpuno samostalna ili se u nju može uključiti i odrasla osoba (roditelj, odgojitelj)... more