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From Users’ Intentions to IF-THEN Rules in the Internet of Things

Published: 16 August 2021 Publication History


In the Internet of Things era, users are willing to personalize the joint behavior of their connected entities, i.e., smart devices and online service, by means of trigger-action rules such as “IF the entrance Nest security camera detects a movement, THEN blink the Philips Hue lamp in the kitchen.” Unfortunately, the spread of new supported technologies makes the number of possible combinations between triggers and actions continuously growing, thus motivating the need of assisting users in discovering new rules and functionality, e.g., through recommendation techniques. To this end, we present , a semantic Conversational Search and Recommendation (CSR) system able to suggest pertinent IF-THEN rules that can be easily deployed in different contexts starting from an abstract user’s need. By exploiting a conversational agent, the user can communicate her current personalization intention by specifying a set of functionality at a high level, e.g., to decrease the temperature of a room when she left it. Stemming from this input, implements a semantic recommendation process that takes into account (a) the current user’s intention, (b) the connected entities owned by the user, and (c) the user’s long-term preferences revealed by her profile. If not satisfied with the suggestions, then the user can converse with the system to provide further feedback, i.e., a short-term preference, thus allowing to provide refined recommendations that better align with the original intention. We evaluate by running different offline experiments with simulated users and real-world data. First, we test the recommendation process in different configurations, and we show that recommendation accuracy and similarity with target items increase as the interaction between the algorithm and the user proceeds. Then, we compare with other similar baseline recommender systems. Results are promising and demonstrate the effectiveness of in recommending IF-THEN rules that satisfy the current personalization intention of the user.


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ACM Transactions on Information Systems  Volume 39, Issue 4
October 2021
482 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 16 August 2021
Accepted: 01 January 2021
Revised: 01 December 2020
Received: 01 May 2020
Published in TOIS Volume 39, Issue 4


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  1. Trigger-action programming
  2. abstraction
  3. conversational recommender system
  4. semantic web
  5. Internet of Things
  6. functionality


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